Friday, January 20, 2006

iron lady

Gynae: So 5 more days to go
Me: U-huh
Gynae: Any pain?
Me: No
Gynae: Come and see me one week later if this goes on. Are you anxious? Make that 26jan.
Me: What happens then - Induce?
Gynae: That depends on baby...

Ha! Back to the waiting game for me. Since there will be no Sembawangfest for me. And painkilla is his annual D&D. How bout some shopping therapy. Look what I found. It was a steal...
So much for OSIM Magnetic Slim Belt. Aussino on sale too...Manage to grab 6 sheets when they limit 4 per pax. Hurrah! I thought pregnancy has made me soft. Coz the bags are wearing me out. Only to find out that I was lugging 4.3kg on my right hand and 3kg on my left. And today is public transport day. Hope all this walking and lifting will make you hurry to this world. Come on baby...

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