Tuesday, March 28, 2006

2 months

2nd month adventure
*monday 27/3/06* what a day it was dear. lets start from the very beginning. we were gonna meet amalyna. *sings* just the 2 of us. we can make it if we try. just the two of us..

destination Sembawang. duration 15-20mins. unfortunately we took 1hr. first 15 mins taken to settle you in the car comfortably sleeping. moved off. another 15mins pit stop to hush you again. moved off. upon arrival another 10 mins to settle the coupons and a balancing act of 1bag, 1 pizzahut box n 1 car seat wit a baby in it. to the 3rd floor appartment we went. ding dong. we made it phew!

but to see those smiles.. i would do it again...

going home was a breeze as you were tired from playing. at 7pm we went to the GP for your very first vaccination. i can see abah having the jitters coz he hate needles. i am very proud of you dear. sure you cried but only when you were poked. then you were fine. awww thats my gurl...

happy birthday to missyE. happy birthday to you...

Vaccination woes
*tuesday 28/3/06* you are running a fever so we went to the GP to get the fever medicine. had a long chat wit Dr Jenny. nice lady. i am happy i made a decision to get the 6in1. seeing your sick history you need a doctor's attention. i did my homework with a senior nurse at the polyclinic the other day. she was very obliging and my research is complete thanx to her.

now there is a new vaccine for DTPa + IPV + Hib its called 5in1. but then we also have to take HepB. so they come up with the ultimate 6in1. heres the difference:
5in1(polyclinic) <=> 6in1(private or hospitals only)
costs $85.80/jab <=>....................costs $98.00/jab
no fever <=>..................................no fever
4 doses <=>...................................4 doses
HepB 2 doses <=>.................................included
MMR <=>.................................included
the 5in1 at polyclinic is not subsidised even for civil servant. we still have to take a total of 7-8jabs while 6in1 is only 4jabs. plus its hassle free (only walking distance to GP), short waiting time (as compared to polyclinic even with appontment), a doctors care (not a nurse administering the jab then queue again for doctor), need i say more... of course i get to claim $$$ all of it from my work... hee..
still you are running a fever when the odds are 1 out of 1o babies will get it. with a doctor at my disposal i know my baby is in good hands. also less jabs = less chances of fever panic...

Friday, March 24, 2006


binky boo hoo
this has been bugging me for the longest time. then ajab wrote a thesis on thumb sucking...
..here is my binky story...
the very sight of a binky on a big kid simply puts me off. even nyang knows how much i hate binkies. i would bark at nani when she allowed pinky to suck on it. however i have betrayed myself. on the first night home when you arrive. you cried every hour. den abah said he would buy a binky the next morning. i hesitated but eventually i took it out from the cupboard. i bought one as nani insisted on it. as i place it in your mouth i was close to tears. i lay down to sleep with a knife in my chest. i hid it everyday. but abah would call for it when the crying spells came. you are one fussy baby dear. you can cry for a long stretch of three hours. we have a rocking cradle, a swinging cradle and the all faithful in my arms cradle. nothing would make you hush. so we pop it in your mouth. you actually dont fancy sucking it but we made you suck. now, I am addicted to it as it frees me to do whatever i please. it was just too convenient. i had a discussion with abah. he too hate to see BIG kids sucking it. so he said its ok since you are still small. looking back at pinky, she threw away the habit before her first birthday. so i tell myself that its fine. since you only suck near bedtime. you are coming two months now. should you go cold turkey? honestly i am embarrassed if ppl see you with a binky.
i find thumb sucking not so great either. anyway i dont see how you can . you are very comfortable with swaddling. so your hands all tied up. and you are still wearing mittens. hmmm...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

ole ole ole

~ole ole ole
the clock showed 1824hrs. just the normal hectic routine of taking care of you and da crib. hunger pangs but i will wait for abah. ding dong. abah came home with an extra bag. i smiled with glee thinkin it a nice chocolate treat for ummie.NOT... it was for you, Missy. gah!
abah is not really into soccer but i guess he couldnt resist. fact is, you are a girl who has not turn 2... months yet. ummie dont think you can even wear it when the world cup is running later. still i am happy to learn that he thinks of ya when shopping with his buddies. good. now ummie just put this away together with the pink sneakers (babyvelour) i bought.
and the pink booties aunt Shabas got you .
and the rest yang sewaktu dengannya....AL..LE..MAK....
ish ish ish banyaknye!

Friday, March 17, 2006


my boo
boo (as in busu) came over for the holiday. to help nurse the little one back to health. before it took me six months of pregnancy to get her ready. she would not accept another baby coming to the family. we went thru mind therapy and video therapy. now she accepts her with pride. heres what shes gotta say...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

my baby is sick

my baby is sick
a Dr Daisy Chan at SGH concluded Elisya has bronchitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes. i know that her cough was bad but we didn't expect this. Doc said she don't need to be warded yet. YET! was the word of the day. i will have to monitor if she refuse feeding or breatlessness or sort of a different colour. i am to sent her to A&E immediately!!
recently i just heard of a story how a month old baby choked to death simply due to over feeding! all because mommy was busy shopping. she did not notice the baby in her arms untill baby has turn blue. such a tragedi when mommy is actually a nurse!
i cannot help but blame myself. i left for my parents place on friday. she had no cough then. on sat and sun I went on a shopping sphree with my ma. i drag her along with me. I shop all the things i shouldn't have. thinking i may not have the luxury to go out again. *true enuff* we headed to the malls and expo. baby was sleeping the whole time we were out on both days. now where did the cough come from. how did she get virul infection of the lungs? wat if she had turn blue in her stroller? I would not have noticed. if a nurse could not save her baby...
'Elisya dear, ummie apologise for neglecting ya. ummie should not have drag you out too soon. just hearing you cough put tears to my eyes. get well soon my dear....'

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

indon movies

i dare not watch this as it is evil. eats you up alive and every monday @ 2130 you turn to zombie. i was fortunate to catch POPUMENTRI yesterday. it was an episode made just for me. it featured artist that i love. also showed clips of movies already in my collection. this Xtraordinary love starts with ada apa dengan cinta. it came out in 2002 but i only watched it in 2004. i never stop watching since. i am those maniac that watches the same show over n over again. i even copy the disc first before watching so i dont harm e original! i have been scouting for indon movies since. but only when reputatble names are in it. otherwise its tasteless. Najib also interviewed my heart throb Nicolas Saputra. not very dashing but he played the role of a very intellectually stimulating guy. that made me flash back of a love i once pushed away. whenever i feel down i would grab one of these and cry meself crazy. its sad that when i used to frequent indon i was oblivious to all these. may have even met them without knowing! *dream on*

Monday, March 06, 2006


harry came to town
the small town of Fernvale. you were asleep when she came. she came and go so quickly. but she sure left a whole lotta goodies. enuff for you, ummie and abah. the cashmere sweater is simply divine. thank you harry...
*bling bling all...thats the 2nd piece of gold for you. my my, you have more than ummie*

Saturday, March 04, 2006


i was blog hopping and a fellow blogger had just lost a loved one. one whom she has not met but loved all her might. her plight had taken everyone around her, plunge into sorrow. even a reader like me was not spared. it lingered in my thoughts for days. there was not much i could do but offer Al Fatehah. ummie bersyukur for having you in our lives. syukur Alhamdullilah...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

sweet dreamz

sweet dreamz
ummie need to sleep too. but when ummie sleep, the housework and cooking will be sacrificed. eating whatever scraps i can find in the fridge. so sleep well dear so ummie can dream wit ya...
"newborns sleep for around 16hrs a day *if only it happens in one shift* Quiet sleep - when her face n body are relaxed and her breathing regular - alternate roughly every 30mins with active sleep - when her eyelids flicker, her facial expressions change, and she may wriggle around. nobody is sure if babies dream, but if they do, this is when it happens"