Wednesday, April 30, 2008


'masak, masak' in my deep loud voice
i have no hope to be the next singing sensation
ummie is busy cooking her confinement meals
so i will cook for my teddies and myself...
eew...tak sedap

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

master bedroom

master bedroom
is indeed the room of all rooms
it not only holds the master and madam of the house
but it holds all the princesses too
in their own beds!!!
a toddler sized bed
babyLia in her baby crib
overgrown missy in a baby rocker!
a king sized bed
among others
a 6-door wardrobe
a side table
a book rack
a superbly plush sofa
i am especially proud of the room
the best feature of my house layout
dont ask me how will i kick the kids out of the room
as of now, the priority is my sanity and convenience

Saturday, April 26, 2008


missy had been having running nose for 3 weeks now
it has upgraded to cough and phlegm
last wednesday it went up to vommiting
as expected, fever crept up soon enuff
now its double whammy
her love for babyLia made the virus jump
babyLia is now having blocked nose
not taking any more chances with our GP
we're off to the pediatriacian early in the morning
we were 3rd in line waiting for the doors to open
he shook his head and as he expected a $300 bill
it was our first visit there
usually it was the panic grandparents who brought missy there
the service and counselling by the doc and recep was well worth the money
and the bill amounted to only $170 -
lucky can claim hee hee
oh the diagnosis
missy has phleghm in her right lung
one more stage further she will have to be on the breathing apparatus thingy
6 different types of prescription for missy
babyLia has blocked nose and blocked tear duct
3 prescriptions -
cough syrup as a precaution

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


bust woes
went to the doctors for babyLia's vaccination
but i opt out coz if i wait till next week
she will only have to go for jabs only 3 times
as compared to 4 if i go for one today
since missy had fever even with the most expensive jab
i am not taking any chances
also i change my prescription for milk production
currently i am taking Domperidon by doridone
now i am trying Metoclopramide
this is to suppress vomit also
ever since the zero milk issue
i experience some cool sensations
as babyLia suckle on one breast
the other breast would feel the suckling too
when i am on prescription
i would get tingling sensations at my milk ducts
i guess the factory is working overtime
now is even better
as i hand out my breast to babyLia the other breast
would have the suckling sensation even before she latches
i hope my milk will last longer this time
i am still eating spinach and taking jamu
even binding my stomach with jamu paste and corset

Sunday, April 20, 2008

wisdom tooth

wisdom tooth
abah had his wisdom tooth extracted yesterday
this is the second wisdom teeth already
umie said that abah will end up like atok
wearing dentures before reaching 50yrs old
umie is thanking her lucky stars coz she dont have any !!
anyways abah got himself a week of MC
it will be a painful homestay for him
he woke up with half his face swollen big time
it is due to the stitches
hope he gets well soon
and develop better teeth hygiene

Saturday, April 19, 2008


i am ONE month today

weight : 5.14kg height : 56cm


Thursday, April 17, 2008


missy is very fast to snap now
she will throw things within her reach,
beat or scratch anyone with 30cm radius
all this came about with the arrival of babyLia
someone ask me before how do i discipline her
shock to her question i replied she does not need it
she is obedient
but things change now as she has reached 2
with a sibling rivalry to match
well i have change too
i have started to snap too
i shout and beat her too!!
now even he is losing it too...
i told him we cant shout at her coz
she will only follow suit
but how to control now...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008


mama's home
we went to visit her yesterday
she was not on the bed in the high dependency ward
this would only mean good news
i called my dad and mama answered me confidently
we entered her ward and there she was
sitting on the edge of her bed
talking to visitors
fully aware of the situation
this is great she had fully recovered
baba even made her write and sign her name on paper to practice
this is contrast to a few days back when she dont even know her name!
she went thru 2 MRI scan with neg results - so all clear and normal
she was even up and about with my dad this morning
eating Delifrance downstairs
in fact my aunt met her in the lift all alone in the afternoon
caught her who wanted to jalan jalan
that's my mama - the jalan Queen
everything is well now
so it turned out that some Ustaz visit her last tuesday night
urut her feet and hands
now shes fine and will be discharged today !

Sunday, April 06, 2008

mild stroke

mild stroke

my brother called me in the morning
saying mama is sick
he said her sickness was funny
i ask if it was 'supernatural' funny
he said no.
mama cannot talk right
cannot eat right
she went to the toilet and made a big mess
like shampoo strewn on the floor
her eye glasses is the basin
this happen at 4 am and she complain of leg pain
i ask him how long had this been going on
he who is staying there got no idea and tells me 1 week
'you mean mama tak kerja for the whole week!'
it was false alarm that idiot got me worried
the sickness started today
so i said...
when one looses her senses its no joke
it would be a brain issue like stroke maybe
i told him to get up and probe further
next call i got they were on the way to hospital
cik taha and cik ana came to assist
mama could not dress herself or walk!
....frustrations settled in
i am still in confinement and i cant go
they called: doctors diagnosed her as mild stroke
my worst fears - reaslised
CT scan did not reveal anything though
at 5pm i sound to my dear husband if we can go
so off we went to SGH
mama could not talk or see much
she just lay there
but good news is her arms and legs are not affected
now my prayers goes out to my mama for a miracle cure

Saturday, April 05, 2008

no more milk

no more milk
it happened last wednesday
just what...2 weeks
the last time i lasted at least a month! with bad diet some more
i notice my right breast went zero milk
and both never balloon up enuff for me to pump
so i had no extra supply in the fridge
on wednesday when it dry up,
babyLia refrused to drink from bottle
doesnt matter if it was expressed milk or formula
and she started to fuss on my breast
she is not one who cries a lot
so i start to panic
i mean wat did i do wrong
i really watched my diet, my fluids
i only skip spinach for 2 days but had other types vege
so i went to the doctors
ah, they actually do have prescription
so i've been popping em pills
but they can only make about 60ml per breast
as compared to 100ml each before
well at least i still have milk to feed her

Thursday, April 03, 2008


my legs are still swelling from the water retention
it worries me
is it suppose to last this long
worst part is that it hurts
sensetive to touch
yesterday was the last (7th) day of my urut
so today, i made an appointment with the trusted Hajar
i will have to go to her house for the message
which marks the 2nd time i go out during this confinement


my very fist lolly