Monday, December 10, 2007


with Elisya, back then,
I was paranoid when i gained as mush as 3-4kg per month
i was depressed and survived on soupy foods for 3 months
but still gained so much
this time i gave up
also knowing that i will be able to shed it off
with hard work of pumping out at the gym
still got my AMORE credits to claim
i did not manage to shed till pre pregnancy weight
but i was happy with the new figure
so this time i eat as i please
all sinful foods
my gynae is appealing to me to avoid sweet stuff
i lied through my teeth when i replied YES
seriously how to manage NO SWEETS FOOD / DRINKS when its raya fest
and it goes on till the up and coming raya haji
i dont know whats my weight now
i dare not check
but i've been gaining a kg a month
which is a miracle to me
so what shall i have for lunch today
after having lontong kering for breakfast
rice in the morning for most weekends now
my concience is terrified by now
but i am so looking forward to a sinful dinner of
rice, durian, coconut milk and sugar !!!

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