Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our fishies part deux

Only one survivor from the original batch of fishies. We manage to cycle the tank. the high ammonia and nitrite was the likely cause of failure. We do away with the gravel, live plant and the wood piece. Put artificial plants and plastic shelter for them instead. the cramic was probably a better choice just less aesthetic value. We trusted Seachem PRIME to condition the water and API natural products MELAFIX to contain disease in the tank.
We bought 50ea OF Tetra - Balloon Red Eye fishes that school very close together it was a delight to watch. Not the most colourful but surely most entertaining. We got frens for the goldie suvivor. And yes the Tetras nip the fins of their bigger mates! They are doing well in that tank.. Alhamdulillah
Our hearts sink whenever we lost any fish and we are determined not to lose any this time! InShaaAllah

Saturday, February 21, 2015

CNY Guests

Hadirah came over and the gurls had their very own pyjama party where I was not welcome. =.( 
Early CNy morning we took a walk at the nearby estate and saw the Buangkok Kampung. The very last in SG.
We gathered at Busu's place and Isham showed up, all the way from BKK!
I made some Sugee Cookies that was too good. I packed some to return the blessings i got from my colleagues.
Lovely long CNY weekend despite us having cough and cold..

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Though unwell from slight cough, they were excited to join the celebrations in school.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

late supper

rear goldfish

family fitness

Hubby had picked up a new lifestyle. Daily long runs 5km to half marathons. New diet with salads, meats, soups. along with many kinds of supplements. He lost 9kg and he is loving it!
I can't keep up with his discipline.. and jealously eye his success.
Congratz to my love. we enjoy this new lifestyle as we too get to go out more often indulging in outdoor activities
Masha'Allah life is great!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Swiss Merangue Buttercream

With Chef Nor
Trainer Lea Oven from KL

@ Rizqeen Bakery Supplies, Johor Bahru