Thursday, August 17, 2006


10days later and my baby still have the bug. running nose, cough and lotsa phlegm hanging around. we made another visit to the docs today. a higher dosage of new & stronger medicine my ~baby goes go sleep. she's been drugged!
i dont like it one bit. i feel that she is way too young to be on drowsing cough mixtures.
it is disheartening enuff to see her sick. when an aunt said in my face not breastfeeding. maybe its those formulas that make them sick. subconsciously my parents actually tried to save me. saying things like the flu attacks all ages and how none of the family was successful in BM. so blame it on the genes..wahaha. i love them. my thoughts raced. would she be any better if she was on BM? point crying over spilled milk.
*cough cough cough* goes my poor baby.
she is damn smart wit me. give her a new taste and she's happy. first try of medicine she will slurp it all up. repeat and she will make a fuss like any other kid. happened again today with the new medicines.
Does anyone use vicks? the label says above two year old. her doc says above 6mths ok. i have been using it on her chest and back since 2mths old! some new mummies advised me otherwise. saying there is something in the market meant for babies. i dunno what and have not been looking.
anyways, i too feel the bug within me. both of us down and out. in case the bambinos take action against us. plus i got my nose buried in HarryPotter&theHalfBloodPrince. its been sitting under the bed since the worldwide launch. he could have saved some extra bucks if he had known.
*goes back to the book & nursing missy of course. hey who's nursing me?

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