Friday, December 22, 2017

Erawan falls Thailand

Erawan Falls, 7 tiers of stunning waterfall with emerald green pond!
 سبحان الله‎ #playwithyourmunchkins 21Dec2017 @ Erawan National Park
We conqured all 7 tiers! It was my dream to introduce them to my passion : Trekking! They were so so fortunate to do their first at at these magnificent falls! So majestic. So sparkling clean!! سبحان الله‎  I am so so proud of my munchkins 🐥🐤 An amazing feat by the munchkins! They never cower, they never whine. They took each step eager to reach the next falls. Every tier is unique and we dare say #beentheredonethat ...!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Nenek's care

Nenek's new bed is in Hadirah's room. We pray that Nenek likes her new space and resident. We pray that Allah ease her pain. We pray that Allah give Winarsih strength to guide her daily needs. We pray that our family will only get closer with Nenek's strength and berkah at our home! Masha'Allah

Sunday, November 12, 2017

GEWR 2017

Cuzzies conquered yet another run..! Beautiful cloudy skies sheltered our sweet sweet run. The rain catch up on us so we seek refuge over great kopi talk! H.A.P.P.Y #cousins❤️ #lindarunlikecrazy #GEWR2017

Movie date

Despite feeling blue with a wee bit of stomach flu, they confirmed they had no fever and ready for a movie date. I believe its my first time ever to be with a cloque of mummies rather than my own cuzzies. They enjoyed themselves tremendously ... Masha'Allah

Mama says visiting hours whole day! Syidah help to buy dressing supplies with Mama & C Arah. Nenek gets weekly nurse visit and monthly doctor visit.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Nenek's care - Dah boleh balik!

So for now, we come to the decision that nenek will be at rumah illa (my mom) for the moment. This will be where nenek will have good initial supervision on her wound care and the nurses already noted the address so it will make admin matters easier. Her ic address is rumah sini so all her incoming letters and hospital stuff will be related to this address. We will discuss again after this house, where will be the next best solution. We already have a few options in mind for nenek. In sha Allah nenek can and will have her own place in sg in the near future. We will try to make that arrangement be as soon as possible. So for now semua jangan risau, kita in sha Allah mampu dan boleh jaga nenek to the best of our ability. More updates to come but for now we say alhamdulillah nenek is back home. Her fight with bacteria is also in good shape. She came in with a bacteria count in the hundreds and now she has dropped in the tens. So that's why they can allow nenek to be discharged. She is responding well to the medication. 👍🏻

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Nenek's care

Nenek's MRI result is negative for bone infection. Alhamdulillah
This means she can be discharged after 2 weeks of antibiotics, Augmentine.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Nenek's care

..Hafiz Updates.
Nenek to go for 2nd MRI tom 31 oct tue. Time not confirmed, prob 9am - 5pm slot. Nenek will be under some sedation to make her sleep during MRI , so she won't move about .
Nenek ever since she got better, means she know can feel the pain more on her wounds.
So know it's a bit more difficult when cleaning her wounds because she will move and be unhappy. It's a balance that we have to face. If nenek feels better physically, means her senses is coming back to normal, means she gets upset easier.
So we try to maintain her weight and makes sure she eats and drinks even when she initially does not.
The docs says , if the results of the MRI shows no bone infection, she will then just be on augmentin till mon, 05 nov 17 and will be released to go home.
Nenek a bit moody la so far, so if u guys come later and see her, don't be alarmed. It's just her actually feeling the pain from her wounds.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Nenek's care

This is Nenek smiling.. Masha'Allah
[29/10, 10:46 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
She is better with each day...
First thing when she sees me
Me: nenekkkk...
Nenek: takes out her hand and says duit. Mana duit? 藍
Nenek: nenek dah baik. Nak balik. And laughs / giggles.
Me: wow.... k nanti nenek baik kita balik k...
nenek : smiles...
[29/10, 10:48 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
Dia ajak bual... now talking bout Ahmad (Pak long).
[29/10, 10:49 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
Me: nenek tengok Gigi, hafiz nak cuci
Nenek: eh takmu Gigi dah berterabur...藍
[29/10, 10:53 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
Nenek: hafiz. Hafiz..
Me: ah apa nek.
Nenek: kasi tau Cik Jaapar, besok dia nak kerja.
Me: ok....
Backstory: yesterday Cik jappar was here and he was offered a job after so long. Nenek memang banyak baraqah. Doa orang yang tua/sakit memang mustajab. It's like a direct line. 
[29/10, 11:36 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
Nenek: mumbling
Me: Ada apa nek.
Nenek: bilang Cik aim.
Me : bilang apa nek
Nenek: bilang Cik aim. Dia cakap kalau Ada apa2 bilang Cik aim... (in full)
me: ah ok nek.
She speaks in full. Mentioning mat shah, Hadirah and many others la.
We take that her memory is progressing.
She ask to call 4425449 and at that moment Cik Jah is waiting downstairs.

[29/10, 11:18 AM] Hafiz Bro: 
29 oct 17
Dr tan deshawn.
Pic line insertion will be postponed after MRI scan.
Prof ragu wants the MRI to be done to confirm weather or not nenek indeed has bone infection. If yes, then they will put the pic line insertion to last 4 weeks of stronger anti biotics.
Only then, the docs will allow her to transfer to parkway east hospital.
If MRI results in negative ( no bone infection)
if no bone infection, then the current augmentin is enough for 2 weeks dosage and nenek is already on her 6th day (she is halfway ) thru.
Signs are positive , her blood count after yesterday transfusion, nenek got back up to 10.1. Which is her baseline.
Her wounds are manageable with no leaking or continues blood pouring .
MRI due possibly tue morning-afternoon

Friday, October 27, 2017

Nenek's care

Day3 By Hafiz 27Oct2017 11.50am :

..She's recovering so well. I'm suprised. She spoke in full sentences today and with clarity.
That hasn't happened for a long time.
She says to wina.
"Nanti nak beli Baju kurung"
Wina : oh iya nek
" nak baju color hitam"
Wina : ok nek.
Me: nanti makan nasi eh nek
Nenek: mana Ada nasi
Me: ni Ada nasi curry ikan ni. Cik Jah masak.
Nenek: nods.
While at MRI
Nenek: aku dah tua, tak payahla.
Nenek: jangan Ang kat kaki aku, nanti patah...
So all good signs la. She remembers more and is sharper.
But during the MRI, she moved too much so the test was inconclusive.
She might have to go again next week if she has a slot.
Blood culture results are back though. She confirms has these 2 blood bacterias : E. coli and proteus.
Doctors giving her anti biotics ( augmentin ) and so far she is responding well to the meds and not developing fever.
Nenek is like super strong la. I'm not sure of anyone that can go thru this pain without even mincing.
So it's jumaah today. Let's make doa for neneks recovery and hopefully we can bring her home.
Despite the good signs, nenek is fragile. She is can get very sick very fast if she develops fever. So we doa that won't happen.

Nenek's care

..[26/10, 6:39 PM] Hafiz Bro: 

Dr Vernon medical team met on (25 oct 17, 1100 hrs)
Dr Celeste on call doc (met 24 oct 17, 200hrs)
Prof Ragu ( head of medical team)
Release form
Currently nenek on
Anti biotics- augmentin
Blood bacteria - E. coli ( confirmed present)
Dr tan deshawn 26 oct 17 1054am
Ct scan done. Good
but have 1.5 cm gall stone in gall bladder 
Not affecting route
Blood culture test proves blood infection is positive. Unable to determine source of bacteria.
The E. coli  bacteria is diff and usually comes from the stomach but Ct scan shows low possibility
Blood infection possible to come from open wound ( not confirmed )
MRI to be done 26 oct 17 today to confirm if there's bone infection.
X ray shows signs of infection.
If confirm, docs will know which type of anti biotics to use and the duration to be under anti-biotics
Discussed possibility of plastic surgery and skin grafting but the prof ragu (head of the med team says it's not a good idea cause of the invasive anesthetics
She is classed as a 4. The highest rate of 1-4 among the patients severity.
5-10% she may not survive the infection.
It could be anytime, maybe next month,maybe next week if she suddenly has high fever, the bacteria may have spread and overcome her. But so far her signs are ok. No fever at the moment just low blood pressure .
From the dietician/nutritionist , she lost a lot of weight cause during all these years, she hasn't had enough calorie to meet her baseline ( just to meet her req calorie intake for a person her weight)
For now she will take a vanilla susu ( enrich 2.0) which is twice as dense in calorie than  her ensure milk .
We aim to get her to have 1500 calorie from now onwards daily ( her baseline needed is 1250 cal )

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Nenek's care

Nenek is eating well.. Alhamdulillah

Day2 by Hafiz
Dr Vernon (medical team)
Dr Celeste (on call doc)
Prof Ragu
Release form
Anti biotics- aigmentin
Blood bacteria - E. coli
Dr tan deshawn 26 oct 17 (medical team) 1054am
Ct scan done. Good- 1.5 cm in gall bladder 
Not affecting route
Blood culture test proves blood infection is positive. Unable to determine source of bacteria.
Particular bacteria is diff and usually comes from the stomach but Ct scan shows low possibility
Blood infection possible to come from open wound ( not confirmed )
MRI to be done today to confirm if there's bone infection.
X ray shows signs of infection.
If confirm, docs will know what type of anti biotics to use and the duration of under anti-biotics
Discussed possibility of plastic surgery and skin grafting but prof says it's not a good idea cause of the invasive anesthetics
She is classed as a 4.
5-10% she may not survive the infection.
It could be anytime, maybe next month, if she has high fever, the bacteria may have spread and overcome her.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Nenek's care

Day 1, Nenek wakes up to a good start. A fresh colour on her face and great alertness.
We have 2 priorities 1.Dietician Team & 2.Wound Team She will be on long term anti-biotics.
Her bed sore is a gaping wound, now on both sides of her pelvis. She also have a hip fracture. Blood test is still ongoing. Her XRay shows no infection on her affected bones however the Wound team is doubting this. An MRI scan would help determine. May Allah lessen her burden.
From Hafiz
Dr Vernon medical team met on (25 oct 17, 1100 hrs)
Dr Celeste on call doc (met 24 oct 17, 200hrs)
Prof Ragu ( head of medical team)
Release form

Currently nenek on
Anti biotics- augmentin
Blood bacteria - E. coli ( confirmed present)

Dr tan deshawn 26 oct 17 1054am
Ct scan done. Good 
but have 1.5 cm gall stone in gall bladder  
Not affecting route
Blood culture test proves blood infection is positive. Unable to determine source of bacteria. 

The E. coli  bacteria is diff and usually comes from the stomach but Ct scan shows low possibility
Blood infection possible to come from open wound ( not confirmed )

MRI to be done 26 oct 17 today to confirm if there's bone infection.
X ray shows signs of infection.
If confirm, docs will know which type of anti biotics to use and the duration to be under anti-biotics

Discussed possibility of plastic surgery and skin grafting but the prof ragu (head of the med team says it's not a good idea cause of the invasive anesthetics

She is classed as a 4. The highest rate of 1-4 among the patients severity.
5-10% she may not survive the infection. 

It could be anytime, maybe next month,maybe next week if she suddenly has high fever, the bacteria may have spread and overcome her. But so far her signs are ok. No fever at the moment just low blood pressure .

From the dietician/nutritionist , she lost a lot of weight cause during all these years, she hasn't had enough calorie to meet her baseline ( just to meet her req calorie intake for a person her weight) 
For now she will take a vanilla susu ( enrich 2.0) which is twice as dense in calorie than  her ensure milk . 
We aim to get her to have 1500 calorie from now onwards daily ( her baseline needed is 1250 cal )

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nenek's care

Nenek woke up bright and cheery to go for a polyclinic appointment at 2pm. Hafiz send for overall being medical check and her bed sore. Her bed sore needs medical attention so she was brought to Changi General Hospital where she was admitted at 8pm. Her bed sore is now a gaping wound that her bone is exposed. I pray to Allah to lessen her burden.

Dada's Day

We start the day with a run.. Knowing today willl be the ultimate cheat day!
Off to Mustafa shopping with the two brothers. Then I buy all I can eat at Sabar Menanti.. Ya Allah nikmat! Lia had too many servings of rendang and rice for her own sake. Even ask for more in the evening. Then after satisfying lucnh i rush to put together Pecan Butterscotch Cake for my love. Elisya insisted as she could not resists. Lia help to frost the cake. It was super yummy. oh my..
Subhanallah we had a splendid day. I love you too much my Lurve!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ishams back

Get together for Isham at Busu's place.. See Q's lil darlings!! Masha'Allah

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Zumba Zombies

Deepavali Zumba.. a day out with munchkins playing at the side lines. It is also the start of long PSLE marking days where they will be mugging for exams. all was good but someone had to cry making goodbye teary.. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Zero Point way to destress is to FLY..!!!
Yup we mummies too.. I just barely 😼 @ulfmaiyushidah #whatexams #playwithyourmunchkins

Panda Run

...Eyes on the prize 🐼 Too Cute!! #familyplaystogetherstaystogether #lindarunlikecrazy #42race #pandarun