Tuesday, July 25, 2006


at 1745hr my grandma called. she told me my sis, pinky, is not back from school yet. she wants me to call my dad. grandmas tend to hussle us somtimes.
my dad works odd hours. so he is probably with her going out to meet my mom. on the phone he told me he called home to check at 1600hr but she's not home yet.
pinky is not with my dad...
he told me he will call the bus driver. while i will wait for his call.
only then, I will call the school to enquire...
pinky has classes after school on Wednesday but will be home by 1600hrs. still its Tuesday not Wednesday.
my heart starts to race. but calmly i told my colleages to hold the line. *Give me five mins. my sister is missing...*
i left their shock faces and head to the toilet. ease myself and calmly wait for the call.
dad- *dia kat rumah cik Taha. baba cakap ngan cik Taha tadi.*
sigh... is an understatemant really. the relief i let go was enourmous.
now my anger swells. i call my grandama to inform her. now to talk to pinky...
kids (2 girlie cousins age 9 and 8 & 1 boy age 7) picked up the phone with noisy background of laughter and singing. i call for pinky. she was still singing when she heads for the phone. a cheery hello greeted me. with a low stern voice i start my interrogation.
she claims she told my mom on sunday. (she can practically hide under her skirt) she admitted she told no one else today. she insisted no one instigated her to go over. (the girlie cousins often calls her to chat and brainwash her) i point out it very clearly it was wrong. she got the hint within 1 min of the call as her voice mellows down. i talked to her cousin too for not being responsible. she should insists that all parents should know their whereabouts. by three gruelling mins all noises in the background had subside. i was a killjoy.
*what you did was wrong. something bad may have happened. i love you very much.*
now she starts to sob. which makes me melt. i had to turn on my mother mode. i always have been with her. we were inseparable (as sistas) till now. i had to teach her or she will repeat this anytime she likes. told her to stop crying and i put down the phone with a good note.
1 min later
she rang *what is baba's phone number?*
she took action immediately. she called my grandma and now trying to get my dad. my tear's welled up. she's my darling sis. obedient and smart. i love her too much...
i wish she could have stayed with me and be mine...

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