Sunday, April 16, 2006


starts today! i thought about how today would be. how i have to drag myself. well so far nothing much really. cannot deny that i dont miss ya. just wondering if you've been a good girl.
i sent you to baba house at 0630am. got to werk. checked emails. check the production line. had big laughs with those old faces. look for frenz...err.. frenz.. well no kaki today.
i have to admit a lot have changed while i was away. the usual kaki no longer here. still its not so bad as today is sunday. the big day is tomorrow.
all around will be screaming to see me back and demanding for baby photos. well i do know the real reason for them missing me. its all the issues at the production line. i've got a machine waiting for me and people waiting to be send for training.. Oh! if i lost you dear, let me explain... ummie is working as a technical speacialist. meaning i am a doctor to robots and machines.
its gonna be fast lane from tomorrow onwards. i say bring it on...
oops..tommorrow is my follow up with gynae. so i wont be going to work. hee hee i guess today is rehearsal then. i did quite badly - forgot to bring my employmt pass, my praying kit and best was parking. driving through the gantry with a hired car(non registered IU unit). i will be charged whole day!
tommorrow is another rest day for ummie then. i will send you over to baba's because ummie got a date with abah in the afternoon. juz us spending time together for the small event of our 2nd anniversary...

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