Monday, May 03, 2021

Linda on Mirena again

[03/05, 4:36 pm] Lïndămättęrs: I went to Dr Heng Clinic for Women to replace my IUD today
What an experience.. Not much different from my first..
Ya Allah.. It was tough. She hard a hard time to insert the applicator, then she had a hard time to insert the Mirena itself. Frustrated, she opened a new pack then it goes in smoothly..
She complimented i have high tolerance of pain
Rasa macam dia kacau kopi down there.. Now feeling so sore..
 She flustered and said.. Why your uterus so short?! I pun blur..
 Show me a metal rod (sound) in blood.. 😬
 Then she say.. You not faulty. The Mirena's fault 😅
 But she is a nice lady and funny.. I said if only I knew you earlier.. She say Give birth again lah 😅
It was fasting month and i started to bleed after the procedure. I maintain my fast and prayers.
Alhamdulillah selamat till next 5 years InshaaAllah
#Mirena #newgynae #samestruggle


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