Thursday, August 31, 2006

catch me

catch me
i was getting worried. at six months missy is a lazy one. she refuses to turn over herself. i would flip her then she would cry so we turn her back! since the invasion of the misfits. things have changed. i guess she saw the other babies doing their crawls and turns. it kinda get to her. now she flips over herself. but she still cry when she's tired. she still dont know how to turn back.
i cant slack anymore. i gotta watch her. it's only now that i start to lock the crib! although i still dont do it at night.
yesterday she fell asleep on my chest. so i decided to let her sleep on her tummy. 2 hours later she got up restless. so i tucked her in between two secure bolsters but not swaddled. later in da morning i woke up to find her on her tummy at the corner of her crib! maybe i should start the extra security of locking her crib at night. but its right next to us. if she falls over she will land on our heads! hmmm.. i will wait for more occurences before i kick off the new security check...

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