Thursday, April 30, 2009


look what abah got me...
King&Queen, princePhillip, princessAurora, witch, wizard, fairyGodmother, fairies
WOW thank you abah

Saturday, April 25, 2009

top of the world

Singapore Flyer
thanx to SPF we got ourselves some free tix
we still grumble when we had to purchase a child ticket and parking
much tourist and free loaders
we were much too busy trying to take pictures rather than taking in the sights around us
we were also busy trying to get the kids to behave
well one things for sure, we would never have ridden if it were not for the free promo
hope it helps singapore bring in the tourist even after the abseiling disaster
P.S finally a popeye restaurant, but miss the chance to savour it

Monday, April 20, 2009

5th anniversary

5th anniversary
we(just me) planned for to go for a spin on the bike and catch a movie. he wanted to bring the kids along. then my parents called and invited us for a movie and sentosa light show (Songs of the sea) you see my wedding day is also my dad's birthday. a family fun day it was. we catched Knowing at vivocity then headed to sentosa. it was a crazy warm day. it was like 40degC and sentosa was packed! so much for wanting to be alone.... at least the tradional love notes and anniversary card exchange remains. happi anniversary love

Friday, April 17, 2009

hair raising

babyLia in the morning
babyLia after hair make over
today i made a nasty decision to chop it off
what becomes of her....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

British Got Talents !!

he stumble upon it due to its massive hits on YouTube
we knew this show brings out the best in "not-so-good-looking" people
something all other talent shows never do
its only fair and their abilities simply leaves us flabbergasted
it gives up hope...but these talents are simply hidden gems
there are many more in the world who are simply happy where they are
and never dream of being in the cruel world media
much to our loss
let us refresh our memory of the previous opera phenomena

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

brush mah hair

this is the result of trying to brush me hair
my wicked ummie laugh at me whole heartedly!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


elisya, what do you want to eat?
"noodles for you"
supposed: noodles for me please
i also got her a pair of kid's chopsticks
very clever
we hope to improve grammar and hands coordination

Sunday, April 12, 2009


easier said than done !!

How to be happier at work
Dread work on Mondays? Try these tips to chase away the blues


princess mania

they watch the show before sleep
they also don them to bed
in the day they become royalties
wearing shimmering gowns
playing by their castle
they also behave like a princess
temperamental princess
even the lil one dah pandai merajuk'frust nonggeng'

Saturday, April 11, 2009

royal la maison

a castle fit for lil' princess(es)
princess fever has hit the household
we have almost all the disney classic fairytales and barbie collection videos
princess fever even hit the pc's wallpaper and theme
so it is only right for abah to build them a castle
everyone pitched in..even our visitor
then a giant princess threatened to bring it down
but it was saved by a royalty
..princess elisyah mirza

Friday, April 10, 2009

double trouble

running nose?
the lil one is enuff to test your patience
but you tend to lose it when the bigger sis chips in
she too wanna be caught in the act
not sure if she wants me to take her photo
or she wants me to scream at her too

good friday

hooray it's a holiday
ummie & abah started theirs earlier
they were at ExPO yesterday
MegaTex, John Little, Bookfair, etc
they got knocked off a fair bit of buckeroos
it's not my new dress is only $3.90!!
today we got up to the waking smell of pancakes
it is sweeter on my Diamond Castle Barbie plate... yummy...

Oh and it is also a day of milestone for me
my introduction to the world of PC games

click click click ...


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

American Idol

It's no secret we are avid fans
but He has gone way too far with this Adam Lambert business
he even resorted to catching the show at work
you interested?
Simon Cowell gave Adam Lambert a standing ovation! OMG OMG OMG Has that ever happened before?
Go Glambert! does allow us to watch Ninja Warrior
but i am never that free at work!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

lost my baby..

on friday 27/3/09 at lunch, i saw the first trickle of blood. told a friend and she said it's gonna be a girl..again! we laught it off. then come asar they was another trickle. i clean it off worried. it was a long day at work with lots of walking. at home come dusk, i went to check to prepare for maghrib. there it was again. too much for trickle and looks like my menses was coming. i cried. we were not sure what to do or where to go.. he went searching for clues on the net and i called my gynae. i have not met her for this pregnancy yet. i explained my situation to her. so she told me that things may not meant to be. she told me to sit this one out and no need to go to the hospital. ok so i stayed home.
come saturday 28/3/09 morning there was no more blood. i called her again and ask to go in. but she was going out for surgery. so i made an appointment for monday morning. we went out for lunch at compasspoint. then head to his mom's place. then i went to check and there was blood. we broke the news to his family. they tried to comfort us. i wept quietly.
Sunday 29/3/09 i went to my mom's place. in late afternoon the bleeding was getting heavier. i changed my pad at the hour twice. at six we left for home. in the car the cramps were getting heavy. i popped panadol as we move off for home. it was like someone sitting on my tummy it was intense. we stop at jalan kayu to get dinner. i waited in the car. i call my manager and colleagues. i am not coming in and broke the news of my miscarriage. should i go hospital i thought... at home as i got out of the car. i felt the gush of blood burst out of my body onto my pants. i walked up my unit, climbing the stairs like a penguin. blood had spread and soaked my pants. the very sight of it got me crying. in the toilet as i open and peep onto my pants. THERE IT WAS. THE LUMP OF ME, EXPELED OUT ON MY PANTIES. all the blood turned my white panties red. the thick blood clots and the lump all pooled on the pad. i cried and sobbed so loud. he came in to check on me. DAH JATUH. DAGING DIA DAH KELUAR..i took a closer look at the lump to see if there was any features. none.. it looked just like liver. it was pink and triangular all soaked in thick red blood. i wrapped everything in a bag. rather clueless what to do next. i changed and climb on the bed to cry some more and rest.
monday 30/3/09 morning i went to visit my gynae. i went up alone. told her of my experience. she gave me a medal of honour for being brave to sit it out. not only does it saves me money ($2k) it is also a natural recovery instead of an invasive surgery to clean up. she scan me and everything looks fine and good. i went back home to rest some more as i was still having nausea and mild cramps. i stayed at home for the whole week!
on tuesday 31/03/09 we buried the lump together with babyLia's uri. Masjid Al-Istiqamah
a very emotional and dramatic experience for me. with God's blessing we believe it is fated for the better of things to come...