Monday, July 31, 2006

morning class

morning class

what i think of these BLOGGERS or BLOGGING
~ self indulgence clowns
~ idiots
~ publicity seekers
~GlenOng & FlyingDutchman
apparently the only blogs he reads is XiaXue's

Sunday, July 30, 2006


is my first day of the week. he is home alone with missy. i hope he last longer this time...
huh.. this time i gave up. seeing that production was not running. i decided to take half day. then he called saying her poo was 'seketul' plus there was were traces of blood.
my colleague actually send me to the NEL station.. but i did not make it in time for the doctors.. no worries we just go shopping at that certain mall in Sengkang instead. my baby looks contented. apparently he had given her 3 bottles of morning booster. he mixed cereal in her milk for 3 consecutive feeding. and missy kept asking for more... up to 180ml per feed..
if thats the secret to a contented missy, why not...
if he is happy, why not...
why not C'caine why not..
well it ended there. i made normal concoction for the rest of the day...
pLus plenty plenty of plain water of course.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


she don't like feeding times. its time for a new strategy. we head down to the supermarket. we got her a new formula ~NAN. see how this one fairs. next food for missy. i was still looking for brown rice or beras ayam. what's the diff? this time i was looking for those instant ones. found them in boxes written in chinese but halal. he told me to take the Nestle cereal. no need to grind or cook. somehow he knew i went thru a lot for that small bowl. or maybe he wont have to hassle too? so i pick up a rice cereal. but i still took a pack of the instant brown rice. assuring him that no cooking is required. he answered my doubt that it should not be troblesome for me. hee thanx. then we hurried home as guests were coming...
he had been talking to his colleagues that missy is skinny. saying we have trouble feeding her. so an experienced colleague with 3 kids, no less, will come over with his family. his wife works at a clinic. so she knows a thing or two bout formulas or feeding. she may get samples for us.
they arrive when missy was doing a symphony. i was in the kitchen getting the wares ready. soon the symphony reaches its climax. missy was in his colleagues arm now to his wife. she came in the kitchen but didnt allow me to hold her. she demanded for Gripe water as missy's tummy was hard. to feed her with a syringe by the corner of her mouth, she instructed. the smphony goes on. obviously missy never react well to strangers. i learnt that since she was 2months old. five mins later she pass her to me. missy calm down soon after. she instructed me to rub minyak telon on her tummy and feet. then she exchange tips on diaper changing, formulas and feeding. she mix cereal in her kids milk at every feeding. jadi kenyang..
then as missy got quiet. their kids were in the spotlight. my house is not child friendly. boys will be boys. they grab everything they see. one is 5yrs old. spongebob dvd and a drawing book will keep him busy. its the 18mth old that got me laughing. its scary but i want my 18mth old to drive me crazy too.. hee.. then complain and cry.. wahaha... their mom took missy again. this time missy fool around with them. she said missy just wants company. she saw how cold he was to missy. she suggested that daddy should learn to talk to baby more often. soon it was time for missy to go to bed. she taught me to put vicks on her chest. also to wash missy's face to rid any 'spiritual stuff'. like something she saw. or something ppl say.. thats about it. they left soon after.
i am not offended by her actions. its just that i heard them too many times. in fact i just put down the phone with my grandma. she asked if i got any holy water from my uncle?
i accept the fact that missy is a fussy baby. but i also believe that all my work and his is worth it. for all the smiles and laughter she gave is priceless... we just have to sabar...

2nd chance

2nd chance
let's try this one more time...
you hate plain water. we'll start with a simple test. drinking using a spout...
eating home made white coloured brown rice gruel (this time with milk)...
dummy for comfort...
maybe you hate the spoon? maybe you cant work your tongue to swallow?
how bout gruel in a bottle...
your milk with cerelac...
till the last drop!
enough hustle to put us to sleep

Thursday, July 27, 2006


my baby turns six today. feeding time. i got all the ingredients ready. then i changed plans. he would like to be around for her first feeding. so we stalled feeding time till later part of the day. after all the hassle i got tired. there were tons of work to do. double laundry. clean n vacuuming. cooking dinner. on top of that i have a new routine of cooking for missy. its way too much work.
*all this work for healthy lifestyle?*
seriously whats wrong with intant baby cereals. its loaded with nutrients. it taste good. best of all. its damn easy to make. why i got caught up in the healthy puree food. ok for fruits and vegetables maybe i would still do it. but rice. thats just too messy. especially when such easy alternatives are available.
we grew up in it. my younger cousins grew up in it. nothing is wrong with us. so why not. but all those ppl can make it why not me.. maybe they cheated and had help. *in denial really*
i am scorned because my baby is too young to appreciate what i just did for her birthday. after less than 10 scoops. she refused to take anything else. not water. not milk. nor pacifier. she got disturbed for one hour. then she start screaming her head off. i mean really scream for the next one hour. *new month new style*..
but this time he decided to comfort her. he wanted me to eat first. *i am a phsycopath when it comes to dining. die die i want us to eat together.* as he chants prayers to her. i tried to comfort her too, thats when she screamed like i was dirty! that made me sat on the couch and tears start flowing. what a way to celebrate her birthday. i am sorry baby....
he soon gave up. he instructed me to swaddle her. i was fuming when i found her swaddle was ruined in the laundry. i wrapped her in her yellow kiddopotamus that now had turned bluish. arrgh.. what more could go wrong. she went to sleep soon after the swaddle. we only manage to sit for dinner at nine. but he made my day when he complimented my cooking... thanx hunny...
*now to clean the last bit.. that is the rice cooker...sigh..*

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

genting holiday

peaked pt 2
the day started with a bath at six in da mornin. i screamed in detest. then it got cosy in the new wrap. i resume to sleep mode. everything moved so fast.
we got in the cab. abah is taking up the role of logistic manager. he has to run the show for us. its his first time. ummie handed over the role coz she had me in tow.
we stood beside the bus that will take us to the peak. when suddenly all the buses started to move. we actually missed the bus! it went by right under our nose. abah just couldnt move fast enough and he's always on smoke breaks! he failed terribly on the first hour on the job. ten mins later we settled in another bus. after all that hassle i comfort myself immediately with a nice bottle of warm milk.
i was quiet and i sleep thru the journey mostly. giving a weak smile at the customs officer. ummie was most glad with me.
after a slow hike up the very slow bus ride. we arrived foggy, wet, cool genting. the place was huge. the whole place is a resort. all prices 'resort' too. ummie was not comfortable with the loads of ppl. now ummie knew why she avoided Genting. she hates crowd. she hate being a tourist in a commercialised destination. she usually takes the unbeaten track. yet she couldnt believe how efficient the check in was. they thought of everything. their crowd control was superb. malaysia boleh... we(sgp) make up the minority of tourist. there were many many arab ppl in black suits. scary.
so we walk and walk and walk for two days. they were not able to take any rides thanx to me. so we simply see what the place have to offer. giving my parents the perfect opporunity to do some major shopping. boring.. i sleep thru them trying out clothes and shoes. its a bit of a topsy turvy whenever i am in the changing room with ummie. she never puts me down. not even during toilet breaks!
i was an angel except in the hotel room. its boring. i wanna go out where its cool and so much to see. i wake them up early to go out. when they return to the room for solat. i will start whining again when they start to slack. it works.. we would go out walking some more... heee...
abah had another first job that he failed terribly again.. ummie made him change me when i poo. when ummie heard abah was about to puke. she saved him and me of the agony. for that abah bought her two pairs of timberland.. hee...
i'm tired... just enjoy the picture essay k.... ~its in ummie's multiply...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


at 1745hr my grandma called. she told me my sis, pinky, is not back from school yet. she wants me to call my dad. grandmas tend to hussle us somtimes.
my dad works odd hours. so he is probably with her going out to meet my mom. on the phone he told me he called home to check at 1600hr but she's not home yet.
pinky is not with my dad...
he told me he will call the bus driver. while i will wait for his call.
only then, I will call the school to enquire...
pinky has classes after school on Wednesday but will be home by 1600hrs. still its Tuesday not Wednesday.
my heart starts to race. but calmly i told my colleages to hold the line. *Give me five mins. my sister is missing...*
i left their shock faces and head to the toilet. ease myself and calmly wait for the call.
dad- *dia kat rumah cik Taha. baba cakap ngan cik Taha tadi.*
sigh... is an understatemant really. the relief i let go was enourmous.
now my anger swells. i call my grandama to inform her. now to talk to pinky...
kids (2 girlie cousins age 9 and 8 & 1 boy age 7) picked up the phone with noisy background of laughter and singing. i call for pinky. she was still singing when she heads for the phone. a cheery hello greeted me. with a low stern voice i start my interrogation.
she claims she told my mom on sunday. (she can practically hide under her skirt) she admitted she told no one else today. she insisted no one instigated her to go over. (the girlie cousins often calls her to chat and brainwash her) i point out it very clearly it was wrong. she got the hint within 1 min of the call as her voice mellows down. i talked to her cousin too for not being responsible. she should insists that all parents should know their whereabouts. by three gruelling mins all noises in the background had subside. i was a killjoy.
*what you did was wrong. something bad may have happened. i love you very much.*
now she starts to sob. which makes me melt. i had to turn on my mother mode. i always have been with her. we were inseparable (as sistas) till now. i had to teach her or she will repeat this anytime she likes. told her to stop crying and i put down the phone with a good note.
1 min later
she rang *what is baba's phone number?*
she took action immediately. she called my grandma and now trying to get my dad. my tear's welled up. she's my darling sis. obedient and smart. i love her too much...
i wish she could have stayed with me and be mine...

gates of hell

gates of hell
are open...
it's here. its time to seal 'em windows shut. or your curtain go black with soot. or your feet goes black walking around at home. i try to understand the culture but they could not explain well enough. its just something they do since donkey years ago. heres one that explains into gory details. so much that when i ask for their opinion they say it too 'chim'. then there are others with opposing principals... and i quote

Ghost are always around every day. Who says that they only appear during the 7th
lunar month?

its an ordeal really. for us who are home proud and cant stand the sight of dirt. but there are too many of them (burnin n yearnin). in a new estate its not so bad... i thought.. apparently this year they woke up and live the tradition... what a mess. its sad coz some of the damage will stain forever. well they (gahmen) are trying to curb this issue. with not much success really...
but wait its like double jeopardy this year.. its hungry ghost month x2.. seehere..
skeptical. i had many encounters today. i cannot comprehend the way my machines react to this. its weird! at 1830hrs sharp. my machines start to fail with the most absurd reasons. LAN connection failure! keyboard n mouse failure! like hey... give me a better challenge. still its enough to stop me from going home. idiot... i got held up when i have ngaji today. it was 2245hrs by the time i fetch missy. i covered her head, hold her tight & shield her so no one or nothing could harm her...
believe it or not... its better prevention than cure... if there is a cure for ghostly encounters...

morning class

morning class
happiness is not a destination...
it is your way of travel...

Monday, July 24, 2006

genting trip

peaked pt 1
we're back.... here is a fast one...
need to catch some sleep... will update more later...
about the trip....err.. what can i say??...
again!.. again!.. again!...

Friday, July 21, 2006


i did it all.. safety audit went on like the breeze.
so i will go on a holiday with no worries. yeah.. a well deserve break. its so overdue. even the guys at werk are making fun of me. saying that my baby clip my wings..hee..
so its my first holiday since the arrival of missyE. i'm anxious to see how she fairs on her maiden voyage. i'm prepared for her worse. we are all packed and ready to wahaha.. damn near right. with all my travelling of yesteryears i never set foot at the famous peak. so its my first too. chose it coz of the weather. hope it'll be friendly to missy..

thats not all... i also accomplished a dream of mine. i really wanted the hug-a-bub or cuddly wrap or peapod.. but it was way off my budget.. but i'm stubborn.. so with a little innovation, a little patience, a little snipping with thread n needle....
ta-daaa~... my very own hug-a-missyWrap-pod... kherkhehehe..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

weekend here?

weekend pt deux
weekend is here! right after i confess me missing boo. ummie immediately fixed the time and place. truth is she misses them too. but we were getting ready now. i was so excited that whenever i dont see ummie i will start whinning. ...i tot she left me.. bad move coz it only made us leave the house later.
i slept in the train to conserve all my energy for them. what a nice surprise everyone was there ...even amiHafiz... except for abah of course. ummie hand me over to amiHafiz. so she could salvage all that GSS has to offer. while i simply watch their antics. soaking in all the 'miss you' kisses from all of them. i listened intently for what they have tell me. i may not be able to decipher all but i try... i was a good girl. i behaved like a lady. flashing shy smiles and no whinning whatsoever. except when they were dining. hey i want my milk too. i made ummie proud when i gulp down 2 bottles of milk...
then we went to the supermarket. a place i am very familiar with. this one is huge though. as we stroll along in the cart.i simply admire my boo. .nice long flowing hair. such grace. then the cold draft set in. we at the fridge section. tried to tell her to get my some nice fruit juice when ummie caught us with her camera. no worries we simply pose for her. she'll leave us after a shot. unfortunately i was not succesful in getting my fruit juice. though boo manage to get herself a toy. hmph.. i must try other tactics.. next weekend then...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


is it here yet?
i look forward to my weekends. we would go out shopping with nanny, bak and boo. no.. wait.. actually its alternate weekend. not really.. err...heres how.. one week we would all shop at a grand mall. then the following week we would slack at the heartlands. thats when i will stay with them on sundays while ummie goes to work...
cramp huh.. i think abah & ummie better start saving for bigger wheels...
but i have not seen them since last last week. coz last week i was with aunty syidz and some relatives from pekan bahru.
so wer is my boo? what has she been up to? the last i met her. i almost didnt recognise her. she dropped her first baby tooth recently. although another one has grown to replace it. when will my teeth grow? she told me about the tooth fairy. its how one places their tooth under the pillow and the next morning a surpise gift will greet them. but only when they dont cheat... i wonder if we have a hair fairy, i sure have lots of hair under my pillow!
also she has gone all dark and tan from frequent swimming. she would bring me swimming too. even when i dont swim. i would play with the waves by the side of the pool for like 5 mins. then spent most of the time sleeping under the umbrella. which means ummie have to watch me.. hee... maybe she have been going swimming without me. so thats where she must be right now. swimming!... hmph... but its a school day...???.. why didnt she call me... i miss her.. i miss her stories. i miss her singing.. my boo is smart. she would read me books... which is most fun.. coz i get to eat it later... wer is she? is it weekend yet?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

war of the world

war of the world
they are still capable of declaring war despite the absence of the evil man himself...
our prayer goes out to those who perished and still surviving the middle east dispute...
our prayer also goes out to those who perished and survived the tsunami...
but whats bigger than a tsunami or even war of the world?
a pop diva declaring her marriage proposal!!
we took away her adolescence
she grew up having to bid her fans and media
now she puts an end to her bachelorette
with an abrupt call, after a year's affair
not afraid of the speculations that may follow
she is now a brave and we hope wiser woman
i wont deny my disappointments
but we can only shower her with good blessings...

Monday, July 17, 2006

get it off yer chest

get it off yer chest
browsed thru BABY by youngparents... go there to see donita rose's sweet face and her kid of course.. i didnt have time to finish reading the articles but there were plenty of goodies in its spread. i was ecstatic. it was like a shopping catalogue. i would try to grab one copy and read up. more to getting my hands on those delicious apparels...dresses,shoes,even those nonspill mugs... its only published every quater!
so i couldnt sleep over these...
edgy designed rompers
milkadelic baby rompers
all singapore based so can buy buy buy...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

formula part deux

formula part deux
as i explained earlier. you outdo yourself yesterday. i gave you a booster at 11am. since then you refused milk till 8pm! that is 10hours of no milk....
we were out shopping. i tried to force feed you. only bout 2oz flowed but my bet is, it ends up on your bib!
at 8pm you awaken from slumber coz you pooped. you did not poop the day before! your poo looks good - nice, wet and squashy. no constipation. i guess if you dont drink enuff how to poop right? haiz..
you got cranky and inconsolable. nice warm milk did not entice you to drink. even pacifier didnt work. desperate i made a bottle of booster. but you didnt buy it... 15mins later you gave up and drank all 5oz of booster. phew....
then we played together. you forgot about going back to sleep. you charmed us wit your smiles and antics. all three of us on the floor playing while abah sing 'we are family.. get up everybody and sing'...
see how nice life would be if you just drink up..
i wonder how breastfed mom knows how much their kid is getting?
is this a cause for me to worry about. you may be sick of the taste of milk. should i try other milk alternatives like soya, goats' or those special no lactose types. you cant have cereal in your milk at all times no matter how small the quantity may be.. hmmm.. a very fussy eater da making!..

sandi thom

i wish i was a punk rocker(with flowers in my hair). the first time i heard the song. it sounds lame like those americana songs. ala american least madonna injected some life to its remake. still missSandiThom's enthem has been drumming in my head. and ummie actually wear her punk clothes at home. dont tell anyone but it makes her feel young again... sad right... so i too wanna be a punk rock girl. let me see...
denim skirt - check
coloured stokings - check
cool top - check
metal chains - check
cool shoes - ummie buy me this
all ready now lets sing along.. sandiThom's video..

Saturday, July 15, 2006


coming 6mths i am still being swaddled to sleep. it calms me down. but i still kick myself silly even when my eyes are already closed. so what happens when i am outside. without the comforts of my ummie's cuddle. how am i supoose to sleep? i'm lost. i just dont know what to do with 'em hands...

Friday, July 14, 2006


ummie have been busy lately. everytime i hear her going "audit audit audit"... whatever it is. it is making me miss my daily dose of booboo world.. haiz..
anywayz i have discovered something new this month...
i swish swosh it around my mouth and stick it out to find more new taste each time. i love to stick it out and it drives them crazy. i am trying to tell them i am ready for the yummy world of porridge. i know the taste of my mittens, fingers and toes. well lately not only mine.. hehee...


you has been drinking only 23oz per day when you should down about 40oz. recently you threw tantrums at night. you tossed and turn for an hour. then cried for another hour. i had a flashback of the confinement periods. Cuddled, your face at my breast reminds me of our difficult feeding times... now it still is difficult to feed you. you refuse to finish your drink. i would be happy if you can finish the small avent bottle.
i have tried many formulas.
2nd month - similac
3rd month - enfalac ~juz bcoz it has higher DHA
4th month - enfalac & friso
5th month - mamil & similac
i never follow the rule of thumb of not mixing formulas. hee.. dangerous concoction huh... i switch brands to see if you would prefer other milk thus making you drink up. to no avail though. i dedcided to switch back to similac due to poo-ing issues. if i were to follow the theory of breastmilk poo and formula poo. sometimes those on breastmilk dont poo because it is well balance thus no wastage. so i noticed that with enfalac she poos more(quantity) and curd like. while with similac she poos less and muddy. so i deduce that the milk is well balance!... hee.. anyway it still doesnt resolve the problem of your low milk intake.
so i decided to give you a boost. i had a can of cereal. so i added a tablespoon of cereal to 5oz of milk instead of your intake of 4oz. you hooked on the bootle after the first taste. then Voila! finished the whole bottle. i find it most amazing....
so it will be a new ritual for you... one bottle booster for breakfast...

Monday, July 10, 2006


kudos to those who arrived work on time today.
my le coq sportif's were pumping the pedals (manual tx) at CTE this morning. stuck during peak hours and yet the LTA charged me 2bucks for my workout. clad in white but still loyal to les blues. the whole world wants to know why mrYazid acted the way he did. an exit to his career in such manner! and of course ppl with good looks will always disappoint you.. haiz...
i wonder if i will have the same spirit to follow up in 2010.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


dine in
i have not been cooking for sometime now. coz i either burn them or they dont taste good somehow. i questioned him and he would prefer me to cook. so i did it. Superwoman is back. i juggle the laundry, missy, cleaning, missy, vacuuming, missy, cooking, missy.. haiz... but i reap the benefits.. he will be more helpful, more daddy-ish, more cuddly and of course more lovable.. armed with jazz in the city 2... i say bring it on... pardon me...
so missy what did we have for dinner...

Thursday, July 06, 2006


juz ummie and me at our monthly marketing...

my stroller can fit 6watermelons and more space to stack huge diapers... so once i can grab i will definitely add to her shopping lists... hee...
we go wheezing thru the aisles. she would give me new toys to play. funny though coz those toys never came home with me. i hate it when shopping is over... she would leave me alone to carry all the goods up to our place.. haiz...

here are the best finds...
i had nappy rash for 2 weeks. ummie was about to try mustela or desitin when Dr Joaane Tan recommended this. it goes away almost instantly. puts a smile on everyones faces... no more rashes for me...

all women of the universe hear this...
this is no ordinary sanitary napkin. a must try. it is superbly, comfortable you wont know its there. especially those with sensitive skin. ummie was so excited she wanted to call everyone to buy. if only she had known earlier, her confinment days wont be so gloomy...
if only they come in diaper form....


Wednesday, July 05, 2006


1 i have a birth mark at my back... coincidentally is the exact spot as abah's!
2 i wear a hat when i go out coz i have a bald patch and flat headed
3 i have a tiny dimple on my lower right corner of my smile
4 i am a baby cameleon my neck can change colours!
5 i can laugh and play without uttering a sound
6 i am an indian gal!!!


5 things you never dreamt you'd enjoy ~ m&b july'06
1 Getting your baby to burp. It's a lovely excuse to have a bit of a pat and a cuddle, for a start- and there's something wonderfully satisfying about hearing that nice big milky sound of success
err.. i am too lazy for this especially when she's going to bed.. next!
2 Peering at diaper full of poo. Oh, the myriad joys of dirty-nappy dissection! What on earth did you and your husband find to talk about before the baby arrived?
this particular diaper session. he doesnt even had a go at it yet! to think of it as something i way! although it is a relieve to see that she has pooed for the day otherwise more trouble might be brewing....
3 Being woken at 6:30am. With a gummy smile
SubahannaLLah... MasyaaLLah.. this i totally agree...
4 Watching teletubbies. Although it does begin to pall a bit on the 198th viewing...
i would NEVER let her watch this... never..
5 Going to the hairdesser's. Or anywhere you can get a blissful hour or two just for yourself!
great idea.. will go tommorrow after my workout... woohoo..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

paris hilton

they dont make songs like this anymore. simple, catchy and fresh. its a bonus for ummie who is a ska fan. so she totally dig this song. however much controversy is attached to the singer. i hear she got a bad bad reputation. i heards words like 'bimbo' 'slut' 'blonde'. i think 'blonde' got something to do with colour. well i like the song so what about the singer, i dont care. ummie is watching her video. but she said i'm too young... hey..not fair!...
so if you are above 18 click here... most of you are not anyway.. so forget about cheating.. or Albus Dumbledore may put a counter spell.. and you will be old for life!.


it looks bad... but before you report my parents for child abuse.. hear me out...
every evening i will be all sticky and smelly.. ummie always hint out loud that i smell bad when i am at baba's house. but they love it. they say thats the best part of a baby!
i may have sensitive skin. then there is the scortching heat and high humidity. thus friction of my perspiration under my folded skin is the result when you put all those factors together...
at home where its windy and cool. it will not sore like the picture. ummie got some medication from my doc for them to apply for me. but the key factor is to keep me dry. they so fail at doing that at baba house. i am partly to be blame too. i always pull away my bib while feeding. so all the dirt and milk residue will 'cake up' at the folds. those cakey residue smells horrid. major foul smelling cake!...
but the damage is done. now my skin is two toned. white and tanned. more like a zebra maybe... haiz...

Monday, July 03, 2006


ummie pass off a chance to go watch world cup final! haiz..
i could be a cheerleader like aunty shireen suggested.
too bad.. unless anyone got 10000 buckeroos to spare?


things are going rather slow now. it drives me nuts. i would call for them but they take the longest time to respond. even playtime is just chatting, peek-a-boos and tickles. no 'fly' me in the air or dancing wit ummie. they have slacked. must be too much tele and munching chips! i heard a commotion just now. they got some free gifts in their bag of chips.
LOSERS.... imagine excitement over these... its really sad...

Sunday, July 02, 2006


watching 2 critical matches then going to work immediately after...
i became some what disorientated.. i think.. because i swear i saw goats on trees!! do you?....

oily facts about goats, trees and goat poo!
