Sunday, January 08, 2012

my 1st exams

since 1998..!
I was terrified.. i practically memorized my answers. thanx to my efficient group, we complete our assignment early. I had more than a week to prepare for my papers. studied with my girls all over my notes and me..
i also went shopping for a nice pen. i was so choosy..haiz
writing for 3 hours is gonna be a feat but i as i practiced the hours seems to tick away too fast!
i drove to school for my exams. I made that carpark mine! I laid newspapers on the floor and prayed behind my parked car. out of time, yet i still read a bit more in the car, then rushed off for my paper. reached my class like 2 mins after paper started....i did ok~ ...2/3 questions in the bag...
insya Allah pass.. hee

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