Tuesday, July 05, 2011

falling sick

It was e 3rd consecutive monday we waited in line at kidslink clinic. This time I return bcoz her medication was running low. But primarily is due to e wierd falling spell shes been having throughout our KL getaway..

The first fall was on thurs morning. She was getting into e car when she suddenly fell flat on her back. My foot broke her fall or her head would have hit the road. She did not trip and the fall was most peculiar. This continued bout once a day till sunday. her other falls were plenty but not taken into condideration. What made her fall flat on her back that way....!

The doctor checked her balance, blood pressure & also asks if anyone has a history of fits.. Nope!
So she referred us to a specialist in mount E. A baby n child doc who specialises in brain.. She may have to do a brain wavelength test.......

Lets pray for her well being. We want the cause to be due to her drowsy medication and those tired days of playing n shopping may have gotten to her... Insya Allah..
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