Thursday, April 27, 2006

virus invasion

virus invasion
part deux... the last invasion log was 24 Jan 2006. lets see how long it will last this time. being a working mom even formatting the PC has got to wait a while.....

Monday, April 24, 2006

all new

all new

it makes all the difference. i used to be the gal who simply slap on Tshirt and jeans then head out the door. now getting ready starts the night before. ironing the coordinated skarf and blouse. plus the bonus task of packing baby's needs too. even with all this hassle i was still half an hour late the whole of last week. having to send her over baba's and to settle her in the car, i can't seem to stick to the schedule...

then at work another drama would surface. working in the 'cleanroom' manufacturing industry have no mercy on us muslimahs. they dont have a procedure to accomadate us. as i try to explain my way through the training dept, a fellow muslimah slams criticsm on me. as an elder she could have offered advise or explain why we still have to abide to procedures. but no.. she had to scream in my face that i definitely do not deserve better treatment. i admit defeat. so i had to change the way i don my hijjab slightly to accomodate the 'cleanroom protocols'
plenty of questions came my way. why do i have to wear? why not all of them wear? why only now you start to wear? some pleaded with me 'don't wear lah.. not nice...' some even spark a debate on their views and philosophy. i simply smile at times coz i just dont know how to explain. then i saw this video and got even more confuse...

on a lighter note... my love for bright colours dont do me much justice either. i am like a bobbing headlight going back and forth. yesterday was red. today green. tommorrow amber. a bobbing traffic light amidst a sea of grey machines. i am just too loud for them to ignore...

Saturday, April 22, 2006


hello aniq
you met aniq yesterday. and you got friendly with him without ummie having to introduce even. bought you another shoe hee... *your parents are shoemaniac*

then you had to make a big fuss over it and wail till ppl were looking at us. made our way to the nearest nursery. haste and hassle to make your formula as fast as i could. however the moment Aniq lay beside you, you started to coo at him.

you chatted your way even with a bottle in your mouth!

but with a smile like this who could resist right...

so i had to isolate you and feed you right. later we continued shopping...

aunty shireen's girls are really a joy to watch. siblings make the best of friends. you gotta wait a while though. Insya Allah...

then you got tired and made more fuss in the car. thanx to aunty hana who put you to sleep. you really like it coz when she left, you couldnt go back to sleep!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


i've never seen abah this way before. you have brought a new light to his life...
abah is quiet and reserved when it comes to love and affection. he is not one who would play with kids either. he is rather cold.. heck he doesn't even share much laughter! then i received a bling bling from him earlier. he says its a gift for these reasons :
1.. newbie in da family
2.. donning the hejab
3.. stubbing the butt
then when we went out for a day of shopping and movies. he kept pestering me to call you. *i never call to check in on you coz it will leave me sad to hear if you're crying or not drinking* he would pester me again. i never knew he would miss you so much... his paternal instincts has kicked in. heck he shows me more affection now in appreciation of taking good care of you.
awww... i'm floating....
and we will live in peace together
free together
our hands entwined we'll stay forever
no one can break us from each other
we'll be together. as one. in our hearts

Sunday, April 16, 2006


starts today! i thought about how today would be. how i have to drag myself. well so far nothing much really. cannot deny that i dont miss ya. just wondering if you've been a good girl.
i sent you to baba house at 0630am. got to werk. checked emails. check the production line. had big laughs with those old faces. look for frenz...err.. frenz.. well no kaki today.
i have to admit a lot have changed while i was away. the usual kaki no longer here. still its not so bad as today is sunday. the big day is tomorrow.
all around will be screaming to see me back and demanding for baby photos. well i do know the real reason for them missing me. its all the issues at the production line. i've got a machine waiting for me and people waiting to be send for training.. Oh! if i lost you dear, let me explain... ummie is working as a technical speacialist. meaning i am a doctor to robots and machines.
its gonna be fast lane from tomorrow onwards. i say bring it on...
oops..tommorrow is my follow up with gynae. so i wont be going to work. hee hee i guess today is rehearsal then. i did quite badly - forgot to bring my employmt pass, my praying kit and best was parking. driving through the gantry with a hired car(non registered IU unit). i will be charged whole day!
tommorrow is another rest day for ummie then. i will send you over to baba's because ummie got a date with abah in the afternoon. juz us spending time together for the small event of our 2nd anniversary...

Friday, April 14, 2006

kiss me not

kiss me...NOT!
a beautiful morning greeted the family on Wednesday. we sent you to baba house. ummie sent abah to work. then ummie heads back to baba's. was gonna guide baba how to assemble the bath set and supervise her bathing you. told her it was gonna be challenging as you hate baths. just like hitam the black cat.
there was a massive jam after punggol as an accident had occured. warning came from the news. ummie exit TPE and waiting in line to turn the filter lane. plenty of cars were trying to escape the crawling traffic.
'BANG' ummie jolted from my seat. immediately knew that a car kissed my behind. took things slow. look behind...the other driver was already out of his car signaling me he too was hit. the car behind him was at fault. i then got out of the car armed with a pen and paper.
called abah. hello. good morning. what are you doin? kereta kena langgar buntut!
culprit was a young guy from the air force. seeing his uniform. i ask if he just got off his shift. yes he confirmed. simple a young sleepy driver trying to make his way home.
ummie thanked God you were not in the car and i was not hurt. Alhamdullilah
all this does not excite me. the follow up with the family would. in laws are very err... kanchong spider. i rather go through physical pain rather then endure the mental torture. well its not my fault and i dont see how i can prevent either. one thing ummie knows for sure. abah will always be by my side....

Sunday, April 09, 2006


ummie looks forward to weekends. thats when we go and meet them. its also when ummie gets to break loose and shop. shopping is one of the ten commandments for the female species. you got to pay attention. all these excursions are well guided by nani. *we gotta learn from the best ~my mama* our shopping spree have only seized 4 malls. parkwayparade. compasspoint. westmall. tangs. we got to buck up in order to conquer SingaporeShoppingParadise. now you are getting the hang of it. you are more awake now. so get in the action. here is your photo essay on shopping..

hey who turn up the heat... wer my shades at?

wow i see the whole world buzzing by...

hey gotta look n smell good alwayz...

now thats more like it. bring it on...

right right this is perfect for my first raya... do they have it in my size...

Friday, April 07, 2006

couch potato

couch potato
abah has sealed a path for you. you are gonna be a couch potato. he just splurged on you the complete set of baby einstein collection. we got it from ebay - where the great deals are... the only concern was, its covered with mandrin and korean from manual to covers.

so we need to do a little bit of homework. to find out which show for what age group! a small price to pay for a steal for the entire collection. all the dvd's are the same with english interface.

so we tried it out on you. it definitely got your attention which i find amazing. though it may not last the whole show it is definitely a start for more to come. it has 19dvd's and 1vcd.

so it will last a long time...