Wednesday, December 27, 2006

wish listz

wish listz
oh i finally get to strike away the item on my list (literally)
the new toy was on my list
actually it was a long list but i never knew how to strike the words... so i deleted the items away.. dumb dumb...
so now i know...hee
still got some more wish you know
er i may have enough bags already...lable printer i still want..books definitely...
she is 11 today. i dont have her pictures with me.
its very mafan to blog wit pictures
no card reader..i can only do at home
i need to compress the pictures using microsoft photodraw, powerpoint of photoshop
load onto
then paste the url on blogger leceh kan..
add another wish list then
to simplify the steps OR
learn to write better so i dont need to illustrate...

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