Monday, April 24, 2006

all new

all new

it makes all the difference. i used to be the gal who simply slap on Tshirt and jeans then head out the door. now getting ready starts the night before. ironing the coordinated skarf and blouse. plus the bonus task of packing baby's needs too. even with all this hassle i was still half an hour late the whole of last week. having to send her over baba's and to settle her in the car, i can't seem to stick to the schedule...

then at work another drama would surface. working in the 'cleanroom' manufacturing industry have no mercy on us muslimahs. they dont have a procedure to accomadate us. as i try to explain my way through the training dept, a fellow muslimah slams criticsm on me. as an elder she could have offered advise or explain why we still have to abide to procedures. but no.. she had to scream in my face that i definitely do not deserve better treatment. i admit defeat. so i had to change the way i don my hijjab slightly to accomodate the 'cleanroom protocols'
plenty of questions came my way. why do i have to wear? why not all of them wear? why only now you start to wear? some pleaded with me 'don't wear lah.. not nice...' some even spark a debate on their views and philosophy. i simply smile at times coz i just dont know how to explain. then i saw this video and got even more confuse...

on a lighter note... my love for bright colours dont do me much justice either. i am like a bobbing headlight going back and forth. yesterday was red. today green. tommorrow amber. a bobbing traffic light amidst a sea of grey machines. i am just too loud for them to ignore...

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