Sunday, December 23, 2007


they eventually got me my ride
after that stride to ride walker
ummie bought me another one from US
but it never arrived bcoz she refuse to pay the shipping charges that is more than twice the price of the toy itself... hmph...
then i showed them that i am ready for my first ride
when i got on adiyah's bike
so they got me a cow !!
then about 3 weeks later
i got lucky at toysRus
they got me my very first DORA trike
WOW right...
well i didnt appreciate it then
coz i pretty much prefer the doll stroller even when i got NO doll
but back at home after ummie assembled it from scratch
and complained coz the box says assembled in MEXICO
i jumped on it and off i went...
no pedals for me yet
just push n drag n push
proud owner of 4 vehicles with no COE
abah is gonna charge me season parking soon
why 4? coz 1 week later ummie bought me another tricycle for baba's place
yeah....which is even bigger !!
maybe i will get to enrol myself in BBDC soon
riding for lil tots
motocross will have my name reserved

Saturday, December 15, 2007


my beloved sista and pinky
on a new journey of their lives
it was witnessed by all who loved them
Semoga perjalananmu diberkati Allah...Insya Allah
i will always love ya
my pinky embarking on a musical journey
she played the trumpet in the ensemble
performing at the Victoria theatre
i actually deleted the video recording...sorry
May this be your first performance with many more to come


check out her feet..
she is defying orders of NO SHOES in da house!
when she knows how to take them off
and lined them neatly to the wall
with clapping and praising hersef "PANDAI"
she trots around the house clumsy as ever
she doesnt walk very well
i guess she got such tiny feet
her cousin 2 weeks her junior pass down her shoes!
but the adult shoes would appeal more of course
she is hitting adolescence
thus i believe the TERRIBLE TWOs is right around the corner
get ready now...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


if i had three lil munchkins
seriously i wanted a boy from the begining
only because i know i am at my fittest
and you need all your energy and more for boys
since i've been blessed with a girl
she is superbly close to my sister
to whom everyone assume is mine too
whadaheck now i bring in one more munchkin to the picture
ok lah hor... semua pompuan!

Monday, December 10, 2007


with Elisya, back then,
I was paranoid when i gained as mush as 3-4kg per month
i was depressed and survived on soupy foods for 3 months
but still gained so much
this time i gave up
also knowing that i will be able to shed it off
with hard work of pumping out at the gym
still got my AMORE credits to claim
i did not manage to shed till pre pregnancy weight
but i was happy with the new figure
so this time i eat as i please
all sinful foods
my gynae is appealing to me to avoid sweet stuff
i lied through my teeth when i replied YES
seriously how to manage NO SWEETS FOOD / DRINKS when its raya fest
and it goes on till the up and coming raya haji
i dont know whats my weight now
i dare not check
but i've been gaining a kg a month
which is a miracle to me
so what shall i have for lunch today
after having lontong kering for breakfast
rice in the morning for most weekends now
my concience is terrified by now
but i am so looking forward to a sinful dinner of
rice, durian, coconut milk and sugar !!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


my baby has had her first taste of DURIAN
she was not eager at first
which i find weird but she ate a lot that day
and of course, it does not resemble your ordinary ice cream cone or chocolates
after a while she decided to try some
she got excited and gave cheeky faces after every feed
she only took about 5 feeds
then she backed off
good, coz i was worried it may heat up her body
but still i'm happy she does not show any reaction to durians
well she may be too young anyway
but for those who really cannot stand the smell maybe you can try this

Monday, December 03, 2007

work from home

work from home
I have been blessed with great bosses at HP
One option for me is to work from home
I can pull this option at least once a week
however i hardly use it unless i am really tooo tired to go to work
i run store operations, so physically absent is quite tough
sitting at home and working just does not fall nicely into place
my cosy living room would distract me
but the biggest distraction of all would be HER
seriously how to work when your toddler would climb all over you
so whenever i opt for working from home
she still have to go over to baba's place
while i work work work my emails
i would aim to write a few entries on the blog but it'll never happen
today i simply shut my eyes on the growing mailbox of 281 unread mails and blog blog blog...
*even then it is simply to update my entriez. no time to go blog hopping

Sunday, December 02, 2007

bundle of joy

bundle of joy
featuring Nazhan NorEffendi
lately a few of us were blessed with their bundle of joy
bundle of joy to me and hubby is the scariest part of the journey. no sleep, no cold drinks, no unhealthy drinks, no cold baths, plenty of wailings to cope with the rush of visitors with food to prepare. ok mostly it applies to me. but i have prepred myself mentally to face it again. this time i opened my mouth to get more help than the last time. or at least HE has to go buy me food at the very least. i am not gonna cook for the first week. anyways i saw the drypers NEWBORN advertisement and i ws over joyed. seriously trust them and to make NEWBORN size will simply help us ease the expenditure. coz seriously this little bundle of joy simply poo and pee as they wish. up to about 12 pcs of diapers each day !!! koyak seh.. so i did my homework at your nearest fairprice...
drypers 28s - $7.30 ~0.26 each
mamy poko 52s - $17.80 ~0.34 each
pampers 36s - $16.20 ~0.45
fitti's - dont know dont care... bad experience..

Saturday, December 01, 2007


i need another dose of vacation please...
i was at Beach Road and sweet memories hit me
all those gorgeous bags hanging
my bag lasted me from 1997 - LoweAlpine !!
those ol days of independence
scratching for money to buy a bag, tickets, supplies
oh i wonder if i will be able to climb again after no.2
for now i tak cerewet... i'd go anywhere
good news...he got us tics to BANGKOK
hurray...but its all the way in mid Jan 2008
i can'y wait and i'll be heavy too
i guess missy will celebrate her birthday ala Thai favorite holiday destination
hope its safe...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

home improvement

home improvement
recently crazy me bought a garden swing for his birthday
now its sitting ringht smack in the middle of the living room
and then we went off to order a feature wall paper
so you go slack on the swing
in front of the tube
with a wall paper to admire during the commercials

we are seriously cooped up at home, no more social life
coz He loves to stay home
so i will put ideas keep on improvising
we are running out of space and walls
no wait... the rooms got plenty of walls to play with
maybe i will make some kind of nursery
i mean we're at no 2 and still no baby room!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

morning routine

morning routine
here is the reason why i am never punctual for work
you can see her all cheeky in da morning
she will always wanna drag sumthing along to baba's house
like today she wanted to bring her book
it varies from toys to teddies
no dolls for her still...
this 'kakak kecik' would insist of walking by herself
hear her count to 10


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

twenty two

twenty two
here is my munchkin in da morning (with teddy)
she's twenty 2 months now
i'm seeing double coz she's too fast for me
or rather...i'm slowing down
that cheeky smile will make me impatient to get off from work

Monday, November 26, 2007

twenty one

twenty one
here is missy on Pinky's bike
way to big for her...still who cares
my little wonderer loves challenging the gravity
missy my lurve, you will be a kakak soon
she still dont know wats coming
tried to teach her ...
'Baby' pointing to my tummy
she will reply 'Baby' pointing to her chest!!
true enuff she is still my baby
but she'll soon have company
i believe she will be able to adapt well
coz she will always look forward to Pinky to come over

Monday, October 29, 2007


I am twenty in my first baju kurung
I am on mah way to be a real lady

Sunday, October 28, 2007

local books

local books
support your local writters today...
get their books at your nearest POPULAR bookstore soon
one of the books were done by a pair of well known celebrities
while the other book is written by a fellow colleague of sharon's
Fafa & Dani by Zarina Yusof

What Salamah Didnt Know by Sharon Ismail
you can get your copies direct from her blog

Thursday, October 25, 2007

garden swing

garden of eden
guess what ummie got for abah's birthday???
cwazy ummie bought with the intention to place it in the corridor
so all the smokers will have a very comfy yellow box
unfortunately it was too big and may inconvenience the neighbours
so we had to have it indoors
we relayout the hall (thank god for the big hall)
so now we have a talking point for Hari Raya
true enuff kids and mother kids went crazy over it...
it's not everyday you find a swing
and no one would expect a home with NO balcony to have a swing...
they could not get the excitement from me though
they film me coming home but i simply pass the contraption and never gave it a second look!!!
not even delighted when they put her on it...
later on the bars and pole of the swing did excite me a bit
i would sit on the bars and fall off with a bang on my head
i never ask to get on the swing unless someone is on it...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

abah birthday 2007

hapi birthday to you its abah's birthday. seriously...i believe the older you get the smaller your cake would become. a celebration just the 3 of us. i sang for abah birthday song while carrying the cake to him. it takes a whole lotta iman NOT to pounce on the cake and swallow it...
eventually i got my share...half of it exactly
hapi birthday abah from ummiE and me to ya...
we will always pray and strive for your health and happiness...

Friday, October 19, 2007

new missy

new missy
most of them still remember missy as the untouchable and cranky missy. one who is capable of crying for 2 hours straight! that was before, now everyone adores her...
not only is she petite like a doll, she puts on a sweet front. she insists to follow others and forgets her parents. she sings and dance especially after 7pm. she will put on a concert for all to enjoy. everyone envies me for having an easy girl to take care of as she never threw tantrums. just laughing away. those who had seen the worse of her, pray ALHAMDULILLAH that she has turned into a LADY now, no more tears. well i am happy she showed off her good side and kept the her bad traits within our home.
its a great feeling to discover your kid's wonders. her after 7pm showtimes were great, she dances, sings, counts and giggle her way thru. much to our amazement too...
well done missy mah lady

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Raya 2007

Selamat Hari Raya
to all....
Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari kami sekeluarga

Monday, October 01, 2007

care bears

they tought me to call her boo
but i prefer to call her by her name
a-di-yaah ? a-di-yaah ? a-di-yaah ?
i would call her on the phone
sometimes wait for her by the door
but she never answer my calls
not unless ummie help me with the dialing
me and her are like sistas
we talk the same language
we play together
we shop together
we even drink shusuo (milk) together
i love my a-di-yaah ?
yah and ummie too...

Sunday, September 30, 2007


is it so difficult to pronouce?
she has been blessed with superb parrot capabilities
but simply refuse to call out UMMMIE
its always ABAH (father) or BABA (grandma)
when it is us they look for when they cry
when they hungry
when they sleepy
or just plain cheeky
but refuse to call my name proper
same goes out to ATOK (grandpa) too

Saturday, September 29, 2007


huggies no more
I am no longer a fan of huggies
i fancy the design and non sticky tapes
kinda cost more than drypers so i will use it when going out
unfortunately, we had many overflow blows with huggies
my MIL pointed out it was not as good
i simply shrug it away
but when i too had to handle overflowing poops
MORE than once... ok thats it...
no more huggies

muddy gooey poops flowing on both exits.. her bottom and also up her back !!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ramadhan 2007

ramadhan is here again
firstly i would like to mohon maaf for any wrong doings..
from my family to you..
this is the time everyone go that extra mile untuk bertaqwa kepadaNYE
since i am too young too say HIS name proper
i have decided to do what other ppl are doing
during this month evry auntie and makciks cook their way at any makeshift stall
trying to feed our thirst for delicious looking food and drinks
so i got ummie to do the marketing for me
and hey.. ppl are calling me for orders ok
these customers are really fussy i tell ya... i will charge them more
ummie will take care of the accounts while i whip up the delicacies
watch me in action...

did you catch my orders for the day?

Sunday, September 02, 2007


cot death
my newly married cousin just lost her nephew he passed away in his sleep. my instant thoughts - COT DEATH

Its a syndrome that babies pass away in their sleep due to unsufficient levels of oxygen. many times we read on those warning labels on US baby products. US babies are encourage to be swaddled instead of sleeping on thier tummies
somthing i bet they learned from asian babies.
i never thought of it as missy never slept on her tummy. but seriously look at her bed... its a safety hazard... all those toys and pillows would succumb her anytime. But do i move it away..NO. maybe because i would think her lungs would be robust enough by now. but strings..YES that i would clear.
Sadly i was watching the documentary on inventions. One guy is trying to make the doctor sensors (that you stick to the body to get your heartbeat and so on) wireless and for home use. This way parents can montior their oxygen level and alarm will go off should he lack oxygen in his blood. Watching it on TV you thought it could have saved her nephew. but how long will it take to arrive our market. even that would parents think it would be neccessary. coz these babies who died tragically are not sick. they are healthy babies who never woke up. would i buy? i didnt even buy a baby monitor!
We just have to be weary and alway pray to HIM for good health. As for now i can only sumbangkan AL FATIHAH to the nephew whom i dont even know his name.

Monday, August 27, 2007

nineteen months

still at 8kilos, tiny and tripping
with my active body, no way am i abnormal
but today, instead of celebrating... fever succumbs me
all because of the stupid MMR jab
i was weak crazy holding on my ummiE also weak body
both of us cling each other chest the whole day
abah took care of us
thank you abah accomplishment
..... tho tee thaw tye yeah *clap hands
..... tho tee thaw tye yeah *clap hands ... .... .... ... nigh TENG.... yaeh*clap again
old macDonald had a farm...Ey a Ey a Oh
moo moo here moo moo there... wo' wo' eey wo' wo' eey
twinkle twinkle little star... lin ke win ke ta
how i wonder what you are ... uo o bof s hye (up above the world so high)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

bummed out

bummed out
i cant access blogger from my home desktop
i cant access my pic host - ourworld from my laptop
i am seriously handicapped with little time
God help me....

Saturday, August 18, 2007


i swear Dr Joanne told me to return at 18months for her next jab. Here I am and Dr Jenny say i missed out 2 jabs... aiyah.. so now she gotta take her MMR. so the concern of my underweight and 'underheight' baby crops up again. she will have to return every month for her jabs and check for the next 3 months..
my poor baby...
grow baby grow...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Christine Yap

Christine Yap
she was recommended by no other than my cuzin shireen
i tot i'd give it a shot
headed out without my handphone
we found our way to her clinic
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
at 1oth floor. a room with a
she was late from lunch
she was tall slim, with a motorcycle jacket on with very short hair
whoa...she looks tough enuff to pack some punch
up close and personal she was so soft spoken
i swear she was whispering with me
behind the curtains, the instrument entered me
i did not expect much seriously
when the screen immediately showed a baby with waving arms
i called out to him, who was trying to calm hysterical missy
missy went quiet the moment she saw me
so we focused on the screen
bb is already 9 weeks, a whole 2.5 cm wiht arm and legs
i am happy with Christine and what we saw
we left the office excited like new parents
then i got even excited to find out that the car park has a lift
cool i tell ya
its the first and the last we would ever take that car park
it cost a whopping $8++ for less than 2 hours
He said it was more shocking than seeing bb waving about....

Monday, August 13, 2007


i know its damn late. but i manage to watch it only yesterday on cheap DVD. i seriously should have saved my movie trip for it. my last movie trip was for Harry Potter of course.
The show is superbly engraved in my mind. i could not shake it. i wanna watch the movies...i want stickers... car decals... screen savers... oh bumblebee save me....

Friday, July 27, 2007


i am eighteen going on nineteen
Oh what a big girl am i.....
Still weighing 8kg

Thursday, July 19, 2007


had been sick since last week
during my holidays...haiz..
today ummie sent me to baba house all sweet and chirpy
in a suit given as a newborn gift !
only to use at the age of 1 ++
but she returned from work to see me in this state (below pic)
my head all wrapped up..not bcoz of any bumps or bruises
but due to my high atok paste that japanese gel on my forehead sticker
and because i kept on peeling it off...he wrapped me head !
so ummie and abah sent me strainght to the clinic downstairs
while waiting...

heh... but i really am sick... truly...

Monday, July 16, 2007


techno dummie
i seriously got a problem
my PC can open all other pages of blogger except for CREATE A POST
i've checked all settings but i still cant get it right
so i've back date all my entriez....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

holiday 3

holiday III
we went to Batam and Malacca
Abah was down with flu
so he dragged me down with a raging fever
that doest stop umie from her shopping and eating spree
we return to Singapore on Monday
On Tueaday we camp at Johor bungalow
Then went to Malacca day trip and back to Johor
This time the Flu gripped ummie
with all so sick there wasnt much pictures at all
only these...
great sundanese food in Batam Restaurants. It was a trip with nanny & booboo

ummie and me with the banished icon. No one notice my fever patch right?
coney dog and the ol A&W Root Beer Float...yummy

this is me and my indulgence during the Malacca trip. It was a trip with baba & atuk


Saturday, June 30, 2007

going holiday3

when things start to heat up at work
when they get exhausted day in day out
what do they do
they pack and go
armed wit haversack and lonelyplanet, i am so ready
see ya....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

ira at the zoo

my pinky
she seriously is gorgoeus
my lovely pinky
shot at the zoo

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

aci magnet

aci magnet
seriously do they know i am indian
i seem to approach or be approached by my own race
look at my entry on strangers
ummie thought maybe i got it from her
attracted to the darker force
aci aci buka pintu
nana balik pukul satu
nana takut burung hantu
.......*setakat to jer. lagi tak tahu. wahaha..

Saturday, June 23, 2007


they made me watch Animal Planet every morning
so going to the zoo is sureal.. i mean SO REAL
the smell too was so real
the white tiger was huge and simply magnificent
now i know the meaning of catwalk
the shows were great
i love shows
but i fell asleep at the new show call SPLASH sumthing
its nothing like sea world..wahaha
we got free tickets of course
and the crowd was crazy
greedy Zoo mgmt took on 3 companys to have family day
imagine the sheer numbers of HP staffs plus many many more
still i would go again
big enuff to ride on ponies i hope

Friday, June 22, 2007


did your mom taught you NEVER t talk to strangers?
what a waste...strangers make good chat mates
a very brave me would approach strangers
chat with strangers
sit on strangers lap
get kisses from strangers
seriuosly its the NORM in any weddings!...