Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Elisya turns 4 today
we had goodie packs for her celebration at nursery
its obvious who was more excited


Monday, January 25, 2010


abah came home from japan
i could not bear him not being around me
when i usually tell him not to waste money calling me
must be the hormones overdrive
plenty of gifts for all

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

school day woes

she refuse to wake up in da morning
she said she'd go to school tomorrow instead
today she wants to sleep at home
we forced her to take her bath
then make her wear her fav clothes
at the last minute 0755hr...
thats when she was suppose to be at the school gate
...she changes her mind and decides to go to school
so she turns up at 0815hr all prim and proper and never cry
confident but timidly waved goodbye
who would have known the tantrums she threw at home
my babyLia is on the other hand is always the first to get ready
complete with a school bag and school shoes

Monday, January 04, 2010

first day at school

mahad al-nasry
in the hands of my aunt
who happens to be one of my teachers
i walked into class
some kids were playing
some kids were crying
but not me... well for a while anyway
my cheeks got wet when my aunt too disappear
ummie disappered long time ago
i soon settle down and watched the other kids play
half an hour later they released me
first day only lasted for an hour or so
they call it orientation day