Thursday, September 13, 2007

ramadhan 2007

ramadhan is here again
firstly i would like to mohon maaf for any wrong doings..
from my family to you..
this is the time everyone go that extra mile untuk bertaqwa kepadaNYE
since i am too young too say HIS name proper
i have decided to do what other ppl are doing
during this month evry auntie and makciks cook their way at any makeshift stall
trying to feed our thirst for delicious looking food and drinks
so i got ummie to do the marketing for me
and hey.. ppl are calling me for orders ok
these customers are really fussy i tell ya... i will charge them more
ummie will take care of the accounts while i whip up the delicacies
watch me in action...

did you catch my orders for the day?

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