Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Shysta starts school

my lil' one starts school. I can't seem to let her go. I keep on wanting to know if she is good, if she is fine... who will help her to the toilet? Knowing Lia is with her somehow doesn't comforts me.. hee
I took half day leave and when she has entered her class there was nothing more I can do or see. 
End of class, we waited patiently by the gate. there she comes! the two of them in harmony.. she calls for me to help her with her shoes! Her teacher helps her out and commented Shysta was so quiet. Unlike what she saw during orientation, well simple explanation was that her sisters were around during the orientation so naturally she was comfortable then. I asked if she had gone to toilet as I worry she may be too shy to ask. Oh she did go toilet during class today.
In fact if you asked her how was school, she tell you the story of her toilet break with confidence. "School toilet" she says
"I sit on the toilet Bowl!"
Be merry and enjoy your pre school days my child.. Amin

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