Friday, December 31, 2010

new year beach party

trust the arabs to throw a beach party. family, food & fun galore..
Happy New Year


i have no doubts with Lia's day in school. she did get nervous and was rather shy. other than that she was herself. she get bored with the same toy after a few mins. she wander around the class looking for something interesting. then she spotted a dresing table and soon forgot about going home...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

seri pacific

we drove up to KL. a crowd of his family and mine. we stayed at seri pacific - e club floor. the privileges got the elderly excited. we did the usual shopping at masjid india for me, bukit bintang for him and times square for the kids. this time we manage to squeeze in horse riding... i was excited but not prepared to ride with my high heels. yes it was the first for me. to go on holiday on heels. to me it is an achevement..
but we got there near closing time so only the kids got to ride. i am determined to return to titiwangsa whenever the chance. along with his brother and cousins, we had a good time bonding. especially at the club lounge, playing games that may ruin or make your image in the family.see you again KL...

Friday, December 24, 2010


today's welcoming sight.. my baby prop up on her own. as she leopard crawl her way to me. she managed to sit up to call me get her. awww...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

doll house

 pinky too had her fair share of having a new new toy. she took 8hours to make it!
only to be threatened by Lia. it made pinky cry seeing her hard work crumble to pieces...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


again United Square delivers endless fun for the kids. "here again? we already come here right?" exclaimed Elisya. but this time it happens to be the place to meet my girlfrens. and Spongebob timeslot was just right. so the girls watched the short show without me. we queued again to get our photo taken. no photographer and our cameras only get one shot. so strict! see lah how my Lia will naturally be looking away from the camera..... haiz

so i met the gals along with their brood of boys. i didnt bring my baby today as 3 girls is enuff to make me unsettled. we ate at swensons with lots of desert. we were there for 2 hrs! 
 my girl team even went to watch Diego's show again.
then i bid goodbye to my frens and spent a fortune at toys'r'us during the christmas mad dash. it was chaotic and not cheap!

Friday, December 17, 2010

GT Xmas dinner

 i was invited to this dinner bash even before i started my first day. even hubby get to tag along. it was at Dempsey's OOSH. buffet along with free flow of wine! the goodie pack was a bottle of red and white wine which hubby gave away at his office xmas gift exchange... smart
above: extreme right is my new commander
my new comrades.. thanx to WL who got me this job

here is my warehouse team.. sweet!

Monday, December 13, 2010


much of her milestone this month. her first teeth, her first sit, her first word 'ABAH'
this word is the easiest for babies. i mean try saying U-mie.. the best they will go is A-mie.. haiz

Saturday, December 11, 2010

DIEGO @ United Square

getting to watch DIEGO was a bonus as we had just watched his cousin DORA just a few days back. being girls we prefer DORA. it was not as chaotic as Barney. the floor start to fill as the show started. we had ample space to sit and dance... yeah!
cheeky pinky and elisya like to don the same. it makes my Lia seem alienated. but she is determined to wear her own choices. which is princess princess princess
my hubby don't fancy me to buy same pieces so i stop since Lia was one. but it doesnt stop me from getting similar or same colour pieces for them... hee

Sunday, December 05, 2010

i love weddings

here we have Elisya with her schoolmate and teacher! whom are famili related...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

DORA - the big pinata

DORA LIVE @ RafflesCity
my girls were in awe
Lia was just dumb founded
she watched the whole show without much movement
will try to catch Barney next

Friday, November 26, 2010

GLAMorous Nite

HP Dinner and Dance at Marina Bay Sands
a bit disappointing as there was no dancing
i bought em shoes just for this occassion
i will probably have to sell it on ebay now

it was my last chance to see the HPites
i spend the nite with Miz Tyfa for company
great gal if only i had known her sooner
a great closing to my HP episode !!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

elisya's doodle

if we are heading to any of the grandparents place, she will scramble to make a card for them...

below are some of her doodles 

this is her collage project
and this is Lia's...

Saturday, November 13, 2010


learning new faces is not easy sometimes. otherwise she smiles to warm your hearts. she weighs 8 kg and 69cm tall. diapers size M. formula and breastfed. eats rice cerelac. still crawls on her tummy and fusses when her toys are taken away...

baba's special day

Happi birthday BaBa
We love you...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


lets make them...
with sugar, icing and hersheys chocolate sauce...yummy

Sunday, November 07, 2010


her very first taste of biscuit. she fuss about when we pull out every other toy thats been to her mouth. so i guess it is time for one and she loved it...

Saturday, November 06, 2010


we head out for McD's breakfast and play at AMK playground. the girls always curious about sand and are definitely not comfortable with it.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


i had been holding back his intentions to buy one. just like his other toys it will only be an infatuation for a month or so. but this time we have kids who may be at the mercy to such games. i was NOT one of those privileged with a Western Bar or even a Barbie doll in my early years. yet my girl got her own baby alive at the age of 4! its not that i want to deprive them but i do not know when to say the toys are not healthy for them.
my sister had been bugging for a game set too because we enjoyed it at the recent chalet party. as i was out at vivo, i saw Dora and Barbie games in wii. now i am excited. these games are not easily found at heartlands where they cater more for adults. i jump the gun and brought home the set. of course the cost was one of the major factors in the contemplation. anyways we welcome you to our home
so the next stage will be handphone for them. when will i sell out?

Sunday, October 31, 2010


wifey throws a birthday party for dearest hubby
newly wed life journal kicks off fun and happening!
my mom and me are simply enjoying this new energy from the newest member in the family

 there are 3 october babies in the family : mama, my brother and my dearest hubby too
as seen in the picture, mama stole the limelight as her birthday shoot instead..

i registered in the great eastern womens run for 3 years now. but i only ran the 5k route for the fear of not completing 10k. last year i didn't run because i got pregnant with shySta. so this year i return with no one to accompany me for the run. my cousins have upgraded to 10k. all alone at the start line it was nerve wrecking. the intense energy made my thoughts flash my life before me...of what i had accomplished or not, of the troubles i may have, of unemployment, of how one yearns to be free once in a while... tears were trickling down my cheek in the midst of thousands of women!
i completed the run under 40 mins... yeah!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jusco Bukit Indah

i love this place. nice variety of shops, its got the best outlet shop for childrens clothes And it is not ROWDY...
we had lunch at the nearly forgotten fast food chain

if only he bring us here more often...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

healthier choice

it's time to bring a change to our palate. the concern was the expensive virgin oil & non common herbs that delayed the cook off. thanx to NTUC we always have reasonable prices! ;p
so i discovered that these pasta dishes are really easy and mighty tasty too...
even the girls had it for lunch. the non spicy version...

Monday, October 25, 2010


too early?
i only got one suit for the baby...
(dont know how to rotate urgh!!)

but the rest must have their share of limelight...

birthday date

its so hard to be alone together. at the very least we get a date on birthdays... haiz
just me, you and 888

Saturday, October 23, 2010


who's on the walker?
the walker made its debut to our home. it was banned but i cant fight the battle alone. whatever makes you happy

Friday, October 22, 2010

Farewell HP

Date of Hire: 23 Oct 2000
Date of Termination : 23 Oct 2010