Monday, February 27, 2006


For you gonjeng

1 month

1 month
Happy birthday my precious... you are one month old.. even abah is home today to celebrate this moment....
a gift from my company. but its not for you dear. its for ummie. i went thru the baby gifts. they all seemed non functional. with a budget of only $60 there wasn't much choice. so ummie decided to get flowers. Everlasting blooms. but when Elaine told me they were fresh flowers ummie could not sleep thinking i blew 60 bucks! but when they arrive ummie was happy to know Raya this year we got a new conversation piece...wahaha... No worries dear there are still plenty of unopened gifts for you...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Aqiqah & Cukur Rambut

Aqiqah & Cukur Rambut

Double happiness - Aqiqah & Cukur Rambut of Princess Amalyna & Elisya. over the causeway, you met Amalyna for the first time. well with your fuzzy sight its more to listening to her meek cries. she may be younger but she is much bigger than you. she's got so much hair. i am sure the event wont harm her looks.

*yes Amalyna they are gonna cut your hair*

all gathered to see history repeats itself. before it was ummie & auntiZilah growing up together wit matching clothes. now its your turn to go thru this vicious cycle. nyang is delighted to welcome her 4th & 5th cicit...

the marhabban was all ladies. so ummie carried you and i squint when they cut off such long strands. mostly it was the grandads and grandmums that did it.

you know its their first time. with jittery fingers they snip off bits of hair. also in the excitement they kinda drop the hair in the wrong place. hee...

a beautiful day it was. thanx to MakLong for inviting us to join what it was supposed to be Amalyna's big day. thank you Amalyna for sharing the limelight.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

licensed to travel the world

licensed to travel the world

baby you got your own passport. ummie usually use it to escape the grips of life. unless its a company trip. but you gotta wait a while before we can have fun. meanwhile First stop : Johor family bungalow. we are gonna have your keka & cukur rambut. hurray! baby dont just sleep. help ummie pack...

Friday, February 24, 2006

you got mail

you got mail
snail mail... we drag receiving 'em bills after bills. occasionally some wedding cards come thru. but yesterday i was delighted when got plenty of presents from my snail mail box. for me.. for me..
why baby.. you've got a fan all the way from Newcastle. sweet guy he is. now this goes in your baby book. you'll appreciate it when you learn to read..hehe

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


my breastfeeding days are over
unfortunately my breast has gone all flaccid on me. my baby only got 3 weeks of my milk. i gotta say breastfeeding is a LOTTA work. for someone who does her own cleaning n cooking - it is a daunting task. honestly I was only too happy to switch to fomula. my breast ballooned 2 bra cups. now it seems like my old bra fits again. oh my beautiful bras i miss you... *lucky me that pump was a hand me down*

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

pinky goes to skool

pinky goes to skool

Tuesday is spelling day. so naturally she dreads today the most.

I remember my spelling days. it became a phobia coz my teacher hit me on the head. she hit me with the small blue note book. I didnt know what spelling meant. so i copied the words from under the table! she caught me and hit me with it...wahahhaa. It wasn't funny then.

Monday, February 20, 2006

baby first sleepover

baby first sleepover

went to my parents house over the weekend. logistics was a headache. the 'to bring' list mounted even when i tried my best to keep it bare. still it resulted to 3 bags - baby's, ummie & abah's and baby's sleeping stuff. worth all the hassle when i see many happy faces....

later you got very whiny, baby. **when a baby never sleeps from 4 to 12 something is so wrong** so we end up in KKH on Sunday. it was a 2 hr ordeal. still ppl were pleasent and our doc was very obliging. it was worth the wait as we are armed with how to deal wit you better. even got great advise for things as mundane as feeding. Doc said you got the flu bug & throat infection dear. apparently it was from us! sorry to make you go through it. still these are suppose to make the pain go away...

now you sleep and wake like a healthy baby should. more time for cooking n house work *sighs* Get well my dear hunny bunny *wink*...

thanx to aunt carol, cedric n prakash for a sweet pink bedding set

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

aakif harith

aakif harrith
a friend came to see you dear. but you were sleeping. he is a gentleman and the gift he bought you swept me off my feet. hee... his intention was to sweep you off yours ~ on his tricycle maybe...
lets see we got levis jean, harley top, bandana, denim shoes... leather jacket?

Monday, February 13, 2006

hush baby hush

hush baby hush

how do you make a baby stop wailing without holding, rocking or patting. Wail is like till no voice and face turns blue... I am pissed! I am on a mission to make this baby sleep without aid of rocker or bouncer. I am giving myself 3 days to undo this mess. Help me GOD....

Friday, February 10, 2006

slave to your love

slave to your love
you outsmart ummie all the time. changing your feeding and sleeping routine. you're on something new now. making a fuss after feeding when you know you are sleepy. abah even bought you the old skool buai. we also have a rocker and bouncing net. I guess you are spoilt for choice. none of them can make you hush though. even the much hated pacifier does not satisfy you. you are one tough cookie hunny. puzzles me everytime i go thru the checklist and i had done all there is that needs to be done. hmmm so whenever you sleep. I will leave you as is...
only to wake again half hour later coz you out of yur swaddle..hee *nice try ummie*

Thursday, February 09, 2006

hari asyura

Hari Asyura
no fasting for me. but i got to wait till Sat before I can taste bubur Asyura. scary seeing the way Shi 'a celebrate this day. hitting their heads with 'parang' wat a bloody mess. curious..I went to check our birthdays in Islamic calender. while checking his family, it turns out all the ladies were born Friday while the men on Tuesday *well mostly. tried out wit my was sheer coincidence as no pattern fall for my family...
27/01/2006 Missy E - Friday 27 Zulhijjah 1426
04/08/1978 C'caine - Friday 29 Sha'baan 1398
14/11/1947 MIL - Friday 1 Muharram 1367
24/10/1979 Painkilla - Wednesday 3 Zulhijjah 1399
24/05/1977 BIL - Tuesday 6 Jumaada al-Thaany 1397
26/08/1947 FIL - Tuesday 9 Shawwal 1366
18/04/1951 Baba - Wednesday 11 Rejab 1370
09/10/1958 Mama - Thursday 26 Raby al-awwal 1378
30/10/1983 Fyzz - Sunday 23 Muharrram 1404
22/09/1999 Pinky - Wednesday12 Jumaad al-Thaany 1420
Oh yeah...Fazzy just gave birth to a baby girl today...Alhamdulillah

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

damn jeans still tight

damn jeans still tight
its been 13 days since the miracle. I have lost 10kg and ~6" off my waist. I still got 2 days of urut to go. well 'em numbers dont make a difference. I still cant zip up my jeans! A friend told me not to even try. True enough it disheartens you. * dat even a word* I was still wearin my preggie jeans when i went out the other day. well those stiches down under feel better now. *thanx shana* maybe I can start on those exercise tapes i bought. the key word here is MAYBE...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

1st day out

1st day out
our excursion to the polyclinic. A very sickly place to go. Well its brand new and have special queue for babies. So it was fast and prompt. I am Sorry they had to prick your feet. Dumb docs still insisted on blood test when you obviously had no jaundice. Car ride..
It was tiring holding on to ya. Can't imagine if it was a long trip. It was tough juggling e street directory and ya. I am still the navigator. So we shop and came home more comfortable...hee

Friday, February 03, 2006

more gifts

keep 'em coming
more friends came over yesterday dear. showering ya with love and kisses. not forgeting the sweet leyla aleeya trying to seduce abah..cet... more gifts came your way. a baby book i wanted and the sweetest pair of Timberland booties i've ever seen. even abah squealed with delight. for the obvious reasons that we are Timberland lovers. then look who i caught red handed with our goods...

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Muharram 1427
we start off the new year with a bang. your arrival has made both sides of the family gather for awal & akhir tahun kenduri ritual. literally every corner was a face you ought to know. about 60 faces greeted you that day. Gifts came pouring in dear. What you want more... its only been 5 days. I'm sure there'll be more...hee