Wednesday, December 27, 2006


you are 11 months today love
your gummy smile warms my heart everytime

wish listz

wish listz
oh i finally get to strike away the item on my list (literally)
the new toy was on my list
actually it was a long list but i never knew how to strike the words... so i deleted the items away.. dumb dumb...
so now i know...hee
still got some more wish you know
er i may have enough bags already...lable printer i still want..books definitely...
she is 11 today. i dont have her pictures with me.
its very mafan to blog wit pictures
no card reader..i can only do at home
i need to compress the pictures using microsoft photodraw, powerpoint of photoshop
load onto
then paste the url on blogger leceh kan..
add another wish list then
to simplify the steps OR
learn to write better so i dont need to illustrate...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

spirit of giving

spirit of giving
my baby got her first birthday present!!!
its from Nadya..thankYewMamaNadya..
my sick baby was clueless of the big blu bag
once revealed she actually strike a sweet pose for me
whats more she actually clapped along when we sang her a birthday song!!
suddenly my baby's fever is gone
naturally new toys would cure any sick children ;p....
1 month to go and she will be a year older than before....
what have i learn??
do i want more...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

hot babe

hot babe
we were invited to dinner today
i had running nose. ummie fed me my dosage and i slept through the day. another reason for the long sleep would be due to Nadya killing my slumber with her high pitch shrills...
yesterday we went out shopping and ended up with a soccer match at their place way too late. i slept in Nadya's room. she would wake up screeaming for attention. i got startled and cried miserably. its no fun to be interrupted like that. what if i had to live through it everyday.. what if ummie had a second one... nightmare...
back to the today's dinner...
we were back at Nadya's place. my body started to heat up. i was running a fever up to 40 degrees. everything was a blur. i cant remember what i played with Nadya either. i think it was someone birthday too coz there were presents and many great food. but thanx to me we left early. the dinner was heating up with a game of scrabbles..
too bad.. next time maybe...
look i dont enjoy getting sick either...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

long holidays

long holidays
long holidays = more housework
things you never had time to do...

Friday, December 22, 2006

me sick?

me sick?
it was a hoax to get them home early..
one evening, we watched movie
the next, we went out christmas shopping
yup, christmas presents for ourselves more like it...wahaha..
no flu bug will get me down, see for yerselves
thats sad looking me on wednesdaythats 'gung ho' me on thursday& thats me on friday
i am ok and in tune
i have given up my sexaphone lately
i mean, have you heard of alicia keys
right...i hope sharing the same name will help me hit the right note...
abah got himself a realkeyboard while i had to settle for a kiddie one...haiz
at least mine play better tunes than his ;p

monsoon holidays

monsoon holidays
getting to work has been slow due to the monsoon rain
you get all sorts of setbacks...water ponding! skidded cars... fallen trees... even dead dogs!!
then at work every one is in holiday mood.
at HP we get a holiday shutdown. that means taday is the last day of work. they would only return next year 3rd Jan 2007!
in fact my manager call me personally to say that umofficially work ends at 3-4 today!! woohoo..
well sadly for those in operations, work goes as per normal.
but hey if all the big shots are out....we are the next BIG shot... wahaaha...
so to my fellow colleagues..happy holidays..

old shots

old shots
have always been into pictures but no guidance
went for a photoshop course still not satisfied
recently met a friend who is into freelance
he influencde me...into getting a canon
ok.. so i used him as an excuse
i got a lot to learn and plenty of accessories to buy
my sweet cuzin has been asking for RAYA photos
i have been holding back coz it shows my lack of control on the DSLR
anyway its long oberdue.
the pictures are finally up....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


ummie got it over the weekend
abah got it last monday
its only a matter of time for the virus to settle in

samurai missy lost the battle yet again


Monday, December 18, 2006

morning rush

morning rush
my groggy munchkins in the morning...
pinky look stoned while missy look 'bei song'
bye babies see ya in the evening

Friday, December 15, 2006

bubbly ummie

bubbly ummie
abah made ummie happy this week
the christmas shopping went to his head recently
he surprised ummie. like a real surprise of hiding the gift under her pillow wrapped in her pillowcase...wahaha...
she found a handbag. she was ecstatic...
only to find more.... a WALLET!
her very first brand wallet. nadya mummy eat your heart out...hehee
nadya mummy started a comotion about branded goods on sale. then found out airport sales are worth buying. ummie tried her luck to pester abah. now she got it...
she never expect it. coz she has been bugging for a handphone..
so now she has to get one on her own...
because yesterday abah surprise her again with a perfume...
its all very nice ummie
hey abah where is my surprise??

Thursday, December 14, 2006

if i had two munchkins...

if i had two munchkins...
hee..what a site..
that a new bed for missy that pinky is sleeping in
much for my fear of bugs, the bed name is KRITTER!
two babes = rivalry too
when i fed pinky her medicine
lil missy cried in protest wanting some
practice makes perfect

Monday, December 11, 2006

aniq Idzhan's BiG day

aniq Idzhan's BiG day
AniqIdzhan birfday
many many ppl i dont know... but who cares...
let's party...
I had potato salad! ummie wanted the eclairs but too busy clicking away she forgot
Boo had lots of fun.. there was treasure hunt, musical chairs nad pinata hitting
superb da daei...
.. thanx for inviting us...
also i met booboo for the first time
but does he notice me???
..."true enough aunty hana i could not sleep at night.. and i didnt even touch the cake"...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

bed bugs

don't let the bed bugs bite
as embarrassed as i am. i need to write this down
my bedroom is plagued with bed bugs - fleas - pijat
it has been going on for more than two months now
firstly my hubby got big sores, bintat besar giler, in the morning
we thought it was mosquitoes lurking under the ikea plastic table
we sprayed and leave it as that
then weeks later we noticed missy got it too
i never had any. maybe my babies have sensitive skin or they dont like AB+
we bought all sorts of ointments
i change all the sheets in the room
every pillow or towel available goes in the washer
we moved to the master bedroom
we have been sleeping in the game room all this while
now when one feel any itch
we would jump into action
we would scutinize for any fleas
sometimes missy still get it so i change the sheets again
missy sleeps on a matteress on the floor
then last week pinky slept on my bed and got sores all over her body arms and legs
that creepy monster had a feast! feeding on my skinny pinky...
that concludes the fact that i got creepy crawlers aka fleas in the room
now which room?? game room or my bedroom!!
i was scared shit.. has it infected my whole house!!
we have seen it. its like a tiny mini cockroach. translucent body before feeding
with blood filling it, it looks just like a roach
now we have seen babies of it!!
i went to ikea contemplating to buy a new bed or matteress or HOUSE!
we learn to keep our cool
we spray the bed panels, chairs, table, everything in the room with baygon
its been goin on for a week now
we concluded it is in the game room bcoz pinky was playing the Xbox that night
we also asssume that it may be in our bed too
we will do this in stages or we end up sleeping in the toilet!!
so we left nothing to chance
we are 'sunning' all mattress and even chairs
still in the battle for now
if you have any suggestions do voice out
kampung ppl would have a great solution
where did it come from? i thought it would have face out in this concrete jungle

Friday, December 08, 2006


recently ummie got some free tix. so off we went to wildwildwet. to those who know me well, i dont fancy the waters. so i tried out a new sport.
photo taking...
a shot of meself
a shot of me feet, deep deep in water!!
a shot of me pwetty boo
then ummie got jealous and took it back. so here are her shots..
my shots better right....
anyway boo had more fun than i did obviously
wait till i too learn to swim and run...haiz

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

want some

want some
nanny dragged us to VivoCity
shopping on weekdays are over for ummie
she is learning to accept crowds now
it doesnt matter to me much
as long as someone cater to my needs
like eating yummy biscuits...
want some?
ummie didnt have a good meal though. there was a stapler in her meal. she knew one may still be stuck in her teeth. but she was too busy entertaining me. plus.. to stage a complain among the crowd was too 'mafan' so she walked away thinking a check in the mirror will do fine. to her horror she had chipped her tooth!!
too bad ummie. its ok Mr HewlettPackard will fix the problem
meanwhile Watch Me Video here...

Friday, December 01, 2006

new horizon

new horizon
ummie had risen among the ranks and landed herself in a new spot today.
she has left the manufacturing world for the logistical world of SupplyChain...
whats bigger is that she is now on normal shift. no more free days
thats a big change for all of us. i will be sent to baba's place like everyday!
i can sense she's terrified but she always put on a brave front
she still leaves home the same time even when she starts at 0830 now
maybe she trying to 'siam' the crazy ERP gantries...