Friday, July 27, 2007


i am eighteen going on nineteen
Oh what a big girl am i.....
Still weighing 8kg

Thursday, July 19, 2007


had been sick since last week
during my holidays...haiz..
today ummie sent me to baba house all sweet and chirpy
in a suit given as a newborn gift !
only to use at the age of 1 ++
but she returned from work to see me in this state (below pic)
my head all wrapped up..not bcoz of any bumps or bruises
but due to my high atok paste that japanese gel on my forehead sticker
and because i kept on peeling it off...he wrapped me head !
so ummie and abah sent me strainght to the clinic downstairs
while waiting...

heh... but i really am sick... truly...

Monday, July 16, 2007


techno dummie
i seriously got a problem
my PC can open all other pages of blogger except for CREATE A POST
i've checked all settings but i still cant get it right
so i've back date all my entriez....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

holiday 3

holiday III
we went to Batam and Malacca
Abah was down with flu
so he dragged me down with a raging fever
that doest stop umie from her shopping and eating spree
we return to Singapore on Monday
On Tueaday we camp at Johor bungalow
Then went to Malacca day trip and back to Johor
This time the Flu gripped ummie
with all so sick there wasnt much pictures at all
only these...
great sundanese food in Batam Restaurants. It was a trip with nanny & booboo

ummie and me with the banished icon. No one notice my fever patch right?
coney dog and the ol A&W Root Beer Float...yummy

this is me and my indulgence during the Malacca trip. It was a trip with baba & atuk
