Sunday, December 23, 2007


they eventually got me my ride
after that stride to ride walker
ummie bought me another one from US
but it never arrived bcoz she refuse to pay the shipping charges that is more than twice the price of the toy itself... hmph...
then i showed them that i am ready for my first ride
when i got on adiyah's bike
so they got me a cow !!
then about 3 weeks later
i got lucky at toysRus
they got me my very first DORA trike
WOW right...
well i didnt appreciate it then
coz i pretty much prefer the doll stroller even when i got NO doll
but back at home after ummie assembled it from scratch
and complained coz the box says assembled in MEXICO
i jumped on it and off i went...
no pedals for me yet
just push n drag n push
proud owner of 4 vehicles with no COE
abah is gonna charge me season parking soon
why 4? coz 1 week later ummie bought me another tricycle for baba's place
yeah....which is even bigger !!
maybe i will get to enrol myself in BBDC soon
riding for lil tots
motocross will have my name reserved

Saturday, December 15, 2007


my beloved sista and pinky
on a new journey of their lives
it was witnessed by all who loved them
Semoga perjalananmu diberkati Allah...Insya Allah
i will always love ya
my pinky embarking on a musical journey
she played the trumpet in the ensemble
performing at the Victoria theatre
i actually deleted the video recording...sorry
May this be your first performance with many more to come


check out her feet..
she is defying orders of NO SHOES in da house!
when she knows how to take them off
and lined them neatly to the wall
with clapping and praising hersef "PANDAI"
she trots around the house clumsy as ever
she doesnt walk very well
i guess she got such tiny feet
her cousin 2 weeks her junior pass down her shoes!
but the adult shoes would appeal more of course
she is hitting adolescence
thus i believe the TERRIBLE TWOs is right around the corner
get ready now...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


if i had three lil munchkins
seriously i wanted a boy from the begining
only because i know i am at my fittest
and you need all your energy and more for boys
since i've been blessed with a girl
she is superbly close to my sister
to whom everyone assume is mine too
whadaheck now i bring in one more munchkin to the picture
ok lah hor... semua pompuan!

Monday, December 10, 2007


with Elisya, back then,
I was paranoid when i gained as mush as 3-4kg per month
i was depressed and survived on soupy foods for 3 months
but still gained so much
this time i gave up
also knowing that i will be able to shed it off
with hard work of pumping out at the gym
still got my AMORE credits to claim
i did not manage to shed till pre pregnancy weight
but i was happy with the new figure
so this time i eat as i please
all sinful foods
my gynae is appealing to me to avoid sweet stuff
i lied through my teeth when i replied YES
seriously how to manage NO SWEETS FOOD / DRINKS when its raya fest
and it goes on till the up and coming raya haji
i dont know whats my weight now
i dare not check
but i've been gaining a kg a month
which is a miracle to me
so what shall i have for lunch today
after having lontong kering for breakfast
rice in the morning for most weekends now
my concience is terrified by now
but i am so looking forward to a sinful dinner of
rice, durian, coconut milk and sugar !!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


my baby has had her first taste of DURIAN
she was not eager at first
which i find weird but she ate a lot that day
and of course, it does not resemble your ordinary ice cream cone or chocolates
after a while she decided to try some
she got excited and gave cheeky faces after every feed
she only took about 5 feeds
then she backed off
good, coz i was worried it may heat up her body
but still i'm happy she does not show any reaction to durians
well she may be too young anyway
but for those who really cannot stand the smell maybe you can try this

Monday, December 03, 2007

work from home

work from home
I have been blessed with great bosses at HP
One option for me is to work from home
I can pull this option at least once a week
however i hardly use it unless i am really tooo tired to go to work
i run store operations, so physically absent is quite tough
sitting at home and working just does not fall nicely into place
my cosy living room would distract me
but the biggest distraction of all would be HER
seriously how to work when your toddler would climb all over you
so whenever i opt for working from home
she still have to go over to baba's place
while i work work work my emails
i would aim to write a few entries on the blog but it'll never happen
today i simply shut my eyes on the growing mailbox of 281 unread mails and blog blog blog...
*even then it is simply to update my entriez. no time to go blog hopping

Sunday, December 02, 2007

bundle of joy

bundle of joy
featuring Nazhan NorEffendi
lately a few of us were blessed with their bundle of joy
bundle of joy to me and hubby is the scariest part of the journey. no sleep, no cold drinks, no unhealthy drinks, no cold baths, plenty of wailings to cope with the rush of visitors with food to prepare. ok mostly it applies to me. but i have prepred myself mentally to face it again. this time i opened my mouth to get more help than the last time. or at least HE has to go buy me food at the very least. i am not gonna cook for the first week. anyways i saw the drypers NEWBORN advertisement and i ws over joyed. seriously trust them and to make NEWBORN size will simply help us ease the expenditure. coz seriously this little bundle of joy simply poo and pee as they wish. up to about 12 pcs of diapers each day !!! koyak seh.. so i did my homework at your nearest fairprice...
drypers 28s - $7.30 ~0.26 each
mamy poko 52s - $17.80 ~0.34 each
pampers 36s - $16.20 ~0.45
fitti's - dont know dont care... bad experience..

Saturday, December 01, 2007


i need another dose of vacation please...
i was at Beach Road and sweet memories hit me
all those gorgeous bags hanging
my bag lasted me from 1997 - LoweAlpine !!
those ol days of independence
scratching for money to buy a bag, tickets, supplies
oh i wonder if i will be able to climb again after no.2
for now i tak cerewet... i'd go anywhere
good news...he got us tics to BANGKOK
hurray...but its all the way in mid Jan 2008
i can'y wait and i'll be heavy too
i guess missy will celebrate her birthday ala Thai favorite holiday destination
hope its safe...