Wednesday, August 02, 2006

baby bash

baby bash
it was tok abah's birthday on the first of August. we babies crash the party like no tommorrow. creating a havoc... haha.. on the contrary really.. all of us behaved well. i know i did. because of the many hunks there. only to find out they're my cousins. ceh.. my sistaA was there too. she may be younger but she's much bigger than i am. she weighs a hefty 7kg. thats 1kg++ more than me. she's got great looking turkey thighs too. all dressed in hawaiian hula. showin off her assets. ummie couldnt take her camera of her. sheesh... hint: multiply..
we were jammin and singing and dancing and chatting.. no crying allowed in this birthday bash and all agreed.. i am beginning to like birthdays.. ummies birthday is coming. abah kept on saying it to her. but it couldnt be everyday could it. when is mine i wonder. hope it'll last for the whole year.... yahoo...
~hapi birtday to me.. hapee bidday to me.. ~

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