Thursday, May 25, 2006


today i go home early because its founders day. i got my report book.
i got all A except for Malay, B.. hee..
i got 5 As and 1 B..
*wait ah i take my report book*
i got A for english language,
err..s.o.c.i.a.l s.t.u.d.i.e.s,
arts & craft, music,
err..p.h.y.s.i.c.a.l education,
err..c.i.v.i.c.s & m.o.r.a.l education
& B for malay.


she made me cry once again...
dunno what happen. dunno what she wants. dunno where it hurts. i don't know... i was at wits end...
so i gave up and sit her upright on the sofa when she flashed at me. no...she flashed a smile at Taylor Hicks. how can i forget. she is a bigger fan than me. in fact this happened before when she turned 3mths. she screamed out so loud. he concluded that we made her miss 3/4 of the show, thats why...
now, not only did she calmed down instantly. she actually started singing her own tunes. *sigh* i took a breather. got myself together and try to enjoy the show...
i have to say i lost it since mrDaughtry left the show. no wait.. actually since mrBice lost last year. they were so blind to let boring, no personality whatsoever Underwood woman win. fools they are. i say they are still bloody fools 'em americanas. now i really lost my faith in A.I. if the woman were to win again this year. lets say they lost a fan. maybe two...
least i still have project runway...
then she squished on me. hot yellow goo on my hands. argh..
nevermind that. soon after the clean up she started whining. of course, time: 2110hr. its over..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


celtics said u hate loneliness? quick tampered at times? needs to be needed....
you've been crying for these reasons maybe. it scares me to think that we may have the same traits.. well maybe not far from the tree. still it scares me. three loggerheads in da house. but as muslims we know where we stand and respect will be one of your early lessons in life...
i have been trying to feed you. your last 100ml was at 0630am now is 1300pm and i only manage to force in bout 80ml. you would take five sips then let go. you should be on your second bottle dear. meanwhile i have plenty on my to-do-list. so its only right that you help me out. being a good girl and amuse yourself silly would be great for a start. here you are doing the laundry chores with me... now i need my bath. so you better drink up and take your nap or you will end up in the bathroom wit me...

ahli nujum

ahli nujum
according to celtic astrologers we are faithful ladies...

Cypress Tree (Faithfulness) - strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give but doesn't necessarily like it, strives to be content, optimistic, wants to be financially independent, wants love and affection, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick tempered at times, can be unruly and careless, loves to gain knowledge, needs to be needed.

heres what we look like... of course ummie is da fat tree... i am the skinny one... *loc ~laugh out cheeky*
so what tree are you.. huh? huh? huh?...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

r & r

*stretching* good morning ummie...
wow i had a good good rest. its tuesday mornin huh... did i sleep thru monday? oh well who cares.. i can imagine me knocked out like this...

Sunday, May 21, 2006


you know i was running fever yet you still bring me out...
you know i was sleeping yet you still carry me away...
dont blame me when i was cranky and whinny while you indulge the great sale...
dont blame me when i wail away my inconsolable cries thru out the journey home...
*when syidz n mom could not hush me in da back seat,
why should i hush when you left me in the car seat alone*
today is your work day, a morning call for me..
today is my cousin birthday, a party to attend...
dont blame me...*yawning*

Saturday, May 20, 2006


its all so quiet.. shhh... shhh... it just little miss dopey, me and housework this week. confined coz she's not well. and lonely coz he's exam is on monday. he comes home with hugs and kixxes but i know that his brain is all tied up in a knot...
i miss my sis. i don't think she does coz the calls are not coming in. sometimes i get emo attacks when i dont meet them. i guess missy kept me occupied. if not the housework did...
i am gonna try to make it to the nearest mall today... juz missy n me and the fundamentals of shopping. if she allows me to...

Friday, May 19, 2006


you had your immunisation exercise yesterday. Dr Joanne Lim took your weight, height and skull circumference. then she did the development test. when she exercised your limbs or when she poked you on your tummy and groin area. you found it most amusing... as she prepared your jab you were practicing your cry. naturally as the jabs enters your cry heightens. but it all ends before we left the room. thats my girl...
today i will serve only you. your fever is brewing. i know its gonna be a long day. your cries in distress saddens me too. you sure spelled out to me that it hurts and you're not comfortable. my ears are peeled to hear your calls when i am not beside you. i will soothe you and rock you in my arms whenever you ask for it my lurve. trust me i am trying me best to nurse you...

Thursday, May 18, 2006


meet my pal, willie. he is a whale. he pops out from the tele. he is from that baby einstein show. i play with willie at home and baba's house. he's funny and sings a lot too. but his voice sounds like a woman most of the time. willie would tickle me to the bone. he eats my tummy and sometimes i get sick from it. especially after feeding. then i would eat him too. he will get all wet. well, he is the creatures of the sea.... *smiling* pal willie...


i wasnt sure who i was 'gunning' for but i slept through it all... managed to get a glimpse of the final 1 min of the credits! i wanted to see how did the hawk faced manager bow in defeat... then missy woke up angry. she missed the action too.. but a bottle of warm milk would cool her down... i wouldnt say the same for me....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


no this is not bad hair day... this is the aftershock...didnt you find the water birth clip on the news today rather Gore... that water birth mommy was wearing only her bikini top! and this is our home news... i saw her bikini clad breasts, her exploding tummy, her taking out the pain by squeezing the other's hand, also when the baby slide out into the world...i saw her labour !..yikes... oh i hope ummie dont have a footage of herself in labour. i would so die, not to see it. i saw ummie scringe in disgust watching the clip. maybe her labour was easy. so seeing such agony makes her uncomfortable.. ouch..
for that i wish her happy belated mothersDay... ;p

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


3 fuse explosions later...
me ~ some kinda stench coming from my head from too much redundant problem solving...
him ~ is it because y0u're thinking and trying to solve rubbish project? thinking of rubbish causes heads to stink...
. jOb stinks!..

Monday, May 15, 2006


i know you are reading this.. you have been since before i was born. are you having fun aunty LuNa. one day bring me along too. i wanna go on the jet plane. is it cold there like aircon. meanwhile gifts and clothes would do me just fine. thank you. remember that my height is 58cm. that means from my head to my toe. so you do the maths. this is for you...

ummie misses you too...


Sunday, May 14, 2006


started the day at 0530hrs ~getting ready for work! mother's day o not. it just sux to work on sundays...
. was never an event since we *brother n me* were traumatized by my dad to never celebrate such events ever.. the ultimatum came only after we pin up the self decorated banner in their room!... however when we grew up to make friends a priority rather than family. my dad change the rules and make these events a reason for us to gather for dinner... hee.... all those money saved from gifts of yesteryears are thrown into family feast...
anywayz with a baby @3months how is she suppose to show her appreciation to me... i did however receive a touching call from my sweet one this morning... awww...
Stickwitu by Pussycat Dolls

More music video codes at

a celebration for motherhood all around the world. i still got to work at it till i get my first MD card from my missy...

Thursday, May 11, 2006


my first documented roll over and ummie's first scrapbookingit reads: First 3 months you are a cranky, loud blaring, ummie hogging, night waking, fist sucking, binky clogged baby...
thanx for the very detailed description of me, ummie. you still got a lot to learn too... ceh..


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


uh oh
you are now learning to roll over. you will create a ruckus whenever you succeed. like kicking over the powder during diaper change. then i sat you down beside me for my prayers. you were at it again. as i was taking my ablution i heard a thump followed by your cries. i knew the inevitable has happened. you not only managed to sit upright but you outdo yourself. you toppled forward landing face down! this is your first of plenty more mishaps to come. be strong my lady. for i may not be there for your next fall...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

big deal

big deal
recently everyone kept asking me about exam. wats dat? i keep telling them its a TEST. topical test. then they would ask me if i had study? for wat? my sister especially, would ask me loads of question about the test that i had. told her its mass test. M.A.S.S test. then she got more confused and bombard me with more questions. these adults think they know everything!
later i also explained that we sat in single rows. we cannot copy answer because it is a test. also i am the row leader. it means i will collect everyones test paper. my sis always praises me and is very proud of me. hmmm...i AM Row Leader *feeling all great and mighty* but thats all that they do realy, ask questions. they never actually ask me to sit and study or do revision. so everyday after school its just me and disney channel. after i do my homework of course. but sometimes i dont know how to do. so i wait till they get back to help me. meanwhile i will hog the tele and nenek will retreat to my brother's room to watch her boring drama episodes.

Monday, May 08, 2006


sissy pussy

i wouldn't be caught dead in this...

well the car i dont mind... but the decal hell no....*lol*


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

duty free

duty free
i was dreaming of neverland when i was interupted by a warm squish at my bum bum. oh oh... i pooped.. i called out for ummie... i need to get this slab of sloosh off my bottom..
ummmmieeeee... its been 2mins now.. wer is she. i cant see her its too dark. its 1am.. funny i've never pooped so late before. must have been the chocolate delight i had last night.
ummie always feeds me weird stuff - salty, sweet, sour even spicy. and she says i am a fussy girl when i start wailing. hey, bad food sets the wrong mood..
*lights came on and someone scrambles to make milk*
here she comes... no wait its abah.. no i want ummie... abah you dont know how to change me diapers.. i pooped abah.. i pooped..
he stuffs milk down my throat... ummmieee... he now clogs my mouth with a pacifier.. ummieeee... he shoves the milk again... ummmieee... by now the warm squish has risen up my waist...
after 5mins of struggle i heard her voice. abah lifts me up. now he sways me back and forth.. ummmieeee.... i heard her voice again...
now he passes me over to ummie.. ummieee i poooped... she heard me. so i lay back and relax while she cleans me proper..
she apologises on behalf of abah for not understanding me.. she said it was his night duty...
i had a fresh change of clothes. while abah change my beddings. then she feeds me some nice warm milk... yummm.. den abah took over...
i gave him a smile for trying...
i am soo tired. abah has got a lot to learn but at my expense! i hope he fairs better the next time he's on duty. or i will just give everything a miss and wake up to my beautiful ummie in da morning…
now back to neverland...Zzzzz

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


meanwhile i have found this...

reminds me of my skankin' riding' no curfew nites' flirtin' backpackin' dancin' puffin' days. now its feedin' changin' sleepin' workin' hubbin' days....

WARNING: do not practice what they preach coz they are obviously of different faith. Matisyahu is a popular hasidic jewish reggae artist. he brings electrifying fusion of orthodox Judaism and classic reggae music to his tunes. whats in his name : Matishyahu is a 2nd century BCE Jewish high priest of the Maccabees.