Tuesday, May 09, 2006

big deal

big deal
recently everyone kept asking me about exam. wats dat? i keep telling them its a TEST. topical test. then they would ask me if i had study? huh..study.. for wat? my sister especially, would ask me loads of question about the test that i had. told her its mass test. M.A.S.S test. then she got more confused and bombard me with more questions. these adults think they know everything!
later i also explained that we sat in single rows. we cannot copy answer because it is a test. also i am the row leader. it means i will collect everyones test paper. my sis always praises me and is very proud of me. hmmm...i AM Row Leader *feeling all great and mighty* but thats all that they do realy, ask questions. they never actually ask me to sit and study or do revision. so everyday after school its just me and disney channel. after i do my homework of course. but sometimes i dont know how to do. so i wait till they get back to help me. meanwhile i will hog the tele and nenek will retreat to my brother's room to watch her boring drama episodes.

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