Thursday, February 26, 2009

siti uses sunsilk at padi field ?

Siti : Sunsilk : Padi : ???
makes no sense? watch this corny video
just love em indonesian songs, dont you
they simply sweep you away...
guess it got into his head

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


she peeks over as i enter ECP along Keppel. she accompanied my lonely journey home in the crawling traffic. as i exit KPE tunnel, she was still there insisting on saying goodbye. she left with a smile arched on our faces :)

It is in this rainbow season
that love fills friends' hearts
some to express, some to hide
some to broadcast, some are shy
With the rainbow in the sky
You shouldn't hide and you shouldn't be shy
Nobody's gonna laugh at your lovely lines
Oh, beautiful rainbow, beautiful sign
just letting people feel right
-Xin Wang


Monday, February 23, 2009


skincare routine
i have past the big 30 and i dont have a skincare routine. i am in a state of panic now coz i have 2 pimples sitting on my cheeks. a big fat pimple on each cheek. so its only 2 right. it is crazy coz its been months and it wont go away. so i got a few girlfrens that i have to give me a crash course on skincare routine. theres so much to buy and do. actually back in 2004 i already bought the whole package at guardians. i just threw it away last week. it stood in my bath all those years begging for attention. i knew the exact reasons for em pimples - expired products! i also read this last week and it is so true. but i needed tutorials so i got hook on her -> michelle phan i hope it's not too late to revive this face of mine. i just have to stop being a lazy ass...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009


the months past by too soon
especially when you are distracted by a three yr old
babyLia is 8kg 75cm
wears diapers size L
still wakes up for night feeding
still mixed feeding
eats cereal once a day
calls out abah
makes phone calls
and loves to dance
this is an overdue picture of hers
showing off her 2 front teeth
good to bite ummiE with

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ninja warrior

ninja warrior
we SO love this show
ok.. we kinda click back and forth
between american idol and the wariors
more airtime for the ninjas..hurhur
its just nice... not too much drama
hillarious japanese wackos &
the obstacle course is just nerve wrecking to watch
we love it, cant get enuff of it
we went searching for more in the net
and they actually have a ninja warrior theme park
for geeks to try out the courses
but seriously what is the grand prize???
these contestants are crazy enuff to make those courses at home to practice
tsk tsk
and the enthusiasm on their faces... priceless

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


popeye chicken & biscuit
my cousin beep... they've gone HALAL..
is there any truth in this
looking at the scrumptious chickeng
i am drooling...

where.. where.. when..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

love is in the air

love is in the air
today despite being V-day. ummie & abah spent the day seperately. ummie brought us to auntisyid's place for some art & craft. uncle herman's team was there too. it was great fun. drawing, colouring and some sculpting of the very tough plasticine. auntisyid is suppose to understand our art and inteprete the scribbles into somethibg worthy.

we left for home to find Sengkang invaded with kite maniacs! i think the whole neighbourhood was at the new Sengkang recreational hub. we noticed the heavy traffic earlier on. we thought it was the opening of McDonald's that was driving the crowd. but this was something else.... look
love is in the air

it was super huge. a heart shaped kite with the words LOVE on it. it was nearly a blimp! incredible. we hop off the car to absorb this magnificent sight. when it actually came crashing down...

aww love hurts....


Friday, February 13, 2009

selera rasa

selera rasa
Two workers at the Selera Nasi Lemak stall were injured and taken to the
Singapore General Hospital with burns to their hands and legs. more..
I wish them speedy recovery

Thursday, February 12, 2009


i wake up every morning wishing i could hand in the termination letter
even with the one month notice, i still cannot ease the workload not to mention the handover
but with this economy outlook, one has to be thankful for having a job
if i can afford the pay cut, i would rather work eslewhere
fuck the pay cut, i havent even had the chance of an interview!
a friend who was jobless for 8 months said
throw stone into the sea, you can still hear the splash
these resumes that went out never have a decent reply even

Sunday, February 08, 2009


this morning missy had a temp of 38.3 degC
well it all started with abah really
hand down to babyLia now missy
my babies sedated


Thursday, February 05, 2009


babyLia has been running a fever since Tuesday
I took childcare leave for 2 days
what e heck right since we got 6 days
unlike missyE, babyLia is seldom sick
running a fever for so long i got worried
we just got back from malaysia recently
all those fight dengue campaign got the worst of me
we went to the pediatrician no less
her temp is soaring at 39 degC
she is cranky and not drinking well
doc said her fever would go off on sat
yikes..2 more days of sad Lia
get well love
babyLia with her fav soft toy - babyChicky