Tuesday, January 31, 2012

another attack

Bronchitis may evolve to asthma. Since her attacks was near n recent. Doc suspects she may have asthma. Now that is one sickness with much pantang. I need to discipline myself to discpline her on the pantang diets.. get it?

I believe the swimming n the cold drinks during her sister's party triggeted the coughs. i admit, seeing her siting by the sofa all quiet n sad coz ' i'm sick' says her. really breaks your heart...

I pray for her health n wellbeing. May you have a full recovery...

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

petite place

Celebrations continue at indoor playground.. with Sofiyyah..!

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Friday, January 27, 2012


Swimming on her bdae..

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CNY lunch

With Gtweed..

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Elisya turns six
She is in K2 in al-Nasry. She is doing very well in school. straight A's for spelling, able to read and do simple mathematics. she even knows her times table! all thanx to babah of course
she is very considerate of her sisters but she is also able to trick them to go her way. she is mighty stubborn otherwise. always insisting she is right. she puts up a fierce look at times and we always need to remind her to smile often to release some tension
she is just too small for her age and definitely way too thin. she just upgraded to size S from XS only after 3 years of school..!
she is very colourful and crafty. making sweet cards and drawings to welcome us home from work. hope she is ready for her next stage in life - primary school...!

Monday, January 16, 2012

syafi ilyas

A cukor rambut so grand i thought it was fit to be a wedding.. babies, toddlers and cuzzies had too much fun.. a very meaning event..!

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my safety

To cover myself, i armed it with a risk management safety course. I had planned it timely with an old pal.. also met other HP pals taking courses at site.. nice..

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new year beach party

It has become customary for the Al-Edrus to organize a beach party every new years eve. Though we have never stayed long enough to countdown to midnite!

This time it is at Pasir Ris Park. That stretch of e beach is not the cleanest but it didnt stop the girls from playing sand castle in full swim gear..

This year we had lucky draws n everyonr brought presents for a chance in lucky dip. Nice werk syafiq.. n hapi bdae..

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Friday, January 13, 2012


is down with cough n running nose... Oh call the doctor quick. Meanwhile bebeLia is recovering well...

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Monday, January 09, 2012

breathe easy Lia

she was diagnosed with bronchitis. she started coughing juz late sat nite! she had fever last night, so i went to the doctors early this time. kidslink@sengkang always made me wait more than an 1.5hrs.
she didnt eat anything today only formulae, as she felt uncomfortable and nauseous. yet she's still playing hard and challenging others at the play area. as usual she never cried during administration of the medication. juz restlesss that it had to be so long coz she wanted to continue playing..

Get well soon my love

Sunday, January 08, 2012

my 1st exams

since 1998..!
I was terrified.. i practically memorized my answers. thanx to my efficient group, we complete our assignment early. I had more than a week to prepare for my papers. studied with my girls all over my notes and me..
i also went shopping for a nice pen. i was so choosy..haiz
writing for 3 hours is gonna be a feat but i as i practiced the hours seems to tick away too fast!
i drove to school for my exams. I made that carpark mine! I laid newspapers on the floor and prayed behind my parked car. out of time, yet i still read a bit more in the car, then rushed off for my paper. reached my class like 2 mins after paper started....i did ok~ ...2/3 questions in the bag...
insya Allah pass.. hee

Friday, January 06, 2012

fun with sushi

tupperware sushi maker was mighty small for us greedy ladies. we filled it to the point of no rolling back..
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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

new classes

K2A for Elisya & NurseryA for Lia
Elisya starts the year, with friends cheering and calling out her name as she walks into her new class..
meanwhile, Lia finds 2 new teachers struggling with crying kids in her new class. she stood be the door, never budge till her teacher personally welcomed her and soon her friends started calling her name too.. ;p


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