Friday, March 24, 2006


binky boo hoo
this has been bugging me for the longest time. then ajab wrote a thesis on thumb sucking...
. is my binky story...
the very sight of a binky on a big kid simply puts me off. even nyang knows how much i hate binkies. i would bark at nani when she allowed pinky to suck on it. however i have betrayed myself. on the first night home when you arrive. you cried every hour. den abah said he would buy a binky the next morning. i hesitated but eventually i took it out from the cupboard. i bought one as nani insisted on it. as i place it in your mouth i was close to tears. i lay down to sleep with a knife in my chest. i hid it everyday. but abah would call for it when the crying spells came. you are one fussy baby dear. you can cry for a long stretch of three hours. we have a rocking cradle, a swinging cradle and the all faithful in my arms cradle. nothing would make you hush. so we pop it in your mouth. you actually dont fancy sucking it but we made you suck. now, I am addicted to it as it frees me to do whatever i please. it was just too convenient. i had a discussion with abah. he too hate to see BIG kids sucking it. so he said its ok since you are still small. looking back at pinky, she threw away the habit before her first birthday. so i tell myself that its fine. since you only suck near bedtime. you are coming two months now. should you go cold turkey? honestly i am embarrassed if ppl see you with a binky.
i find thumb sucking not so great either. anyway i dont see how you can . you are very comfortable with swaddling. so your hands all tied up. and you are still wearing mittens. hmmm...

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