Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Elisya complaint her hips hurt and cant move. she was screaming during her bath. Elisya has low tolerance of pain, so we weren't sure if it was a concern. she obviously cant walk un aided. abah google and saw that hernia may be the probable cause. this would also mean a surgery is needed!

so i sent Lia to school and went back home to pack. if she's warded, we need supplies! i like to be prepared. then we headed to KKH...

it was fast and swift in the children's A&E. abah had a harder time getting a parking!
she had her Xray done, took a dose of Brufen and we waited for the very hip doctor. the Xray results were normal and good. her pains are from her hip joints. it is called irritable hip syndrome. it should go away a week or two! she will be on Brufen every six hourly. anyway it is called RIGHT HIP TRANSIENT SYNOVITIS....   http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/166614.php
we will follow up with an orthopaedic visit on Friday, we pray and hope she recovers soon... In Shaa Allah...!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

U Run

it was the smallest crowd, barely 1000 ppl. very nice route, running in the midst of MBS shopping area..

it was me, myself and I...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

hearty breakfast

the heart was used as a cutter instead of frying a pancake with it.. well its a start so now they learn something new. the hearts are small and Lia couldn't get enuff. while bebeMika eats the remnants of her heart.. hee

Thursday, February 14, 2013

love hurts

i got a lovely teddy at work from a gf, we then went and have Japanese lunch to celebrate the lovely occasion. Back at home: It was pathetic enough that i bought my own cakes and cookies in the hopes of pampering him. Surely my kids will enjoy blowing candles and eating cake anytime. We brought out the cake after dinner. He is a aware that we are gearing up but he took out his laptop from the room and sat comfortably on the sofa. Called him several times to blow and cut the cake. he asked sternly "you nak I buat apa!?" i reply, come and blow the candles. his reply "tak ada benda pun, nak apa!" so i tearfully lit the candles with the girls. he then came over and sang happy birhthday with the girls 5 times - one for each person. I on the other hand was utterly quiet, taking videos of my beautiful children excitedly blowing candles!
as soon as the singing was over he plop right back to the sofa with his laptop. elisya who cut a cake for the first time, naturally brought over a slice of cake to him. my girls didnt quite enjoy the cake though and couldn't finish their share.. it was a quiet evening as we gear up for school and went to bed early with the girls..Amin

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cuzzins nite out

we met in the far east and had buffet dinner at Sakura. with compliments from sweet Dada.Yeah! Terima Kasih! Semoga ALLAH murahkan rezeki Dada! Amin..
we only manage to meet annually. i believe the chat group we have will bring us closer despite the distance. we were excited with the possibilities of baking together, dining together and what nots..
we shared much during the buffet.. maybe too much!
sometimes not knowing what you are missing is definitely a blessing. how am I to move forward when now i know i deserve much more.I pray to ALLAH to guide me..
the treats that they brought was just superb and sweet.Thank YOu.. i got them some corn kernels forcing them to cook. well think of it as an experience for the kids to enjoy their 'popping' popcorns. it makes them taste better with their own effort.. hee
It was a short and satisfying meeting. with too much laughters and gossip enough to make us smile unknowingly from time to time. lovin it..
till next time  ~In Shaa ALLAH

Persistent fever

the virus that abah brought back is persistent. It has now infected Elisya. She has high fever now and is weak. She keeps on vomiting and couldn't keep her liquids down. I am very stern and shouted at her for not knowing how to vomit at the right places! I mean, she should run to the floor and vomit instead of carpet. Or when on the stroller, vomit to the floor instead of your own clothes and self. Scold me insensitive all you want. but it is already tiring without the cleaning up..

We visited Etern medical asking for bigger quantities of medication. they are quite pricey at $63 a kid with 2 days MC. Asking for more medication only totals to $2 extra..! i used all govt aid possible - CSC card just -$10 and paid by CDA for half price.. How dare i indulge in luxuries when i can't pay for my kids health bills without cringing!

Abah also got himself 2 days MC too as he was too sick to work
Elisya is recovering well and have gone back to school Fri 15Feb.. AlhamduliLLah
Lia on the other hand keeps on coughing in the hopes of skipping school.. so she was away from school since 7 feb and will return next monday 18 Feb.. In Shaa Allah

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

night outing

Late night shopping at the ever expanding Mustafa! It was sweet to shop with ladies who giggle and find amazement in everything they see... It has been a while since we last met baby due to her JB episode. Now that her crib is a stones throw away from mine, we can start anew.such late shopping is usually a routine when Isham comes back home, with the younger crew. This time as part of festivity, my love agreed to join and even drove us over.
After the indulging purchases at the 'M mega mall', we had supper at Ananda Bhavan at my pathetic request. Thank you guys..
it was fun and should be repeated. But I have to admit I am not good with coming home at five in the morning!
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Saturday, February 09, 2013


It has now spread to bebe Mika..
She cries at night uncomfortable from the running temp. She refuses medicine, and feeding her medication is like a child abuse scene!
So the only solution is to shoot suppositories! How else to bring down the crazy temperature.
She also has cough and running nose, just like Lia, who now was getting better.. Alhamdulillah

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my pride...

I was into photoraphy since 2004. My dream was to have a wall of pictures in my home. It took us 8 years to make it a reality. Half of the picture frames had been lying under my bed for 3 years just waiting to be hung..

A very moving experience for me. This includes dragging them to the Photoshoot too..

My pride and joy on my walls simply look awesome!!!... SubahannaLLah..

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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Feb Fever

I rushed home from work at 3pm. PrincessLia's fever did not subside from morning. My in laws went over to check on her and asked if i were to bring her to the doctors. I haven't any leave to take so will bring home in the afternoon.

We went to Etern medical and got her checked by the doctor. She was weak and insisted to be carried, at least hold her hand and guide her way. We were waiting for prescription and sitting on the chairs. She was sitting on the edge of the seat when she fell down to the floor on her face! it happened without warning, we only manage to shriek as we helplessly saw her fell. She cried loudly scolding me that she was weak and i should have carried her. i hugged and consoled her with guilt. Hope she recovers soon... In Shaa Allah


CNY goodies for warehouse staff at GTweed...!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


It was the most peculiar thing that happened to me. As I shut the gates behind me, after seeing Lia to her classroom, a strange fatigue feeling caught me on the back of my neck. I got into the car to make my way to work. Numbness slowly creep to my hands and legs. It is weak and started to shiver. I made a detour to the bakery to buy myself to a coffee sugar bun. I was fine walking and making my purchase. Then i drove off again to work, again the numbness and fatigue set in. I thought of gas poisoning thus i close my air con and wind down the windows. i did think of driving home where my love is also at home on MC, but i haven't any leave left, i drove ahead to office.

i manage to get to office and called my gf, Joleen to make milo for me. Seeing me in dire straits, they scolded me for coming to work. Made me call my love to come fetch me, when i know it is a waste of time. He simply advised me to rest for fifteen minutes, drink a sweet drink then slowly drive back home! so i did just that and continue to work from home..
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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Token of Love

He got me a watch that does too much for me to comprehend. A new companion for my run and dance classes he says.
When will he get it..., he is my only and ideal companion. The only one that makes my heart double beat effortlessly!
The heart rate monitor is really cool so if you see ZERO heartbeat jolly well pump CPR pronto..
Coming f-r-o-m you of very few words. This truly is your token of love to me..
i foresee nothing coming my way this valentines then.. ;p

Halal 'SPAM'

My first attempt of luncheon meat with steamed buns..
It was gone in sixty seconds!
But not a hit with the kiddos though..
Try harder ummiE
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