Saturday, December 09, 2006

bed bugs

don't let the bed bugs bite
as embarrassed as i am. i need to write this down
my bedroom is plagued with bed bugs - fleas - pijat
it has been going on for more than two months now
firstly my hubby got big sores, bintat besar giler, in the morning
we thought it was mosquitoes lurking under the ikea plastic table
we sprayed and leave it as that
then weeks later we noticed missy got it too
i never had any. maybe my babies have sensitive skin or they dont like AB+
we bought all sorts of ointments
i change all the sheets in the room
every pillow or towel available goes in the washer
we moved to the master bedroom
we have been sleeping in the game room all this while
now when one feel any itch
we would jump into action
we would scutinize for any fleas
sometimes missy still get it so i change the sheets again
missy sleeps on a matteress on the floor
then last week pinky slept on my bed and got sores all over her body arms and legs
that creepy monster had a feast! feeding on my skinny pinky...
that concludes the fact that i got creepy crawlers aka fleas in the room
now which room?? game room or my bedroom!!
i was scared shit.. has it infected my whole house!!
we have seen it. its like a tiny mini cockroach. translucent body before feeding
with blood filling it, it looks just like a roach
now we have seen babies of it!!
i went to ikea contemplating to buy a new bed or matteress or HOUSE!
we learn to keep our cool
we spray the bed panels, chairs, table, everything in the room with baygon
its been goin on for a week now
we concluded it is in the game room bcoz pinky was playing the Xbox that night
we also asssume that it may be in our bed too
we will do this in stages or we end up sleeping in the toilet!!
so we left nothing to chance
we are 'sunning' all mattress and even chairs
still in the battle for now
if you have any suggestions do voice out
kampung ppl would have a great solution
where did it come from? i thought it would have face out in this concrete jungle

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