Sunday, July 24, 2011

full speed ahead

i ran in the Shape Run alone....
then manage to run over to Elisya's sports day...    View my montage on YouTube
..and also manage to participate as well
now thats a superUmmiE..

Friday, July 22, 2011

Racial harmony daze

Dear elder sister has a sports day rehearsal so her class never dress up. As for Lia she never bother to ask why she wears differently!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Back to school

It was Lia's first day since e holidays..
she went through 4 weeks of illness!
Week1 Gum infection w high fever
Week2 Flu w high fever
Week3 Chesty cough and cold
Week4 Gastric flu ...
...that was from Elisya. it spreads to all my babies..including abah!

ShySta on the other hand had succumbed to running nose, chesty cough, croacking voice and also gastric flu...

Their gastric flu have ceased vomiting. Bowel movement is only 1-2 times a day but still watery...

Lia was not eager to return to school at first. Upon seeing Elisya all geared up, her excitement builds.. Elisya started going to school since yesterday.

ummie also reported to work today since last week..

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she gathers more courage to walk now. Insya Allah she'll be walking this month. she weighs 9.5kg and is 79cm tall. she has 4 upper teeth and 2 1/2 lower teeth..the 2 new ones are still shy. eats porridge and feeds on 180-240ml of enfagrow... wears diapers size L... fav vocab: Ok and NO!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pinky's room

Redecoration is necessary to accomodate my family
a new cabinet..
relayout of the furnitures..
and we are set to welcome them...

Monday, July 11, 2011

you gotta move it .... ..

we're moving to johor!
 a new rented home for the next 15months or so
just for the weekends..
they'll be at my place for the rest of the time
Insya Allah, all will be smooth

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Slurp and spew

They have to go through this 2-3 times a day! When they hit the red phlegm n cough syrup. Volcanoes will erupt. We have small buckets handy for those vomit moments. Still a change of clothes will be called for...

Last night, baby ShySta vomits from 2am to 6am. Small moments like spitting. She look better this morning..
Now Abah is also down, probably with gastric flu too. He is lying down due to nausea..
Updates on Elisya's gastric flu, slight fever with no more vomits or diarrhoea...
Updates on Insyirah's flu, running nose, cough and plegm persists..

Nik n me must uphold this calamity and not succumb to this viral episodes!
Insya Allah...
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Friday, July 08, 2011

Emergency clinic

Elisya was vomitting since 7.30pm. We reached KKH at 11.30pm. Her name was called up moments later. She was diagnosed with gastric flu. She was given medication to stop e vomiting. We are to feed her glucose soln every 15mins. If within e hour she were to vomit, she will be warded. We were anxious as she vomited during the initial medication feed. As the hour ticks away, she pass e test! So all is good now... AlhamdulliLLah
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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Looks who's coughing..

Since the change of medication. Insyirah is responding well. No unnecessary trip n fall. I've been working from home to monitor her. Now she's got a chesty cough n running nose...still..

Today was e appointment with the brain spacialist for baby n children. We decided our babyLia is well and will not give that doctor a visit. So I brought them out to have lunch at Sofiyyah house. Just so that we can visit Nyang...

Now back home, we are gonna tuck in early... When Elisya vomit at around 7.30pm. At 10pm, she has vomitted 5 times! It's now clear fluid with a hint of yellow..

Just when we thought it is save to close the book on Lia, a new episode may be blooming with ElisyA...

Sleep n rest well my angelz..

ShySta by e way is coughing with a husky voice...
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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

falling sick

It was e 3rd consecutive monday we waited in line at kidslink clinic. This time I return bcoz her medication was running low. But primarily is due to e wierd falling spell shes been having throughout our KL getaway..

The first fall was on thurs morning. She was getting into e car when she suddenly fell flat on her back. My foot broke her fall or her head would have hit the road. She did not trip and the fall was most peculiar. This continued bout once a day till sunday. her other falls were plenty but not taken into condideration. What made her fall flat on her back that way....!

The doctor checked her balance, blood pressure & also asks if anyone has a history of fits.. Nope!
So she referred us to a specialist in mount E. A baby n child doc who specialises in brain.. She may have to do a brain wavelength test.......

Lets pray for her well being. We want the cause to be due to her drowsy medication and those tired days of playing n shopping may have gotten to her... Insya Allah..
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Monday, July 04, 2011

overdue june treatz

abah was away in Belgium... above is the beautiful chocolates abah brought home for us..all 1.5kg of it will be gone soon...

here we are on our overdue holiday to Kuala Lumpur...