Saturday, August 18, 2012


Nik called me to say all three girls have lice in their hair! with a high pitched voice it triggered an anxiety attack on me. i knew i my head had been itching like crazy for the past week! immediate guilt set in, did i cause this havoc.. probably me during the paintball game helmets.
i couldnot sit still, 4pm i told boss of my embarassing episode and left office. i walk 10 mins to the carpark only to realize i didnt drive today! i took a cab, grab Elisya from home and head out to nearest clinic.
i thank Allah, the panel doctor was still open. I was flustered thru the regiatration, spell Eli's name wrongly, wrote my address wrongly. I really lost it! it was not the worse yet, the clinic only have 1 bot of the lice shampoo. now all of my girls and maid need this shampoo. so I registered Elisya to the other clinic nearby, the queue was crazy.
i took a walk to the sengseh. they sell the exact prescription for only $5.50!! i wanted to clean out her stock, when my thrifty and sensible girl told me 2  ots would suffice. and she was right. i also got the sikat kutu. so we clean up well at home. i took childcare leave the next day and rest with them, combing our hair regularly.
lice was the last thing on our mind in this new age and time. so AlhamduliLlah... we are recovering..
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