Wednesday, May 03, 2006

duty free

duty free
i was dreaming of neverland when i was interupted by a warm squish at my bum bum. oh oh... i pooped.. i called out for ummie... i need to get this slab of sloosh off my bottom..
ummmmieeeee... its been 2mins now.. wer is she. i cant see her its too dark. its 1am.. funny i've never pooped so late before. must have been the chocolate delight i had last night.
ummie always feeds me weird stuff - salty, sweet, sour even spicy. and she says i am a fussy girl when i start wailing. hey, bad food sets the wrong mood..
*lights came on and someone scrambles to make milk*
here she comes... no wait its abah.. no i want ummie... abah you dont know how to change me diapers.. i pooped abah.. i pooped..
he stuffs milk down my throat... ummmieee... he now clogs my mouth with a pacifier.. ummieeee... he shoves the milk again... ummmieee... by now the warm squish has risen up my waist...
after 5mins of struggle i heard her voice. abah lifts me up. now he sways me back and forth.. ummmieeee.... i heard her voice again...
now he passes me over to ummie.. ummieee i poooped... she heard me. so i lay back and relax while she cleans me proper..
she apologises on behalf of abah for not understanding me.. she said it was his night duty...
i had a fresh change of clothes. while abah change my beddings. then she feeds me some nice warm milk... yummm.. den abah took over...
i gave him a smile for trying...
i am soo tired. abah has got a lot to learn but at my expense! i hope he fairs better the next time he's on duty. or i will just give everything a miss and wake up to my beautiful ummie in da morning…
now back to neverland...Zzzzz

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