Wednesday, February 06, 2013


It was the most peculiar thing that happened to me. As I shut the gates behind me, after seeing Lia to her classroom, a strange fatigue feeling caught me on the back of my neck. I got into the car to make my way to work. Numbness slowly creep to my hands and legs. It is weak and started to shiver. I made a detour to the bakery to buy myself to a coffee sugar bun. I was fine walking and making my purchase. Then i drove off again to work, again the numbness and fatigue set in. I thought of gas poisoning thus i close my air con and wind down the windows. i did think of driving home where my love is also at home on MC, but i haven't any leave left, i drove ahead to office.

i manage to get to office and called my gf, Joleen to make milo for me. Seeing me in dire straits, they scolded me for coming to work. Made me call my love to come fetch me, when i know it is a waste of time. He simply advised me to rest for fifteen minutes, drink a sweet drink then slowly drive back home! so i did just that and continue to work from home..
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