Saturday, April 05, 2008

no more milk

no more milk
it happened last wednesday
just what...2 weeks
the last time i lasted at least a month! with bad diet some more
i notice my right breast went zero milk
and both never balloon up enuff for me to pump
so i had no extra supply in the fridge
on wednesday when it dry up,
babyLia refrused to drink from bottle
doesnt matter if it was expressed milk or formula
and she started to fuss on my breast
she is not one who cries a lot
so i start to panic
i mean wat did i do wrong
i really watched my diet, my fluids
i only skip spinach for 2 days but had other types vege
so i went to the doctors
ah, they actually do have prescription
so i've been popping em pills
but they can only make about 60ml per breast
as compared to 100ml each before
well at least i still have milk to feed her

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