Tuesday, January 31, 2006

sleep baby sleep

Lunar new year
naturally visitors came during the long holiday. You simply sleep when the well wishers storm the crib. waking up every hour after midnight to entertain us with your blaring alarm for food. Sleep baby sleep...
I urge well wishers to call and come only before 7pm. Thanx

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Elisya Mirza

Elisya Mirza came to us @ 0354hr 27 Jan 2006
Express (2hrs @ labour ward) Normal delivery weighing 2.6kg

You may visit us at Fernvale Road 406B #02-49 Tel63438109

Thursday, January 26, 2006

last check up

last check up ?
will be heading for my check up soon. i have been carrying you for forty weeks now. We would like to take our chances and request to be induced today. Dont be angry with us for forcing you to this world. Baby it was a pleasure carrying ya around in my tum tum, now we'll see how we fair carryin ya in our arms...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


gonjengz came over the other day. Full force complete with their partners. We slacked and had dinner. The men do their thang (TV n Smokes) and the girls compare bellies! Den baby got her first gift. Mothercare Pooh vibrating bouncer. awww.... suppose to entice you to come out to this world hunny. Plenty of aunts to shower ya love... After assembly there was a hilarious tag. It was in a strategic position. TRY ME I VIBRATE !!! If you were a boy you would only be too happy to be in that bauncer. You are due today baby... Come on, we will love ya more than we ever could...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

virus invasion

virus invasion
Ha.. it had settled in. Painkilla got the flu virus. My PC is infected by wat knows virus. Format in da morning it will settle in by evening. Meanwhile I am anxiously waiting for my Labour virus to settle in ! Phones have been ringing. SMS beeping. Now tomorrow the due date and I have no signs at all. No pain. No show. No baby yet. So me go market now. More walking and lifting hope it helps...

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Assignment 2 - Done. New sheets for game room. Stock up fizzy drinks in fridge. New Air fresherner fumes the bathrooms. As for neat n proper, well due the rain, house is littered wit laundry. After e cooking, eating n cleaning had to sit to bring down the swell on em legs.

For the rest of the day its just me myself and you baby on a Sat-a-day. Painkilla is studying. Movie marathon - Bujang Lapok! for me and Monsters Inc for you.

Friday, January 20, 2006

iron lady

Gynae: So 5 more days to go
Me: U-huh
Gynae: Any pain?
Me: No
Gynae: Come and see me one week later if this goes on. Are you anxious? Make that 26jan.
Me: What happens then - Induce?
Gynae: That depends on baby...

Ha! Back to the waiting game for me. Since there will be no Sembawangfest for me. And painkilla is his annual D&D. How bout some shopping therapy. Look what I found. It was a steal...
So much for OSIM Magnetic Slim Belt. Aussino on sale too...Manage to grab 6 sheets when they limit 4 per pax. Hurrah! I thought pregnancy has made me soft. Coz the bags are wearing me out. Only to find out that I was lugging 4.3kg on my right hand and 3kg on my left. And today is public transport day. Hope all this walking and lifting will make you hurry to this world. Come on baby...


Had another attack of the crying bug yesterday. Hope baby tak gembeng since I already done all the crying for you. So I completed Assignment 1 . Baby crib ready...
Oh with his darlings. His fetish for cats *roll eyes* Hope baby will get better treatment. My crib ready...
Looking out the window enjoying the fresh air when I spotted an intruder... Do they have babies for lunch? Well I am off to my check up. Mother set an appointment today too. Mother and daughter setting off to see the same doc! For different reasons of course. Ok baby see if I kena tahan...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

waiting game

my maternity leave officially starts next week. For now i am enjoying my off days. Thats a bonus of 4 days added to three months of maternity leave. So here I am.. Its 1145hr and I just finished breakfast. Then its on to bird's nest...
I started this ritual since they were on sale for Chinese New Year. I think baby is suppose to grow up blessed with healthy beautiful skin. Did not do my research though. All this by word of mouth that its gonna be good for you. I had slurped down bout 10 bottles of those. Another concoction that i tried - Coconut juice. Well take a good look...
Being an eating monster that I am. I literally scrap the coconut clean. Not sure if I am suppose to do that. Oh well you tell me. Juice n meat or juz juice. Well all this healthy concoction may not work so well. At the same time I got into a new habit. You see Painkilla always munches chocolats when hes doin hes late nite studying. Now hes got me into it. For one week now I too have been indulging these...So help me god. With rising sugar levels it will do more harm than good for me. So where should I hide those. Hanging around at home would only make me pop those in my mouth. Ha ! So I got it all figured out. Assignment 1: To get the house baby ready..cots, clothes, room. Assignment 2: To get my home visitor friendly...stock on drinks, clean, neat n proper is my goal. Here I go...

Monday, January 16, 2006

pregnancy journey

my pregnancy journey...
My first trimester , I learnt the meaning of Famished
Hungry by the hour my weight soared high
With three kilo a month depression soon sets in
Broke down in front of my gynae when she said I was FAT
Watched my diet , I did , but to no avail
I just look fat as my tummy was hidden till the last month did it simply show
Still I was never offered any seat at the train as I was just an able plump lady
No morning sickness No nausea No aches and pains People were envious of me
Hidden deep within me was unfound sorrow
Depression hits me every month, crying for no reason
Watching the tube with crying scene would set me off tearfully
My feet bloated with red streaks splashed on my thighs and calves
They dont bother me much , they just tingle and itch when I do the cooking
Heavy breasted had its toll on my soft skin beneath
For now they are sore and I still cant get the right bra
Now waiting for the moment ~
For you my new love I know what my wait is worth
Even though we havent formally met yet
I already love you more than I can say and I am sure you can feel
Sometime between today and 9 days from now
Life will never be the same...