Saturday, June 09, 2007


somewhere in the beginning i planned to pull the binky at 6 months
did i?
maybe i should try at 12 months
did i try to?
now at sixteen months. I BOUGHT HER A NEW PAIR!!!
*with AVENT new Freeflow, ergonomically designed in delicious candy tones, who can resists..
with her teeth now sprouting
and my personal experience of the braces
i should stop the binky..
but i succumb to sheer laziness
its easier to put her to sleep
so i gave a statement..
no binky unless sleeping time only
so i will let her suck in the car
and at home
in public....will try not to
why only in public?...becoz i get embarrassed!
ummie's embarrasment is bigger than the risk of having missy having jutting teeth

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