Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Elisya complaint her hips hurt and cant move. she was screaming during her bath. Elisya has low tolerance of pain, so we weren't sure if it was a concern. she obviously cant walk un aided. abah google and saw that hernia may be the probable cause. this would also mean a surgery is needed!

so i sent Lia to school and went back home to pack. if she's warded, we need supplies! i like to be prepared. then we headed to KKH...

it was fast and swift in the children's A&E. abah had a harder time getting a parking!
she had her Xray done, took a dose of Brufen and we waited for the very hip doctor. the Xray results were normal and good. her pains are from her hip joints. it is called irritable hip syndrome. it should go away a week or two! she will be on Brufen every six hourly. anyway it is called RIGHT HIP TRANSIENT SYNOVITIS....   http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/166614.php
we will follow up with an orthopaedic visit on Friday, we pray and hope she recovers soon... In Shaa Allah...!

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