Monday, March 19, 2012


Lia turns four!

She goes to al Nasry Nursery class NA. She often miss school due to her health. She is prone to bring home the flu bug or whatever bugs there may be. It was like 2 weeks of rest then 1 week of school only to get sick again.
She is totally dependent and clingy. not sure if it is due to her being the second child. she definitely demands for your attention. often giving her fake cries and very impatient.
she has a short attention span so we have not started to teach her much. she can talk well except for some words like fall = small, sool = school...
she still drinks much milk. expensive too - pedia sure. her appetite has reduced greatly, she is a very picky eater and simply drinks to overcome hunger
she is thoughtful and sweet. never fails to joke with you and has a contagious smile.
Luv ya

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