Thursday, November 09, 2006

to the peak

to the peak
the date has been set on 16 of Nov. thats 7 days away...
i just started my first training todaay..... abit late huh..
i been there a few times. now the place have evolved. not only comercialized, even the terrain has changed. maybe i get too confident that i'll pull through without a scratch. the last time i went there was in 2003. now my body has changed post pregnancy. it makes it worse when my bro told me "wats there to train! its only Ledang wat".. idiot... that statement made me more complacent....
so i geared up with weights on my back. wat used to be 4 filled bottles. now is my very own lil missy. she's only 7kg though and the carrier lack support unlike my LoweAlpines. nevertheless off we went. up the the 21st floor. jogging speed at first. then slack at the 15th storey and above... wahaha..
never mind. i got my brother to carry my load if i lost my mental up there... heee...
me and my brother and more old skool frens unite for this trip. the last time i went with my brother was in 1997 i think. this is gonna be a blast.. insya Allah...
oh wait... while i was going up and down the stairs.. look what i saw...
the door defaced with black paint....
curious me, i followed the drips/smudges of paint i saw on the floor.. hee.. Kpoh...
isk isk isk.. i thought the new generaton would be educated enough NOT to credit from TaiLong... shocking..
the intriguing part is.. the styrofoam taped at the gate was never removed. it indicates the the house may be vacant. i mean if you move in. one would remove it right?...
ah dunno lah dont care... ignorance has been our generations' motto.. till they come up with a campaign.. kenali tetangga anda... heee... well i sure wouldnt want that door next to mine!!
no artistic value..

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