Thursday, August 31, 2006

catch me

catch me
i was getting worried. at six months missy is a lazy one. she refuses to turn over herself. i would flip her then she would cry so we turn her back! since the invasion of the misfits. things have changed. i guess she saw the other babies doing their crawls and turns. it kinda get to her. now she flips over herself. but she still cry when she's tired. she still dont know how to turn back.
i cant slack anymore. i gotta watch her. it's only now that i start to lock the crib! although i still dont do it at night.
yesterday she fell asleep on my chest. so i decided to let her sleep on her tummy. 2 hours later she got up restless. so i tucked her in between two secure bolsters but not swaddled. later in da morning i woke up to find her on her tummy at the corner of her crib! maybe i should start the extra security of locking her crib at night. but its right next to us. if she falls over she will land on our heads! hmmm.. i will wait for more occurences before i kick off the new security check...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

buzz me

buzz me
in sickness and madness. i donned her in a bee getup and head outdoors. armed with 350D and a bumbling baby. out in the park. i found a nice spot. knowing i have a temperamental baby, i waste no time. techniques and methods flew out the window as i shoot shoot shoot before she starts to cry! all was over in half an hour...

Monday, August 28, 2006



ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg mungkin bisa kau rindu
karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu
oh karena hati tlah letih
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg selalu bisa kau sentuh
aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku selalu memujamu
tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati
oh bayangmu seakan-akan
kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yg memanggil rinduku padamu
seperti udara yg kuhela kau selalu ada
hanya dirimu yg bisa membuatku tenang
tanpa dirimu aku merasa hilangdan sepi, dan sepi
selalu ada, kau selalu ada

love is in the air

love is in the air
we are shift personnels. we have been dodging the night duty for more than a year now. tonight our luck runs out. sure i bade him farewell in da morning thinking i wont see him till the next evening.
nope. we had to meet up.
when was the last time you had a meeting with your love one under the block? minah bawah blok! so we sat awhile, chat alittle and cuddle abit. i have to say the chat topics have moved from the-bully-in-school to when-shall-we-try-for-the-next-one!!
then we move off. him to werk. me to fetch missy. side be side on the road. just the two of us. ok i drove behind. easier to manoeuver n see him at the same time. as the junction approached for us to part. we turned to each other and waved lovingly. oohh.. when was the last time you felt that 'magic' ? the walt disney fairytale of lovebirds cooing. heh.
my first night out with missy. she went to sleep soon after her cough mixture. hee. only the tele for company. it was bombarded with HUGE shows running concurrently.
TV3-wedding of the year decade!-no reception..pfft.
TV1-twisted interview of xlovebirds of the year-this kept me company
CH5-emmy awards-after the hillarious interview
watched near midnight till he beeped me. with sweet words hushing me to sleep. awww..

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006


ummie is too weak to even speak, let alone blog
the break we took went longer then we expected
nonetheless, we will be back
meanwhile i try to nurse ummie back to health

*sniffles & cough*

Monday, August 21, 2006


we are mourning for a loss in the family
Aisyah bte Hitam

Friday, August 18, 2006


as moms to be, who else did we trust but Johnson&Johnson for babysafe toiletries. i got my ToptoToewash at a hefty price from KiddiePalace when NTUC sells nearly $2 cheaper. evilPlace that palace. i prefer Tom&Stefanie.
anywayz.. soon after birth i found out i needed more than NoMoreTears formula to get a peaceful bathtime. just like HitamtheBlackcat, missy hates bath. now she is slightly better. i decided to introduce the rubber ducky. there were 3 in the troop. mother duck & 2 ducklings.
hell no it was NOT a good move. she thought it was an alien invasion. the duck omits a weird sound and it squirts water. she cried coz she seriously think that she was under attack by yellow monsters! haiz..i got to come up with a better strategy...
ok back to Johnson&Johnson. how long does a 500ml bottle last? its been half a year and it looks like its gonna last me another 3 months. now that i've found out other brands smell a whole lot better. i cant wait for this bottle to finish...

Thursday, August 17, 2006


10days later and my baby still have the bug. running nose, cough and lotsa phlegm hanging around. we made another visit to the docs today. a higher dosage of new & stronger medicine my ~baby goes go sleep. she's been drugged!
i dont like it one bit. i feel that she is way too young to be on drowsing cough mixtures.
it is disheartening enuff to see her sick. when an aunt said in my face not breastfeeding. maybe its those formulas that make them sick. subconsciously my parents actually tried to save me. saying things like the flu attacks all ages and how none of the family was successful in BM. so blame it on the genes..wahaha. i love them. my thoughts raced. would she be any better if she was on BM? point crying over spilled milk.
*cough cough cough* goes my poor baby.
she is damn smart wit me. give her a new taste and she's happy. first try of medicine she will slurp it all up. repeat and she will make a fuss like any other kid. happened again today with the new medicines.
Does anyone use vicks? the label says above two year old. her doc says above 6mths ok. i have been using it on her chest and back since 2mths old! some new mummies advised me otherwise. saying there is something in the market meant for babies. i dunno what and have not been looking.
anyways, i too feel the bug within me. both of us down and out. in case the bambinos take action against us. plus i got my nose buried in HarryPotter&theHalfBloodPrince. its been sitting under the bed since the worldwide launch. he could have saved some extra bucks if he had known.
*goes back to the book & nursing missy of course. hey who's nursing me?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


my morning jam
this is my fate when ummie goes to work. lucky for me she only goes to work 4days a week.
its rise and shine at 6am. most times i am already awake waiting with a smile. then its off in the car. plenty of toys dangling above me for me to bite or ogle at. i am a better rider now compared to the initial months when she started working. she had to make some pit stops when my crying would not ease. now i am at ease as long as the car moves. then baba would take me away from my ummie. i will only hear her voice again at around 8pm. sigh..

Sunday, August 13, 2006

big motions

big motions
i have been waiting for two days... no poo!
today is abah's duty and you challenged him..
no more blue moments during poo sessions...
well done abah. we are proud of you...

Saturday, August 12, 2006


they came all geared in jeans. i decided to take that levi's baby gift set a try. boy they were way too big. but who cares anyway. for a photoshoot, ppl wont notice right?..
there was someone new. this cousin of mine is named after wealth. good fortune in his life to come maybe *in god's will*. damn cute too. unfornately he refused to make friends with me. @#$! my very first rejection! well i took it in stride. smiling knowing there are plenty more fishes in the sea...
oh not forgetting my sista.A was there too. as usual we have started practicing our petty squabbles. we have a lifetime to make it perfect!..
hey i like visitors. when there are my age of course. fun fun fun...
ummie like these visitors too coz. sista.A's mom was superb. she got the food ready, clean up after eating and even help to pack the leftovers!! ummie said she deserved an otstanding award for service. dont worry aunty. i will make ummie work just as hard at your place..hee..
do come again another day.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

national day

national day
this is my first national day. we watched national day on the tele in the comforts of our own home. with my family. in my country, singapore. national day holds a sentimental value to my parents. it was their courting season back in 1999. at the national stadium. watching the parade. so ummie tried to catch the fireworks whenever she can with abah to relive the moments. unfortunately abah was always on duty every year. this time he got home early. but i am not fit to go anywhere. so it was juz us and the fireworks on tv.

happy national day ~more

Monday, August 07, 2006

whats bugging you..

watz bugging you..
i was told she is not well. she got the fever, the cold and the cough. i didnt heed their warning. so i agreed when they say they will bring her to the doctor's tomorrow. when i reached home they had made a call telling us to see the doctor tonight. i shook the idea away. as i sat down for dinner prepared by him. she showed off her cough. it was sad indeed. then her nose starts to flow.
oh my baby is sick...
we finished the food in haste and brought her to the doctors.
oh my baby is bugged...
i fed her medicine. she sucked all her might like it was syup.
oh my baby is brave...
she whined her way to sleep. he reckon she should sleep by his side. so for the first time she will be sandwhiched on our bed. i so disagree.
oh my baby is pampered...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

abah boleh

abah boleh
sundays is abah's duty. but he will escape when i sleep over nanny's place. this week he gladly took up the challenge. then he brought it up a notch by taking me out! he is more confident with me now. even if its not just the two of us...
we're going out. we were gonna meet nadya. they are fetching us of course. abah dont even have an ezlink card. and ummie brought the car to work. the last i met nadya was when she was fresh at the hospital. she was a big gal then and a bigger gurl now. she is two months my junior. she got a great mummy. i fully 'utilised' her while ummie's not around. it was a short meeting though. a nice sunday breakfast at changi...

Saturday, August 05, 2006


they sang burfday songs for me.. there were cakes.. there were pizzas(for me to smell & ogle at).. and there were gifts..FOR ME... therefore i declare it's my burfday.. woohoo... i have to say it came earlier than i expected.
it started quite wrong really. we were all dressed up. but we headed to the clinic. nightmare was realised when the DrJoanne prick my behind! ouch.. i went to sleep soon after. i was to be left at baba's place while they have a field day. but abah felt for me and got permission from ummie to go out as a family instead. so we went to booboo's posh hangout mall. we were one day too early for booboo hunting though....
it's my first trip to Junior Paragon. very posh indeed. they left my carrier behind. they could not find anthing cheap enough to bind me and ummie together. everything was 3 digit. not that money concerns me but they keep passing me around! they thank the stars that i am very light...
GSS may be over but ummie still manage to go crazy at metro & AUSSINO. she has been under the shopping spell since her post natal depression days. and she never stop since. she reckon she may need help. but i am not complaining. i got myself an all new bedding set. it looked & felt different i thought it was a new bed! ummie is not a fan of the bumper set. i dont move around much coz i'm still being swaddled to sleep. she also got me a new sleeping bag. plus a new fiited sheet and fleece blanket makes all the difference. i say she's a smart shopper. not buying anything above $20.
so that's what i did on my bufday. out with the ones i love, who spends all their money on me! yeah.. i got a new 'bed' and also a huge stuff car from Disney's CARS. it goes well with my huge spongebob..heh...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


i did it.. i like that thing ummie shoves in my mouth today.. noice..
when she pause to take my pictures i whine for more! but i smiled anyway...
this time ummie dont like what she fed me. she says its got a sediment like texture. it also leaves a sandy trail on the floor. and i have to drinks lots of water to compansate. ceh.. so what..
i have been having a hard time to pass motion now. i am waiting for my fruit juice...yummy..
!@#$.. these parents wanna control everything. just give us what we want.. and i want fruit jush..heh..

baby bash

baby bash
it was tok abah's birthday on the first of August. we babies crash the party like no tommorrow. creating a havoc... haha.. on the contrary really.. all of us behaved well. i know i did. because of the many hunks there. only to find out they're my cousins. ceh.. my sistaA was there too. she may be younger but she's much bigger than i am. she weighs a hefty 7kg. thats 1kg++ more than me. she's got great looking turkey thighs too. all dressed in hawaiian hula. showin off her assets. ummie couldnt take her camera of her. sheesh... hint: multiply..
we were jammin and singing and dancing and chatting.. no crying allowed in this birthday bash and all agreed.. i am beginning to like birthdays.. ummies birthday is coming. abah kept on saying it to her. but it couldnt be everyday could it. when is mine i wonder. hope it'll last for the whole year.... yahoo...
~hapi birtday to me.. hapee bidday to me.. ~

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


can anyone tell me what is pizzahut's number...
hmmm... but this phone taste good enough..
are these onions rings ?@#...
