Wednesday, December 27, 2006


you are 11 months today love
your gummy smile warms my heart everytime

wish listz

wish listz
oh i finally get to strike away the item on my list (literally)
the new toy was on my list
actually it was a long list but i never knew how to strike the words... so i deleted the items away.. dumb dumb...
so now i know...hee
still got some more wish you know
er i may have enough bags already...lable printer i still want..books definitely...
she is 11 today. i dont have her pictures with me.
its very mafan to blog wit pictures
no card reader..i can only do at home
i need to compress the pictures using microsoft photodraw, powerpoint of photoshop
load onto
then paste the url on blogger leceh kan..
add another wish list then
to simplify the steps OR
learn to write better so i dont need to illustrate...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

spirit of giving

spirit of giving
my baby got her first birthday present!!!
its from Nadya..thankYewMamaNadya..
my sick baby was clueless of the big blu bag
once revealed she actually strike a sweet pose for me
whats more she actually clapped along when we sang her a birthday song!!
suddenly my baby's fever is gone
naturally new toys would cure any sick children ;p....
1 month to go and she will be a year older than before....
what have i learn??
do i want more...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

hot babe

hot babe
we were invited to dinner today
i had running nose. ummie fed me my dosage and i slept through the day. another reason for the long sleep would be due to Nadya killing my slumber with her high pitch shrills...
yesterday we went out shopping and ended up with a soccer match at their place way too late. i slept in Nadya's room. she would wake up screeaming for attention. i got startled and cried miserably. its no fun to be interrupted like that. what if i had to live through it everyday.. what if ummie had a second one... nightmare...
back to the today's dinner...
we were back at Nadya's place. my body started to heat up. i was running a fever up to 40 degrees. everything was a blur. i cant remember what i played with Nadya either. i think it was someone birthday too coz there were presents and many great food. but thanx to me we left early. the dinner was heating up with a game of scrabbles..
too bad.. next time maybe...
look i dont enjoy getting sick either...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

long holidays

long holidays
long holidays = more housework
things you never had time to do...

Friday, December 22, 2006

me sick?

me sick?
it was a hoax to get them home early..
one evening, we watched movie
the next, we went out christmas shopping
yup, christmas presents for ourselves more like it...wahaha..
no flu bug will get me down, see for yerselves
thats sad looking me on wednesdaythats 'gung ho' me on thursday& thats me on friday
i am ok and in tune
i have given up my sexaphone lately
i mean, have you heard of alicia keys
right...i hope sharing the same name will help me hit the right note...
abah got himself a realkeyboard while i had to settle for a kiddie one...haiz
at least mine play better tunes than his ;p

monsoon holidays

monsoon holidays
getting to work has been slow due to the monsoon rain
you get all sorts of setbacks...water ponding! skidded cars... fallen trees... even dead dogs!!
then at work every one is in holiday mood.
at HP we get a holiday shutdown. that means taday is the last day of work. they would only return next year 3rd Jan 2007!
in fact my manager call me personally to say that umofficially work ends at 3-4 today!! woohoo..
well sadly for those in operations, work goes as per normal.
but hey if all the big shots are out....we are the next BIG shot... wahaaha...
so to my fellow colleagues..happy holidays..

old shots

old shots
have always been into pictures but no guidance
went for a photoshop course still not satisfied
recently met a friend who is into freelance
he influencde me...into getting a canon
ok.. so i used him as an excuse
i got a lot to learn and plenty of accessories to buy
my sweet cuzin has been asking for RAYA photos
i have been holding back coz it shows my lack of control on the DSLR
anyway its long oberdue.
the pictures are finally up....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


ummie got it over the weekend
abah got it last monday
its only a matter of time for the virus to settle in

samurai missy lost the battle yet again


Monday, December 18, 2006

morning rush

morning rush
my groggy munchkins in the morning...
pinky look stoned while missy look 'bei song'
bye babies see ya in the evening

Friday, December 15, 2006

bubbly ummie

bubbly ummie
abah made ummie happy this week
the christmas shopping went to his head recently
he surprised ummie. like a real surprise of hiding the gift under her pillow wrapped in her pillowcase...wahaha...
she found a handbag. she was ecstatic...
only to find more.... a WALLET!
her very first brand wallet. nadya mummy eat your heart out...hehee
nadya mummy started a comotion about branded goods on sale. then found out airport sales are worth buying. ummie tried her luck to pester abah. now she got it...
she never expect it. coz she has been bugging for a handphone..
so now she has to get one on her own...
because yesterday abah surprise her again with a perfume...
its all very nice ummie
hey abah where is my surprise??

Thursday, December 14, 2006

if i had two munchkins...

if i had two munchkins...
hee..what a site..
that a new bed for missy that pinky is sleeping in
much for my fear of bugs, the bed name is KRITTER!
two babes = rivalry too
when i fed pinky her medicine
lil missy cried in protest wanting some
practice makes perfect

Monday, December 11, 2006

aniq Idzhan's BiG day

aniq Idzhan's BiG day
AniqIdzhan birfday
many many ppl i dont know... but who cares...
let's party...
I had potato salad! ummie wanted the eclairs but too busy clicking away she forgot
Boo had lots of fun.. there was treasure hunt, musical chairs nad pinata hitting
superb da daei...
.. thanx for inviting us...
also i met booboo for the first time
but does he notice me???
..."true enough aunty hana i could not sleep at night.. and i didnt even touch the cake"...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

bed bugs

don't let the bed bugs bite
as embarrassed as i am. i need to write this down
my bedroom is plagued with bed bugs - fleas - pijat
it has been going on for more than two months now
firstly my hubby got big sores, bintat besar giler, in the morning
we thought it was mosquitoes lurking under the ikea plastic table
we sprayed and leave it as that
then weeks later we noticed missy got it too
i never had any. maybe my babies have sensitive skin or they dont like AB+
we bought all sorts of ointments
i change all the sheets in the room
every pillow or towel available goes in the washer
we moved to the master bedroom
we have been sleeping in the game room all this while
now when one feel any itch
we would jump into action
we would scutinize for any fleas
sometimes missy still get it so i change the sheets again
missy sleeps on a matteress on the floor
then last week pinky slept on my bed and got sores all over her body arms and legs
that creepy monster had a feast! feeding on my skinny pinky...
that concludes the fact that i got creepy crawlers aka fleas in the room
now which room?? game room or my bedroom!!
i was scared shit.. has it infected my whole house!!
we have seen it. its like a tiny mini cockroach. translucent body before feeding
with blood filling it, it looks just like a roach
now we have seen babies of it!!
i went to ikea contemplating to buy a new bed or matteress or HOUSE!
we learn to keep our cool
we spray the bed panels, chairs, table, everything in the room with baygon
its been goin on for a week now
we concluded it is in the game room bcoz pinky was playing the Xbox that night
we also asssume that it may be in our bed too
we will do this in stages or we end up sleeping in the toilet!!
so we left nothing to chance
we are 'sunning' all mattress and even chairs
still in the battle for now
if you have any suggestions do voice out
kampung ppl would have a great solution
where did it come from? i thought it would have face out in this concrete jungle

Friday, December 08, 2006


recently ummie got some free tix. so off we went to wildwildwet. to those who know me well, i dont fancy the waters. so i tried out a new sport.
photo taking...
a shot of meself
a shot of me feet, deep deep in water!!
a shot of me pwetty boo
then ummie got jealous and took it back. so here are her shots..
my shots better right....
anyway boo had more fun than i did obviously
wait till i too learn to swim and run...haiz

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

want some

want some
nanny dragged us to VivoCity
shopping on weekdays are over for ummie
she is learning to accept crowds now
it doesnt matter to me much
as long as someone cater to my needs
like eating yummy biscuits...
want some?
ummie didnt have a good meal though. there was a stapler in her meal. she knew one may still be stuck in her teeth. but she was too busy entertaining me. plus.. to stage a complain among the crowd was too 'mafan' so she walked away thinking a check in the mirror will do fine. to her horror she had chipped her tooth!!
too bad ummie. its ok Mr HewlettPackard will fix the problem
meanwhile Watch Me Video here...

Friday, December 01, 2006

new horizon

new horizon
ummie had risen among the ranks and landed herself in a new spot today.
she has left the manufacturing world for the logistical world of SupplyChain...
whats bigger is that she is now on normal shift. no more free days
thats a big change for all of us. i will be sent to baba's place like everyday!
i can sense she's terrified but she always put on a brave front
she still leaves home the same time even when she starts at 0830 now
maybe she trying to 'siam' the crazy ERP gantries...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


its all over the news. It will 'revolutionize' the Eastside way of life...
Where have you been aunty?
I beat the crowd at Alexandra branch at 7 in the morning
just for the mini ikea bag...and a little bit of 'things-u-dont-need' stuff...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


whoa... my baby is 10 months...
i am enjoying the ride coz she is just learning to crawl !
its ok love, slow and steady is the way to go...
what have i learnt from her...
what did she learn from me...
weight : 6.5kg!!!
hair : more bald patches
teeth : none
diapers : M Drypers
milk : still 150ml Similac...
nightfeed: maybe no more
feeding : breakfast, lunch, dinner: homemade gruel
snacks : during abah & ummies' meal times
rise n shine : 6-7am
slumber time : 10:30 - 11:30pm... still binky dependant when sleepy and cranky!
clothes size : 3-6mths for bottoms 6-9mths for tops & overalls
shoe size : 2
hands : still inclined to receive with left hand
sit : stable
crawl : kinda able to move from one spot to another... hurray!
response : good...nothing escapes those curious eyes
playthings : everything is still a teether
sing n dance : able to clap and snap fingers with bad singing
social : greet anyone with a smile or a stare showdown
appetite : good for solids...dislikes milk
independant : better

Monday, November 27, 2006


since Hari Raya ummie had been throwing leave and MC so she dont have to work on Sundays. she may get what she want soon.
so what have we been doing on Sundays...
slack, chill & shop...
ok actually during the raya season was visiting and slack, chill & shop.. hee.
we went shopping with Nadya. fun fun fun @ ToysRus
mommies had their fun fun fun @ Paragon
daddies had funfun fun @ LuckyPlaza?
a comic shop at Lucky Plaza. in fact abah walked away with 3 Monopoly sets. more monopoly sets!... LordOftheRing, MarvelHeroes & Spongebob more for ummie i think.
then, they came to my place for raya. heh... nadya had a go at my BallToyz FunCentre. i was sleeping but i can hear the comotion her daddy created. i think her daddy likes it more than she does. in fact both of them was in it. having a go at the balls. nadya was practically swimming. while her daddy was... swimming too?
later we return the visit to their place. there nadya daddy got a new toy. a sony DVD theater system courtesy of SCV. ummie had fun too coz she enjoys fixing those techno gadgets. abah slack on the net looking for job.. boring kan...
later what else can they do but play Monopoly... they showed off the different sets they had... while we, babies, after a day of fun... retreat... yawn...

Sunday, November 26, 2006


due to a date mix up. i am actually available to go for Puteri Gunung Ledang after all. Thanx to my daddy who gave up his ticket so i could enjoy the show with my husband, mom and sis. While he babysit Missy for me. Thanx dad...
i just return from the peak. now i get to watch my very first musical or my very first visit to esplanade itself. now thats a whole new pinnacle too. i once told myself i would only enter the place with a special tour by a special someone. well now that we've moved on, i should too...
it was a climax for me to watch it with my lurve..
i dont have much to say about the musical. i actually find it disney like or rather comical really. its just the ambience with the ppl i love that makes me dreamy...
of course we met familiar faces... like my cuz shireen. who was staying at Conrad that night, no less..
went home to my Missy who refused to sleep without her ummie. i comforted her in the car. i kinda said that i wont leave her alone anymore... *fingers crossed*

ummie: for one night only dear.
missyE: one night only ok. no more ok...

Saturday, November 25, 2006


sniff sniff.. i got the bug again..
from ummie who else. it's my fault.. i know she's infected yet i want no one else but her...
hmmm... nothing beats the cuddle and warmth of your own ummie. yet i paid a price for it
without much haste my baba and atok brought me to the pediatrician nearby. i like the place and doctor VanessaTan. i was showing off my 'clap clap hand' & 'snap snap hand' tricks...
didnt seem to be sick if you ask me. i was feeling alllright
that doc is a real kiasu. she gave so much medicine. maybe she doesnt want us to bother her much. she gave a whole plastic bag. FULL of good stuff...ummie like to think of it as a goodie bag...
the reason for the generous milk samples is because i am way underweight for my age. ok like 500g under. i am suppose to be 7kg. most ppl i know already hit 10kg!..
well no hurry right. maybe i'll take time. i do hope i dont ballooon up to be an obese though
so thanx doc for the free milk.
oh but the doc charge us a hefty fee of $73.50! which they will claim from ummie, who in turn will claim from mr.Hewlett-Packard. he must be a very nice guy that uncle ;p..

Thursday, November 23, 2006


my baby got constipation. it's a very sad sight. in laws want me to rush her to the docs. i dont think its necessary. i got flu again. so i stayed at home to nurse her and myself...
i bought her fruit juice and fed her corn mix with cereal. she pass motion three times and her stools are hard. the last motion looks promising though. by morning its confirmed that her stools are soft again. so i can go to werk now...
meanwhile the faithful Telon is the only way to ease her tummy...
did you know there are so many different brands of telon in the indonesian market. even one baby brand we all know has it... Cussons.. why it never hit our market. we are definitely being ripped off. thanx to relatives coming over occasionally, i would 'kirim' them...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

home sweet home

home sweet home
ummie's home...
my ummie's back to tease me...
. i kinda forgot bout her a bit.
actually i've been busy while she's away. baba and atok slept our place for a night. i showed them all my toys and made it clear that they are on my turf...
also abah and me was out and about mostly. in fact we were not home to welcome her. i was out visiting a newbie. a lil cousin of mine called aisyah. sounds like me name right...
anywayz shes back now and i want no one else but her...
my ummie...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


ummie brought her colleagues out to BIG superstore. there she spent like she received green packets. or maybe she took mine. then she tested the capacity of the car's behind.....
she bought plenty... all for me...
she bought me baby wipes...
she bought me a gate....
to stop me from entering the kitchen! ceh...
she bought me a looong catterpillar called lots-a-lots-leggggs...
one more thing... she also bought me this...
yahoo... lets play.. anyone coming with me?
there is plenty of room.. its HUGE...
maybe its my birthday again..
soon i found out the reason why...
she's leaving me and abah tonight for Ledang... ~uaeeek

Monday, November 13, 2006

mini open house

the families turned up at our place on Saturday... mostly ummie's side..
they turned up and made my room and toys theirs

thats my new lots-a-lots-a-legggggs...hmph.

i was passed around, while ummie and abah ran around the house serving them. some came for the first time.. like aunty Shireen here

whom i gave a tour to the kitchen...
some came from the next block yet some came from far...

they savoured Sup Tulang, chocolate cake, carrot cake, 'lapis' cake & many more cakes yang sewaktu dengannya... with ummie's special blend of teh susu...

i would say many many ppl so little time.. i slept at way past midnight entertaining guests...

thanx for coming y'all...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

to the peak

to the peak
the date has been set on 16 of Nov. thats 7 days away...
i just started my first training todaay..... abit late huh..
i been there a few times. now the place have evolved. not only comercialized, even the terrain has changed. maybe i get too confident that i'll pull through without a scratch. the last time i went there was in 2003. now my body has changed post pregnancy. it makes it worse when my bro told me "wats there to train! its only Ledang wat".. idiot... that statement made me more complacent....
so i geared up with weights on my back. wat used to be 4 filled bottles. now is my very own lil missy. she's only 7kg though and the carrier lack support unlike my LoweAlpines. nevertheless off we went. up the the 21st floor. jogging speed at first. then slack at the 15th storey and above... wahaha..
never mind. i got my brother to carry my load if i lost my mental up there... heee...
me and my brother and more old skool frens unite for this trip. the last time i went with my brother was in 1997 i think. this is gonna be a blast.. insya Allah...
oh wait... while i was going up and down the stairs.. look what i saw...
the door defaced with black paint....
curious me, i followed the drips/smudges of paint i saw on the floor.. hee.. Kpoh...
isk isk isk.. i thought the new generaton would be educated enough NOT to credit from TaiLong... shocking..
the intriguing part is.. the styrofoam taped at the gate was never removed. it indicates the the house may be vacant. i mean if you move in. one would remove it right?...
ah dunno lah dont care... ignorance has been our generations' motto.. till they come up with a campaign.. kenali tetangga anda... heee... well i sure wouldnt want that door next to mine!!
no artistic value..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Similac formula is very foamy. it clings onto the bottle defying gravity. the very reason why i switched to Enfalac in her 2nd month. thinking it causes colic. after much trial with other fomulas, i decided to stick to Similac. why?... bcoz ZoeTay uses it too... wahaha..
because it produces the best poo consistency for her. as missy was weaning, i do not want a constipated baby... adding to the challenge..
as for those foamilac bottles left for us to scrub. i am using TOLLYJOY baby accessories and vegetable cleanser. it has a great smell of banana muffins!! enticing my appetite each time i scrub those bottles. so i left the scrubbing for him or i'll get hungry all the time...
bottle brush, i use PIGEON. the bristles remain clean and shiny and it never bends out of shape...
sterilized bottles...
how often do you sterilized your bottles?
it is important, according to a doc in KKH. my cuzin's baby was admitted for high fever. the doc pulled her aside questioning her. how many bottles do you have? do you sterilized after each use?
i have to admit i got lazy in the fourth month. then when missy was hit with a long battle of flu. i tried my best to strerilized it often. otherwise it's just twice a week now...

Sunday, November 05, 2006


it's her dream for me to sleep on my own
just me myself and missy
no 'buai'. no 'tepok. no 'dodoi'.
what was she thinking. even she has trouble sleeping...
lately, ummie is not fighting with me anymore
whenever i get cranky. she will rock me to sleep....
i get to slumberland faster. i get my precious sleep. i get to be cranky free.
even abah can put me to sleep now...
isnt everyone happy =)

Friday, November 03, 2006

nail em

nail em
my baby got short nails. they are short and broad. kinda fan like...
it will grow outwards. potential sharp edges that will show on her face in the morning. one of the reasons why she wears mittens till she's 5 months...
i trim her nails when she's awake. she is resisting now. but i just have too much to do when she's asleep. so i will persist till she starts to cry. then it will be an unfinished job. i tried not to trim her nails too short. thinking it will adhere to the skin thus getting longer..
but that only means it will break and cause more damage. so she cant have it a bit longer cause it'll break when she scratches...
she loves to scratch. just like the cat. scratching her head is normal. but she scratches anything with different textures. like seat belt. carpet. leather seat. balloons. fabrics. maybe she like the sound it makes....
but to scratch and peel stickers off her walker is her favorite past time...
the hand-me-down walker arrived with a full set of decals. thanx to her. now its stripped bare.. she is working her way to other toys now..
all those destruction with the short stubby nails...

Monday, October 30, 2006


hows your raya?
mine's ok...
no ketupat...
no rendang...
no kuehs...
no cookies...
no sweet drinks...
just paper packets...
just ok...

Friday, October 27, 2006


my baby turns 9 today....
chinese?.. she too gets confused... kherhehehe...
missy is back on her feet... will resume raya hunting tomorrow... yeah...

Thursday, October 26, 2006


raya is about family bonding...
here are my other lurvess...
me beloved bro and pinky!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

pangs of raya

pangs of raya
its my first raya. they are excited. i am gonna be all dressed up. ummie said i will be a hot babe..
i am a hot babe all right.. hot at 39.5 degress celcius! ! !
at start of the day. they wanted to shelve all raya plans to head down to KKH. but i cool down to normal. by the second home i heated up again. we were calling up for the nearest Raffles medical or just go to Raffles Hospital. we end up at my boo's family clinic...
we head down to the 43rd house. sorry 3rd house. i was drugged by then. everything whizz by. so many colourful ppl. so much good smell. but i couldnt drink, couldnt eat, couldnt sleep...
i was a zombie...
they squeezed in one more house and ended the day after maghrib. letting me sleep. my grandpa even bought me those forehead stickers. i shall rest and look forward to a better day tommorrow.....
Selamat Hari Raya....Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
and oh... Happy Birthday abah...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

seksi housemaid

seksi housemaid
its the last weekend of ramadhan. a crucial time for all households.
washing, scrubing, cleaning, changing sheets, changing curtains, moping....
whoof.. that's a whole lot of things to do.. this time the waiting game seems never ending to me..
but ummie is missing somewhat.. she's gone to work since yesterday.. saying something like earnin OT to cover the expenses...
money, i may never understand. but one things for sure. money = time and time away from my ummie or parents is no fun.. so i dont like money...
but i heard in Hari Raya there is plenty of money to go around. it comes in packets.. neat.. but what can i do wit it. it doesnt make good teethers!...
anyway.. i feel for my parents working their butts off at work and now at home!... so i decided to get them some help...
ummie, abah meet Sista mary...

who says one cant be sexy doin housework..


Thursday, October 19, 2006


ummie's whacked with work & S/P/R/I/N/G//C/L/E/A/N/I/N/G...
above all her priority is to savour the month of ramadhan with ibadah...
but she will always make some time for me~ and shopping.. yeah..
she wears out easily now. must be due to all that walking and fasting of course. so she cheated....
here i am withbeautiful sista Allie. all bukled up in a McLaren..
with no insurance coverage!...
then i found out where she got it from. coz my bak tok did the very same thing in a shopping cart! how un-Cool....