Sunday, September 30, 2007


is it so difficult to pronouce?
she has been blessed with superb parrot capabilities
but simply refuse to call out UMMMIE
its always ABAH (father) or BABA (grandma)
when it is us they look for when they cry
when they hungry
when they sleepy
or just plain cheeky
but refuse to call my name proper
same goes out to ATOK (grandpa) too

Saturday, September 29, 2007


huggies no more
I am no longer a fan of huggies
i fancy the design and non sticky tapes
kinda cost more than drypers so i will use it when going out
unfortunately, we had many overflow blows with huggies
my MIL pointed out it was not as good
i simply shrug it away
but when i too had to handle overflowing poops
MORE than once... ok thats it...
no more huggies

muddy gooey poops flowing on both exits.. her bottom and also up her back !!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ramadhan 2007

ramadhan is here again
firstly i would like to mohon maaf for any wrong doings..
from my family to you..
this is the time everyone go that extra mile untuk bertaqwa kepadaNYE
since i am too young too say HIS name proper
i have decided to do what other ppl are doing
during this month evry auntie and makciks cook their way at any makeshift stall
trying to feed our thirst for delicious looking food and drinks
so i got ummie to do the marketing for me
and hey.. ppl are calling me for orders ok
these customers are really fussy i tell ya... i will charge them more
ummie will take care of the accounts while i whip up the delicacies
watch me in action...

did you catch my orders for the day?

Sunday, September 02, 2007


cot death
my newly married cousin just lost her nephew he passed away in his sleep. my instant thoughts - COT DEATH

Its a syndrome that babies pass away in their sleep due to unsufficient levels of oxygen. many times we read on those warning labels on US baby products. US babies are encourage to be swaddled instead of sleeping on thier tummies
somthing i bet they learned from asian babies.
i never thought of it as missy never slept on her tummy. but seriously look at her bed... its a safety hazard... all those toys and pillows would succumb her anytime. But do i move it away..NO. maybe because i would think her lungs would be robust enough by now. but strings..YES that i would clear.
Sadly i was watching the documentary on inventions. One guy is trying to make the doctor sensors (that you stick to the body to get your heartbeat and so on) wireless and for home use. This way parents can montior their oxygen level and alarm will go off should he lack oxygen in his blood. Watching it on TV you thought it could have saved her nephew. but how long will it take to arrive our market. even that would parents think it would be neccessary. coz these babies who died tragically are not sick. they are healthy babies who never woke up. would i buy? i didnt even buy a baby monitor!
We just have to be weary and alway pray to HIM for good health. As for now i can only sumbangkan AL FATIHAH to the nephew whom i dont even know his name.