Thursday, April 03, 2014

Viral Fever

First day of school after the holidays. Elisya came home weak and lethargic. Later her temp went up and she vomited. By nightfall Lia was also warm and I gave them fever syrup. By morning, they were burning up. We went to clinic that opens at 8am, their temp was 39deg. They were given antibiotic and 3 days rest.

Elisya was having a hard time keeping her medication down, even Lia couldn't swallow the nasty Antibiotics!

On Thursday Shysta was running a fever too. I rush from work at 5pm to get her checked by the doctor. She was 39deg too. I have a bigger problem now. Shysta will never eat her medication. So my only way to managing her temp was the suppositories that is given every 8hr intervals. She was sooooo weak. She just lay there for 4 days with minimal food and drink. We manage to force antibiotic down her throat just 2 out of the required 3 times. Now if I ask her to eat she just cry immediately. In fact she showed me her groin area! Means she is willing to be pocked at her bum than eat medicine!

On Friday I too succumbed to the horrible fever. We lay sleep and rise at 2pm. Body ache so badly and no appetite to eat. I cannot imagine my girls went thru this pain. On following Monday i went to work but return half day as I still feel feverish. 

On Tuesday, Feroz was home sick too. I too stayed home on childcare leave. Nursing Shysta and hubby desperately.

Now is Thursday again and I am happy to say Shysta is finally back in school. Just ytd, She was up and trying to welcome me home in her groggy state. Today we finally her voice and laughter as she is stronger and back to her usual self again. Oh how I missed her.. and how my girls braved this viral fever to be smiling again. AlhamduliLLah..!

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