Sunday, June 26, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Sat morning errands are becoming our time outs! We went to get a new tap for kitchen. We search for best nasi padang at Arab St but Sabar Menanti was closed ;'(. Walked around and i stumble upon the Rich & Good yummy rolls. We grabbed Kaya and Durian. I glnced at Fluff but resist my temptaion due to much baking at home too. Then we bought enuff food to last till tomorrow.. from Warung Pariaman fares, ZamZam murtabak & surely Islamic beryani.. Alhamdulillah

Prevention against headlice 24jun

Battle with louse 23jun

Friday, June 24, 2016


My most feared word!
The last episode left me in a trauma
Hubby found one off his shoulder. He asked me to comfirmed it. The sound it makes when you squash them.. oh yucks!
Then we knew its fro the girls. Elisya just complained 2 days ago. Her head itched and she blarted "Umi I have kutu!"
Its not a comment I took lightly, yet I replied its bcoz you didnt wash today.
After work hubby and me

To be continued
21 Jun 2016

Old struggles

I believe that was that application to University of Tazmania in 1999. Wanting to be a qualified engineer was my dream then 😆
We know now it wasnt meant to be..
Allah knows best!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Royale Orchird

Syidah makes a bold move on being a stockist
Semoga maju jaya dan murah rezeki!

Celebfest 2016

Bazaar Ramadhan with the biggest hype and blings of stars!
Family went down to support Umi @sugarpop.prints

Graduate Suraya Ya'akub


is when you are comfortable in your clothes and skin!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Once upon a time in Egypt

those days I thought I would roam the world! #throwback

Sugarpop prints

By cuzzie Umi Kalthum..
For cuzzie Noraiza..

Just gorgeous.. Hope it bring smiles to all!


Always a pleasure to spend time with her.. Masha'Allah

Siganture rolls

Tapak kuda

Dress down Friday

Another reason to be happy last holiday is him saying Yes to me buying jeans and fitted tops 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Bazaar Ramadhan 2016

Thrilled to be here. Bought my baking supplies from Ailin. So we get to see what Bazaar have to offer. I Googled at work, coz i tot never get to be here, on the new food trends and delighted to see the booths but didn't buy any. Absurd pricing of $8 for a rainbow bagel ;0
Kiddos were fasting.. the crowd and heat will annoy any patient soul. So I grab the most important singkong and KAYA BALLS! Alhamdulillah

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fav shoe to go with new clothes?!

In my new slim jersey skirt and flare tuxedo tops from KL
Happy to don new clothes to go shopping with my love

Tekka Market

A romantic walk in the light rain at Little India. Stopped by the mosque then made our way to find Chendol. Only one shop staisfy his craving. AR-Rahman Cafe - your Chendol specialist at the Tekka market. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2016